
Sam held the lightning humanoid in that hold for about three minutes.

He had his eyes closed and his face changed bit by bit with amusement, surprise and interest. He could see a lot of ingenious techniques used in making these creatures. They are just giant formations and the nodes are also condensed out of pure energy.

The only problem is, it is very hard to deactivate these formations with formation techniques. To the point, it would be better to just damage it enough to destroy the nodes and let it disappear. Because the nodes are constantly moving within the body making it hard to mark them down and deal with them.

But that doesn't mean, Sam didn't have any alternate plans other than fighting with brute force.

He let his energy spread into the creature and it obviously resisted.

At that moment, Sam's observation ability is running with utmost focus. He wanted to understand the behavior of this creature and within no time, he got the basic idea.