Crow Vs Samil

Needless to say Rashma won.

She stood there as Ling Tian examined the injuries on Drake's face and shoulders. Apart from that, there are some very distinct injuries on his back. Exactly above his tail bone. Two injuries. They were clearly there because Rashma locked her legs by digging her heels into there.

It is just that there is more to those hells. It is not very clear what it is, but it definitely dug deep into his flesh and even left some miniature fractures on his bones.

Drake never even had a chance.

Rashma just stared at the scene until Ling Tian let her go. The crowd cheered with claps and whistles, but of course the participants grew a bit more nervous. At least, the late stage cultivators did. Crow is calm for some reason and Sam didn't feel the pressure that much.