Plot thickens


Krimin laughed like he heard the biggest joke of his life. He looked at Gorn like he is looking at a silly little kid.

"It seems like you don't really understand your position, Gorn. No matter what organization or affiliation you are part of, there is one absolute rule that applies to all. It is one absolute authority that anyone should obey.

I am here on behalf of that authority."

"What authority would that be?" Gorn asked. Just from the frown and the scowl on his face, it is apparent that he is very annoyed.

"It is the authority of the strong. Whoever has the bigger fist has the higher authority and the people with lower fist has to comply.

So, you, the former elder of the Zeus academy has to comply no matter what you think. Your thoughts are the most irrelevant thing in this whole transaction.
