
Shijin couldn't breathe.

But when he looked at Sam's eyes, he understood that he is talking to a very different person. The Sam he met previously is just a character being played. Right now, Sam is different. He is unfathomably angry.

Shijin nodded his head in fear.

He looked at Sam and was about to ask him something, but that gaze made him stop.

"I want to find out about the location of the few people. They are all linked to the war that is going on right now and their presence would be new. It has only been three days since they arrived, but they are all gaining decent pull within this war.

Here are their names.

Tap into all of your information networks. I don't care what you have to do. You have forty minutes exactly. Contact everyone you need to and get me the information. For every minute you delay the result, I will torture you for a minute.

And trust me, my torture will make a minute feel like an hour if not a day.