Chapter 7

I now know the whereabouts of my master... The forbidden Forest.. It is know as the hunting ground for Fug. A place that setting a foot in could mean the end.. I have to find my master before it's to late.. My wound had healed after absorbing Rachael's energy.. I had felt a power increase.. my purpose had become clear!! Save my master and destroy Fug... After a several mile hike threw the tunnel I finally found the exit.. A tiny light shined threw the wicked forests tree tops.. A smell lingered in the air of rotting corpses and evil vibes were all around.. I scouted the area but with the thick forests and fog, nothing was for certain.. I began walking untill I found two men in a black cloak.. they were low level Fug members.. that means I most be close..? I began to follow them into they lead me to a strange holt... A door was standing in front of the men.. they walked threw the door.. The door began to close and I had to hurry. I ran and jumped threw the door before it had closed.. I fell threw the other side.. There was now five Fug members standing in front of me..!! It was a trap but how?!! "You thought we couldn't sense you're energy Bam"? "We're in Fug after all".. "We are the Best of the Best".. "You're outnumber Bam five to one"..! "We're going to enjoy killing both of you traitor's"!! (evil grin)&(chukle) Hehehahaha!!!