Kumar's Request

The atmosphere turned solemn with Sam's serious expression.

"What exactly did he do there?"

Noah asked Kumar. She is the only one not too worried about speaking out of line. In a way she is closer to Sam than Kumar, because she understood Sam more than Kumar. They have the mutual respect that created that bond.

With Kumar and Sam, it is typical guy friendship, that developed because they were in the same situation since the start. They do respect each other, but it is a bit different compared to Noah and Sam.

That is also the reason why, Noah acted much bolder with Sam even when the rest of the players were walking on egg shells around him.

Kumar sighed and took out a recording crystal.

Noah played the video of the planet. What she saw made even her, who saw destruction of all proportions to gasp in shock. The whole planet is barren. There is not a sign of vegetation. The video showed different locations on the planet.