Reaping Manuals

Going back deeper into the forrest, Finn goes past Greem and directly to those three kids, laying on the ground. The way he moves is ever so silent. Those there kids doesn't realise that Finn has appeared near them. Finn then kicks one of them until he shouted in surprise and pain. The other two is then jolted up awake.

"Now! Give me your family's manuals and I will spare you."

Hearing Finn's demand, those three are too afraid to resist. They had heard Krow's scream. That was very horrible to hear. They then tell him where they have stored their family's manual. Except for one person. He doesn't bring it with him along the journey because he hasn't practiced it!

Finn could only sigh in disappointment and is slightly annoyed. These noble kids sure are the very definition of spoiled brat! Oops, he couldn't say that. The original Finn is also this type of kid. That is pretty much saying that he is a spoiled brat since he is now Finn.

With that all done, he can't wait to go back to swoop all those manuals and learn them. He also told those three kids to carry Krow with them since he will have problem walking. Those three are confused by his statement. They obviously didn't see what Finn did to Krow.

After finishing up, Finn then hurriedly go back, excited to see those manuals. He first goes to Greem's carriage. He then demands one of the kids to bring him Greem's bag. The kid hurriedly brings it to Finn. For some reason, they are afraid of Finn who is previously as harmless as a sheep.

Searching through the bag, he found the manual that he is looking for. He also found some golds that Krow brings with him. In this pile, there is some of the original Finn's which is taken. He then takes all of it away and put it inside his bag that he has prepared beforehand.

Then, he goes to the other two kids' carriage. They are located in the same carriage. He repeated the same process he did at Greem's. As expected, all the kids there are terrified of him and they don't know why. They felt like they are seeing a fierce beast. He then scours through the bags and found what he is looking for and some money. He took it all and proceed to Krow's carriage.

At Crow's carriage, unexpectedly, one of the kid there is not afraid of him. Finn then needs to set and example so that he will no longer be underestimated. He now has the strength to back him up so that he could as he want. Those kids there then gives him Crow's blue bag.

Finn scours through it and find the manual and some money. And there is something more that he found. He then grabs a gem like object. The gem is green in color and is glowing. But, Finn obviously couldn't see its colour but for some unknown reason, he knows that the gem is glowing. Holding it, he feels that there is some sort of power inside of it. Although the size of it is small, he fells like this is something important. He then puts it away into his bag.

He then asks for the Krow's other bag. But, there are no more of that glowing green gem in this other bag. He then finishes up everything and goes back to his carriage.

The sun has already set and they are about to resume the journey. In the eyes of the kids, the way the journey travels is kind of odd. Sometimes they travel in the morning and rests at night while some other days they travel after the sun sets and rests in the morning.

Counting the kids, the guards soon realise that there are five kids who have yet to come back. Pissed, they are about to search for those kids when they look at five kids limping and staggering in the distance. The guards don't even ask them how they become like that nor worries about their well being. They scolded those kids for being late instead.

The surrounding kids are shocked looking at the state of those five kids. The kids who are in those five's carriages soon realise that something must have happened to those five and Finn is the related to it. When realisation struck them, they grow even more scared of Finn. Rumour stared to spread that Finn is the one who did this to them.

Hearing those rumour, the guards couldn't bat an eyelid at that. They don't care about these kids' matters. Their job is just to escort the kids. They want to finish this job as soon as possible because they know that this journey is not as peaceful as it seems. Little that these kids knew, there is danger that is going to befall them during the journey which the guards are obviously aware of.

Those five are then ordered to go back to their respective carriages immediately. While the person in question, who is in the midsts of all the rumour is sleeping peacefully, waiting for the next day to come to find a hidden location to look through his spoils.