
The wind is calm and the sky is bright. Through a green grassy plains, about a dozen carriages pulled by brown horses with silver plating are travelling in the distance.

In one of those carriages, a child with black hair and dark greenish clothing is sitting with his legs crossed and his azure blue eyes wide open. He looks like he is staring into nothing. He is very skinny and has skin as smooth as icy snow. The look of his is as harmless and cute as domesticated bunny. But in a carriage filled with around ten kids, none are sitting close to him. In fact, some are even trying to sit further away from him. It seems that he is avoided. Except by one kid who suddenly barge into the carriage.

"Finn! I have heard what happened! Don't you worry, after I become a powerful warrior, I'm going to take revenge for you! Those bastards are going to regret it!"

The kid who is sitting with his legs crossed tilts his head into the direction of the sound. He smiles and says "Don't make too much of a deal out of it. The warriors escorting us to our destination won't be very pleased if we cause a ruckus, Dran."

"But Finn!! Those bastards blinded you! Are you not mad!? If I were you I'd definitely break their bones a thousand times!" said Dran with eyes flowing in rage.

Finn's smile is still stuck in his face which terrifies the surrounding kids. He moves his face near Dran's ear and whispers "Revenge is a dish best served cold. And furthemore, it's not that big of a deal. I'll handle them stealthily wihout anyone knowing to avoid troublesome matters."

Dran is speechless. The person across him is different from the person he knew. It's like looking at another person. Finn was usually a shy and timid boy who can't stand up for himself. 'Being blinded probably change Finn's character' thought Dran.

"What do you mean it's not a big deal! It's a damn big deal! How are you going to wield a sword or shoot arrows if you can't see!?"

"Hehe...." Little did Dran know, his guess about Finn is right. The current Finn is no longer the Finn Dran once knew. His body has been inhabited by a transmigator from earth called Marz.

Marz was from Earth. He was born into a lower-class family in a family of nine. At the age of 9, he got into a car accident and lost his sight. From then, his life was a nightmare. He got bullied endlessly by his peers at school. His parents could not afford to take care of him and left him in the streets. Going forward, the streets was his home. Even in the streets, he got robbed and beaten by other beggars. He is used by other beggars to earn money because pedestrians will pity him more. Day by day, he could only feed himself from the pity of others and of their mocking.

"Oh poor boy... here is some change... Ah! I forgot you can't see. I put it in front of you so take it."

"Hey... don't go near him! You might not know what kind of disease you'll get infected if you go there."

All kinds of mocking and pity tempered his will and mental fortitude. It goes to the point where he is mentally immune to everything. He won't feel a single emotion for every mock and spite of others.

This goes on until the age of 17 where he met a Monk walking past him. The Monk looks at him and felt a certain connection with him. He is then brought to their temple high up in the mountains to meditate. He learns about all kinds of things in life and nature and his wisdom soars. The Monks there are very kind to him and he feels the warmth of a family once again.

He appreciates the Monks deeply and feels that this is his home. He is only caring and kind with his family, which is the Monks, and emotionless towards strangers. The cold side of humans is still kept within his heart so that he doesn't get exploited by others.

During his time in the mountains with the Monks, he felt as if he could still see. The movement of wind, the smell of surroundings, the sound of nature trains his senses to the limit. He could traverse through a forest, pick herbs, go back and forth from the temple to the city and all kinds of things by himself.

Despite not being able to see, His other senses are heighten to the limit that is is pretty much broken. He could even hear sounds from 500 meters away in a forest packed with animals and determine each distinct animals, smell a clothing that has been cleaned and determine what dirtied it and have an extremely fast reflect even before touching the object.

At the age of 37, he could do what an ordinary human couldn't do despite not being able to see. He has inhumane reflexes and senses. No one knows about his existence and talents other that the Monks. But that is until 4 months ago where a traitorous monk leaks out about the existence of the legendary scroll, which is missing, that it is being kept hidden in the temple.

Soon, assassins and special agents filled the temple and brings disaster upon the Monks. The scroll is then trusted to Marz for safe keeping since he is the strongest of them all and he is then ordered to leave the temple. Rage that has never been shown before since the day of the accident appeared again in Marz for the first time. He really loves the Monks and would die for them but they have given him an important task of securing the scroll.

He fights every day, dodging bullets with insane reflexes and timing, avoiding traps and eliminating assassins and special agents in every step. Fighting and hiding for 4 months, he then ends up in a dead end surrounded by assassins in a rain forest.

Without any way out, he took out a grenade that he kept and pulls the trigger destroying himself and the scroll which he kept all the time along with dozens of assassins.

After a while, when he woke up, he felt very weak and there is still darkness in his eyes. He thought that this is the afterlife but soon, memories of Finn, the previous owner of the body, filled his brain.

'It looks like that I've been reincarnated into a medievall type world with supernaturals'

He found out that Finn is born in a small rural noble family called the Froun Family. He is born in a family with 4 brothers with him being the second youngest. His family is sending him to the city of Wyrnir which is filled with many academies to learn and become a great warrior.

His parents think that he is too weak to fight for the family head position and sent him away so that he will be able to fight and live by himself. He is often bullied back there by his elder brothers and their friends. He has only been traveling for one week but turns out the bullying is so severe here in the travels that Finn got blinded by one of the noble kids on purpose.

Finn couldn't handle it anymore and decided to end it all. The warriors encoring them doesn't care about them and what they were doing but he doesn't want any of them missing or dead. This world is a world where the strong thrives.

'looks like only noble kids are in the carriage. I could only imagine what will happen if commoners are here. But don't you worry Finn, with me taking your body, I will make sure that those who do this to you got what they deserve a hundred fold. I will be the strongest!'

"What are you grinning for Finn! What are you going to do now that you can't see!"

Dran shouted at Finn breaking his flashback.

Smiling wide, Finn says "We still have 2 more month in our journey. I'll just lay low for a while and build my strength before I take action and finish this debt once and for all."