
The next day after the meetings are held.

All of Sam's students left desolate at the break of dawn. They used their special privilege as Sam's students to leave the place through the space gates.

By the time Watt, Jack and the Philip realized that they are gone, they already crossed three realms. The trio didn't get an accurate idea of where they are going, they have to wait and see where the next check point is and estimate where they are going.

"Do you think they are going after the Olympus organizations?" Watt speculated.

"What else could they be doing? They must have understood that we will restrict their activities in the war. So, they just took the initiative in it."

"Are we letting them leave like this?"

"Well, someone is following them. So, we don't have to worry too much."

Philip said as he looked at the log data of the space gates.

"Who is after them?"