
As Rajan maneuvered around the attacks of the skeletal dog and the earthen dog, the first skeletal dog is gathering soil once again.

It created another earthen dog, making it three opponents.

As if that is not enough, another skeletal dog came out of the ground attacking him and he even observed a slight and faint violet aura around its bones. Within no time, he is once again occupied.

Similarly, Margo who escaped from Rajan before, also encountered a special creature.

This one is something Sam is way too familiar with. It's the Tree-man that he encountered before. As if he has no other way, Margo came running towards this patch of trees after escaping from Rajan.

By then, this tree also entered the violet level and once it did, its effect is much higher than the other creatures in the zone. At least Rajan managed to find some openings and make a run for it. But Margo didn't even have that chance.