Chapter 14

Bam and Alice had finally left the Killing Grounds.. Bam and Alice stepped out of the Cave.. Alice spoke.. "Bam, what's our next move"..? Bam didn't respond.. Alice spoke again.. "Hello, Earth to Bam"!! Alice then grabbed Bams shoulder.. Bam had to much on his mind.. The thoughts of always being so close but yet so far away to his master haunted him.. Bam began to tear up.. Bam snaps out of his own head and wipes his face.. Alice spoke.. "Bam are you alright"? "I've been trying talk to you for awhile now"..! Bam replied.. "I'm sorry Alice I just".. "I just have alot on my mind".. Alice then started to tell Bam about the Heaven Clan.. "You know Bam, My clan used to be one of the Best".. "We were a peaceful clan".. "We kept to our self's".. "The Valley our clan resided in kept us safe".. "We protected our own".. "We are all one big family".. Alice smiled at Bam and then looked down.. Alice spoke again.. "All was Great until he showed up"... Bam looked at Alice and spoke.. "Who showed up".? Alice responded.. "The Number one Fug Leader".. "He came with His Fug army".. "Although he didn't need an army".. "The masked Fug Leader appeared in the middle of the Clan grounds".. "Our greatest warriors stepped up".. "My Father, Mother and Brother was apart of them".. Alice began to tear up.. Bam comforted Alice.. Alice began to continue her story.. "My Father was the first to speak to the Masked Master".. "Who are you, and WHY are you HERE"..?!! The masked man was silent.. Alice's father powered up and made a energy staff just like Alice.. Alice's Father spoke again.. "If you've come to destroy our clan, you'll have to GO THREW ME FIRST"!! After Alice's Father said those words.. Silence, absolute Silence.. The masked man said nothing.. A sudden wind swept the Valley.. Alice's Father was Furious the masked man wouldn't speak.. Alice's Father in a blind rage charged at the masked Man.. (Vrooom) The masked Man still stood still.. Alice's father swung his staff at the masked man.. "Holy Light"!! The masked man didn't even brace for the attack, he was hit head on... (Boooooooom) The smoke cleared... The masked man still stood unharmed.. Alice's father swung again and again.. "Holy light, Holy light"!!! (Booom)(Booom)... Alice's Father began to grow tired.. The masked man suddenly teleported behind Alice's Father.. The masked man used his own hand as a sword.. He quickly without a thought, pierced Father threw the back and out the chest.. Father gasped (Ughhhh) (Flop) Alice's Father had hit the ground and died instantly.. Alice's Mother quickly rushed over to Father.. She leaned down and kissed Father.. Alice's Mother then looked up.. The Masked Man was standing over top of them both.. She looked into the Glowing Red eyes of the Masked Man.. The masked man started to raise his hand once again to strike.. The Brother quickly threw his fists at the Masked Man... (Boooom)(Snatch) The Masked Man caught the brothers fists, And Instantly ripped the Brothers arms off.. (Pop) (Crack) The Brother collapsed on the ground... The Masked Man turned back to the Mother.. Alice's Mother was strong but what she just saw, she was struck by fear its self... She too died in a instant.. (Slash)..(Drop)... All the other Clans members fell to the Fug army as well.. All that was left was Alice.. The Masked Man slowly walked towards Alice.. (Step)(Step)(Stop) The masked man stood face to face with Alice.. Alice was struck with fear.. Just like her Mother, she was paralyzed.. Alice was alone and powerless.. The Masked Man spoke in a Evil monsters voice.. "DO YOU FEEL THE FEAR"!!... Alice's then blacked out.. When Alice had awoke, she was already in the cave...