Debt Collector

Dodging all the attacks milliseconds before they hit him. These kids are too pissed to think clearly. How could they possibly think that a person who dodges all their attacks repeatedly without even getting a single scratch is doing so just by luck.

"ARRHGH! This pisses me off! I won't play around with you anymore! Taste my Groud family's special move, the ."

Greem then proceeds to punch a fist with the attack strength 1.2 times of his.

Finn is inwardly surprised by this. From up until now, he has seen all these kids' moves and attacks. The slight difference of the attack that Grim is doing doesn't go unnoticed by him. Although with the strength of Greem, multiplying his strength by 1.2 won't change that much. But the multiplier is definitely beneficial if the base strength is already high.

"As expected of a middle noble family. Their manuals sure doesn't disappoint. Now I wonder what mastering the manual to the peak would happen? I'm sure it will have the use of Aura."

Finn then dodges the attack as usual. What kind of person tells their enemy that they are going to attack and what kind of attack they are doing. I mean, it is kind of obvious that these kids don't have much experience in battle. Hence, the amateurs mistakes.

"Greem, how can you make your family proud if you can't beat such trash! Now, watch me as I, Krow Kwill, finish this with my Kwill family's special move, the "

With that, Krow then lift his feet up and direct his kick to Finn's stomach area. The process happens really fast. This attack would have been a killer move if the user doesn't shout the incoming attack letting the enemy know.

Finn then observe Krow's kick and grins. He then dodges it easily while daydreaming about obtaining two manuals from two middle noble families.

"I won't bother playing with you guys anymore. Now, it's better if you all don't get too surprised on what's about to happen."

With that Finn then dodges the attack of the nearest kid, who is throwing his punch, and grabs his elbow and breaks it. That kid screams in pain and falls to the ground, rolling in the dirt while holding his arm.

The other kids are shocked to their core. They couldn't believe what they see. In their minds, how can a weak crippled kid have such ability to fight back. The fail to realise that the Finn's dodging is not by pure luck but rather by his ability.

Finn then move towards the two other kids near the kid with the broken elbow. With his speed, he arrives in front of them in the blink of an eye and breaks one of their knees with his kicks. One of them in their right knee and one in their left. Both of the also fall to the ground and screams in pain, rolling around while holding their knee.

With such a sight, the two other kids who are left looked at Finn in horror. One of them, which is Greem, points at Finn speechless while the other one, Krow, tries to run away.

Finn grabs a rock which he has stored in his pocket previously and throws it in the direction of Krow who is running away. The rock pierces Krow's knee, making him fall to the ground.

Finn proceeds to walk calmly to Greem who is currently shivering while walking backwards. He then bumps into a tree while walking backwards. With no way out, he could only stare and Finn in horror.


Finn couldn't be bothered with his taunt. All the nobles from their city, from the High to the low, doesn't really have any influence in the city of Wyrnir. Only the various academies and the local governor has influence there. Most nobles who go there usually won't go back to their families to inherit and stays back because there are more opportunities outside. Therefore, they don't really have much frequent contact with distant cities such as where Finn and the others came from.

"Your taunt is useless Greem, I've thoroughly researched everything and prepare everything to deal with you all so that there are no repercussions . I know that you have an elder brother in one of the academies. But, do you know that most academies there are just the representative academies. Their real academies are not there but somewhere more secluded. I've got this information from one of the guards. After a couple months there, there will be someone from the real academies to take the new batch of kids away."

"Hence, I definitely know that your brother won't be there to help you. And that goes the same with Krow and those three other kids. So, there are no one that'll help you out. You're alone in this world. Isn't it what you said to me before?"

Greem's face turns darker and darker. He knows that he is a lost cause. He doesn't what to do but talk and taunts him.

"What can you do! The guards and warriors won't be happy with you. They'll definitely will punish you if you kill me! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!"

Finn smirks at that comment.

"I can't kill you? but do you even know that I'm the one who spread that rumour. And do you know why I picked this forest, because there's a wolf den not far away from here. I've set up a bait before hand. I could finish you all without anyone knowing it's me."

Greem's face turns pale from that answer. He knows that his life is on the hand of Finn.


"Then, why don't you give me your family's manual. Since you've shown your skill, that means you've started practicing it. And I know that you still need to study it during the journey. Tell me where you hide it and I'll let you go."

"I hide it under my bag in my carriage. It has a black cover with gates drawn in front of it! Now please let me go!"

Hearing his answer, Finn only smiles. He then stomps Greem's knee breaking it. Shout could be heard coming from Greem. Tears starts coming out of his eyes.

"You're lying! Now tell me before I end you."

Finn's eyes which is shut previously, opens up. His sightless eyes gazes Greem which is absolutely terrifying. He sends shivers down his spine.

"It...It...It is in bag. There's a secret compartment where you can open which has the book I described. I'm not lying now! Please don't kill me! I'm sorry!"

With tears bawling from his eyes, he begs Finn to spare him. Truth be told, he didn't know that Finn also didn't know that he was lying. He needed to do that just to make sure that He was not lying. If he still insisted that he is not lying he would broke his other knee and thought that Greem's words were true.

"I won't finish you off, but I won't leave you going either. Since you talked so much trash about me, hence I'll make sure you won't speak trash to anyone anymore."

With that, he broke his vocal fold in his larynx. Greem grabbed his neck and found out that he there are no sound coming out of his voice. With that, he then laid on the ground, helplessly,

Done with Greem, he then tilts his head into the distance not far away where there is a kid with bloody legs crawling to get away. He is the source of despair of the original Finn. Because, he is the one who blinded the original Finn.