Part 15: Good Bye

I went upstairs and started to unpack. I sat on the bed and thought to myself. "Why, why did this have to happen? Is it a curse? Is it me?" I got up and had the idea of how to end the cycle of torture. I went and shut and locked the door.... that was where I am now that was everything that happened the last two weeks. Now I'm sitting here on the floor crying in my boyfriend's house. To my friends who are reading this…. to Jackson and Dexter and even to Alina who is watching me in heaven... I'm sorry. I was in too much pain to continue and by the time you're reading this I will no longer be here. I'm sorry… don't beat yourself over this you guys did everything perfectly….. To Trinity and Zayden I hope hell opens its gates for you guys and that the devil has a very special room waiting especially for you.

Dexter….. I loved you and I still do and I'm still looking down and smiling at you from heaven. Jackson you were the best brother I could've asked for. I'm sorry you guys will have to see my lifeless body dangling from the ceiling. My lasts words I leave you with before I put the necklace of hope around my throat and jump into my fate are "Good bye."