Vs Rashma


A scream that shook the clouds high up in the sky originated from the audience. The elder of the Set academy made a move as soon as he saw their student kneeling on the stage and Sam standing in front of him with the gun.

He is a tad too late. Sam already took the shot.


The elder screamed as he appeared at the stage. His killing intent raged. He was about to make a move, when he sensed a movement.

He noticed that Sam's opponent is still breathing. He is not dead…

The bullet Sam shot didn't pierce his head, instead it just slightly pierced through the skin and stuck there on his forehead. He is alive. Sam just walked off the stage while stowing his hand guns away. His vampire form slowly turned back to normal and the black smoke completely entered his body.

Inside his stomach, that black smoke is condensed into a very small orb.