
After the meeting with the faction leaders, Sam directly went back to the mansion and called over all the players.

He looked at the youngsters and elders that are following the players and shook his head.

"All of you, get out of here please."

He directly said it to their face. His voice is also cold and the elders and the youngsters were stunned. All these days, Sam was very friendly. Even though he was serious when working, he always talked to them with a smile and even tolerated a lot of their antics with a diplomatic smile.

This is the first time they have seen him act like this

Of course, some young masters didn't like this. Many of them are jealous of Sam and the other players, particularly the people who are on the same level as him.

But they know, the players outclass them by several leagues in a proper combat situation.

So, they couldn't do much.

"What do you mean by that?"

One of them asked with a frown.