Chapter 10

... Bam had maxed out his power.. his level was rivaled to a God.. Caludes power was the same if not more... With each step the warriors took, the ground shook beneath them.. (Booom) (Crush) (Bang)!!! I quickly lunged towards Claude with my double sword... I swung with my sword.. "Blinding Light"!!! A bright flash had stunned Claude... "DAMNIT BAMM"!!

"You're dirty tricks won't work here"..!! " I'm sorry Claude, but this battle is only going to end one way".. "With one less Fug leader Dead"..! " What makes you a Hero Bam"..? " You use to be one of the great leaders of Fug"..!! "And now you're nothing but scum".. (Spit) " No I was tricked and forced to be apart of Fug"..! " That was a life that wasn't for me".. "Killing innocent people for not joining your wicked ways"... "If it wasn't for Fug kidnapping my master, I would have destroyed Fug right then and there in the Tower"..! "You Claude are one of the worst Fug Members"..!! "You're a recruiter"..! " You Force young kids from there homes, and then force train them into the Fug army"..!! "You constantly DESTROY homes and families".. "And FOR WHAT".!! "SHUT YOUR TRAP, YOU UNGRATEFUL SWINE"!! " You're Hero speech means nothing. " Your all talk".. "And your talk is cheap".. (Grin) " I'm going to enjoy watching you Die"..!! " Claude, you asked me earlier".. " What makes me a Hero"..? "Well ill tell you".. its to fight for what's right".. " And to stand in the face of danger, well knowing it might be your last". " Its to push yourself above and beyond for the greater good"..! "That's what makes me a Hero"..!! (Ahhhhhhh) My energy exploded with white energy flowing all around... I changed my sword to my bare hands... I channeled all my energy to my fist as I rushed towards claude..! Claude lunged towards as well... "FUG STRIKE"!!!! " I must finish this NOW..!! "Fug SMASH" (Boooooooooom) Bams Fug smash had destroyed Claudes Fug strike and ended with Claude's right arm destroyed.. "huff huff huff" " Damn you Bam, I didn't think you had that kind of Power"..! "THIS ISNT OVER"!! (Ahhhhh) Claude began to try and power up once more. (Ahhhhhhh) Claude's red energy had changed to black... " Bam fell the ultimate power of Fug"..!!! " You may have taken my right arm, but I can still beat you with just my left"..! (Spit) (Ahhhhhhh) Claude now had two Black swords. He rushed towards me, and I used my double-bladed sword once more.. (Booom) Our swords began to glow. The white mixed with the black energy... My sword began to crack.. (Zhhhhhh) (Booom) My sword exploded and I fell to the ground.. "Give up Bam"!! "Die a so-called HERO" hahaha!!! (Grins) You're no match to my black power level"..! (ughhh) There's not much more I can do. My white energy sword broke... And my Fug Smash is too weak at my current stage... I'll have to try a weapon transformation. It's my last hope.. (Ahhhhh) Claude had teleported in front of Bam and threw him into several trees.. (Boom) (Bang) (Crack) (Ughhh) Bam slammed hard into the ground.. (shhh) Bam smashed his fists into the ground several times in anger.. (Boom) (Bang) "I must use the weapon transformation now"..! (Ahhhhhhhh) "Weapon Transformation level two"..!! My double Bladed sword turned into two swords... I was now quicker and stronger with my powers... (Boooom) The transformation was complete..!! "Claude.. This will be the end of you"..!!