Season 2 Chapter 1 (Short episode)

The masked man was.. It was Bams Master..! Bams master was furious and charged at Bam..(Booom) Suddenly a Warpship appeared.. The masked master summoned a new mask and put it on.. He then jumped into the side door of the warpship.. He turned to Bam and spoke.. "I'LL BE BACK"..! And in an instant they were gone... Bam and Alice were all alone.. Bam couldn't believe what he saw..? was what he saw real..? Bam quickly asked Alice if she seen his face..? "Did you see the mans face Alice".? Alice responded.. "No I didn't get a good look everything happen to fast Bam, I'm sorry"... Bam had to find and answers and somewhere quick..! Bam and Alice found a nearby Warpship.. They began to try and fly but Bam had no knowledge of driving.. Alice had little experience enough to get them somewhere for better information.. The hero's were of to a nearby tavern Named The Hero's Keep..!