
"What do you have in mind?" Arkiv's voice became a lot more exciting than it was before.

"Heard of the new announcement?"

"The one you made with that Hub thing? I forgot to thank you by the way. All my boys didn't get anyone's info attached to them."

"I did give my word. Even though I am interesting in seeing how you would have handled the heat."

"Don't. Not everyone has a interest in dancing with these overpowered assholes like you do."

"Alright, anyway, can't get sidetracked now. That is not the announcement I am talking about. It is about the Conquest of restricted worlds."

"Oh, yeah. Is it important?"

"That's the reason why people are not killing each other even after being tempted by the technology. So, you tell me. Is it important?"

"Damn, really? Then why the hell the elders didn't give out any information?"