Court Martial

Sam is currently in the middle of the main tent.

Even though it is called a tent. It is very majestic. It is adjacent to a mountain that is partially under the tent. The mountain's side was carved in such a way that a large platform was created. The platform is at least twelve feet above the ground with stairs right before the center seat.

The person who sat in the center seat is Blaine. The current commander of the camp and also the person directly in charge of Brice's case.

On either side of him, some people sat down. Sam recognized them from Brice's memory. They are judges from the main camp. But one look and Sam could guess, they are on Blaine's side.

The whole court-martial is just a front to destroy Brice and his future. And Sam doesn't really care much about it. He liked Brice, but that is it. Nothing more nothing less, there is no way Sam is going to waste his time on this.