Sam's Big Words

Demigods all stared at Sam with a frown.

This is the first time, they took any real interest at Sam. After all, in their own words, he is but a toy to them. He is nothing more than a plaything. So, they didn't care much about his appearance or prowess.

Even the reward the Demigod at the front promised, made them focus little on this guy.

But now, they cannot just ignore him anymore.

Sam finished his stretching and spoke.

"I don't know who gave you the information about me. From your attitudes, whatever you have heard, you probably didn't believe, or the person who gave you the information didn't give you the full information.

But let me tell you a few things about me.

I have a very good memory.

I never forget a thing. I might throw useless and insignificant things to the back of my mind, but they are never truly forgotten.

My memory is good that I even remember the face of every person that I killed so far.