
As Sam noticed every player moving, he made the puppets follow them.

He steered puppets seamlessly. Even though he is controlling more than a few dozen of his own puppets, he is still keeping up with every player's movement.

Noah and Kumar as usual made their move together. They targeted a group of three targets. Noah's vines attacked the three from different sides. A batch of vines caught them by their feet and sped forward to hold their arms down.

Another batch of vines climbed up around them in the air and created a cage. The three of them were caught off guard and couldn't get out of it instantly.

As they struggled to get out, one of the vines gave out a spike filled with poison. It stabbed one of them in the spine killing them. The remaining two managed to find a weak spot and tore open the cage.

Only to see two spears zooming toward their faces.

They could feel the pressure from the attacks. They knew they are going to die right there.