
Everyone looked at the scene in stunned silence.

The puppet just collapsed out of nowhere. The Elder stepped forward and examined it. The armor is still fine, the wooden puppet didn't have any damage. So, it is not physical. He gave Sam a sharp glance, before he checked the puppet's core.

There it is.

He saw it. The puppet core is devoid of the spirit that was enchanted to it. The spirit disappeared completely. As if it was not there.

The Elder stood up and walked towards Sam's puppet.

"I would like to examine your weapons."

"Please do." Sam obliged. The Elder placed his hands on the armor. Spiritual energy spread out and turned into a runic inscription, covering all the components. His eyes glowed brightly. It must have been his own version on observation ability

He stayed in that state for three minutes and then sighed.

He felt the armor surface and clicked his tongue.

"Winner, Sam."