
Bloody Chariot went to the communication formation.

On the other side, Thor's image is visual. A tragic one actually. His clothes and armor are tattered. He has several injuries which shouldn't matter much for the man of his strength. So, the gloomy and sad expression on his face can only be a result of something else.

"They died."

That is his opening statement.

"Who died?"

"The kids, everyone that went to the expedition. Everyone that was on the planet. Except for the elders that went to accompany them. They all died."

Bloody Chariot's spine shivered. He felt the chills run all over it.

"What happened?" He asked in quivering tone.

"The formations became odd as we kept on solving them. After that, the domes for some reason started acting weird. They got charged with unstable energy which threatened to explode. We tried to stabilize it, but it was too late.