
That day went by just like that.

Everyone was busy. Sometimes the young masters came around and tried to test Sam out a bit. But he didn't bother with them. He was way too focused on the formations. Only at midnight or so, Sam finally relaxed and decided to have another meal.

He set up his grilling equipment and got ready. At that moment, the young masters and the rest also wanted to take some rest and they were enticed by the fragrance coming from Sam's side.

Some are contemplating asking him for some food in exchange for money.

But soon they were spooked a bit.

Two huge figures appeared in the sky and landed on the ground raising a wave of dust.

Sam didn't even flinch, he just created a barrier around him and the grill as he gestured for Yanwu and Sky to come and eat.

"Go and deliver to the rest after you are done. How is the practice going?"