Looking Around

After all the kids have gone away to look around, Finn senses that someone is approaching him. He senses from the way of movement of the person that it is Dran.

"Hey Finn, you decided which academy will you go to?"

"Hehehe, I'm not so sure Dran. With me being blind, I doubt that I will be allowed to enter any of these academy."

"Don't worry Finn! There are more than a hundred academies here. With your talent and abilities, I'm sure that the top academies will accept you!"

Finn is quite happy by the words of Dran. But, he knows that reality is bitter. In this world, cripples aren't even allowed to be given the opportunity to grow. How is he allowed to grow when he is not even allowed to be given a chance to prove himself.

The tests on entering the academies differ for each of them. Finn got a bad feeling that he won't even have the chance to take any of the test.

"How about you Dran? Do you know what academy you're going into?"

"Of Course! My parents told me that I have to go to the Sky Dragon Academy. That is a first rate academy. I've got a letter of recommendation from my uncle there. He is my dad's elder brother. He is an inner elder in that academy!"

"first rate academy?"

"Finn, let me educate you about the various academies. There are three tiers of academies out there. The first rate, second rate and third rate. The first rate academies are the best kinds of academies. There, only the geniuses and gifted people are allowed to enter. These kinds of academies have the best resources available. Without the letter of recommendation, "

"Then there are the second rate academies. Entering these academies is already an achievement for most people. And finally, the third rate academies. This is the lowest kind of academies. But, don't look down on them. Although they are the lowest kind of academy there is, there are dragons hidden amongst them."

"Oh and I forgot to mention, some academies aren't even rated at all. Academies are rated based on the resources they give to each disciple. Outer disciples in the first rate academies are given the same resources as the inner disciples in second rate academies. And the same applies between the second and third rate academies. Not to mention, most power of disciples are stronger in the first rate academies are stronger than the second rate and so on."

"Academies that aren't rated don't give the same resources to all disciples of each position. It is better if you avoid these academies Finn."

"Okay Dran, thanks for the advice."

After talking for a while, they both then part ways. Dran goes directly to search where the Sky Dragon Academy is located at while Finn just walks around.

Walking around, Finn then goes up to a stand which is guarded by a buff looking person. Finn goes to this stand because he could feel a strong pressure coming from him. Although no Aura could be felt, the person still gives of a heavy pressure the person around him.

The buff person gives off pressure in purpose to test the kids. If the kids couldn't even resist his Aura, they won't even have the chance to enter his academy. Seeing that Finn approach him while withstanding his pressure, a smile appears on his face.

He then scans Finn's body with his Aura. Sensing the Aura being released by that person, Finn got shocked. He has never felt Aura as strong as this. The Aura feels really thick. Much thicker than the one he felt back on the forest. He has a feeling that his whole body is seen through by that Aura. He is worried that his secret of sensing Aura before forming the energy centre could be seen through.

The buff person then frowns after scanning Finn. He appears to have a sad look on his face.

"Although you are strong kid, it is too bad that you are blind. You can't enter this academy."

Finn doesn't even have a chance to test his worth. His bad feeling couldn't even be more spot on. Finn then leaves the stand to look for another one.

Finn isn't even disappointed with the outcome since he doesn't have much hopes at all. He knows that he won't even have the chance to prove his worth. Rather than feeling down, he is amazed that the Aura could be used to scan the body and see the condition of a person.

Although he is relieved that the strong person doesn't know that he could feel Aura, he is also worried upon the revelation that Aura could be used to check on the body of a person. If he activates Aura as soon as he reaches 12, how is he going to explain it if he is found out. He doesn't even want to think on what will happen to him after that.

The onlookers couldn't help but fell schadenfreude. They are actually happy in seeing someone fails to enter the academy. Especially people who tried to enter but got rejected.

This process could be seen happening tens of stands. Finn always gets rejected even before putting up his worth. But Finn keeps on continuing, going around.