New Setup

Twenty minutes later.

A team of more than thirty giants and all of them at the same level as Mitra are currently rushing towards the hideout that Sam just raided.

When they saw the hideout from far away, they were stunned.

Because that didn't look like a hideout that was raided, rather it looked like a reinforced prison just from the outside.

The whole are is brimming with formations and there are a bunch of guards with weapons and inscription scrolls ready to take on anyone that comes. The cave looked unscathed. 

The only problem is that the guards that are roaming around the cave are not exactly giants. They are humans. There are more than forty humans in various positions. Some moving and some standing still as they defended the hideout.

And the weapons the humans held are also looking very different. They looked like spears, but the spear head is not sharp, it had a hole on top of it.