Story Time

Sam is a bit pissed.

He looked at Ling Tian and almost wanted to beat the crap out of the guy. But Sam knew he would get his own ass whooped in a spectacular fashion if he tried it.

"Ling Tian, I am getting tired of your constant pestering. I understand that you are concerned that the player handpicked by your beloved Gambler, is in harms way and you don't want to go through the trouble of finding a new toy for him.

But you made your bed when you brought me here, so you have to face it.

You are not me. You are not in my shoes and you will not understand my anger. So, you cannot just constantly push your concerns on to me and force me to obey them.

If the messenger council really intervenes, so be it. If their duty is really what you say their duty is, they would have stopped me by now. But they didn't. If they had seen my whole plan since the start, they knew what the consequences of it are going to be, but they didn't.