Weird Move

Sam is surprised.

He originally thought that since the whole region is in chaos, the Poseidon academy will completely ignore the quest situation. After all, that is a trivial thing. And he is also sure that the news from the Telchine territory shouldnt reach the Poseidon academy at the moment.

After all, for that Krejin has to pull himself together, inform their family, subdue the shadow cavalry that is rampaging in their territory and then finally, they would contact Christos.

Then only the Poseidon academy will know the details of the incident. 

Right now, the academy is too closed to care much about this. However, Sam immediately connected this with a different issue. Right now, every academy wants access to him which is being denied by the Gambler academy. In Nian's words, they need to find a legitimate way.

Now, Poseidon academy has one.