Chapter 134: Table has Turned

I woke up the following day after cleaning Freya up. I was much better, and I noticed Stacy was looking even more pent up lately. I smiled, knowing that she was getting more and more desperate. I couldn't help but feel turned on, knowing that she was getting more and more desperate for pleasure. My little pain slut needed to get herself under control when I ordered something.

I was her Mistress and her owner. Stacy is my toy and slave. She needed to remember that my words were that of her god. It was annoying when she didn't listen to simple commands no matter how hard they might seem to her. Still, as I looked over at her frustrated face, I couldn't help but feel good looking at her. That frustration and growing need on her face were like an exquisite wine that I would never grow tired of.

It was now a mystery to me how I went an entire lifetime without knowing this pleasure. The system telling me about this side of myself was something I never expected to tell me about this side of myself. I shook my head, and I got up. I felt stiff, and I wanted to train and meditate. I looked around, though, and I knew that I had obligations to finish. I shook my head, and I knew that I couldn't train more until I left this place. It was frustrating, but it was for the best.

I knew that I was strong, if not Very strong for my age and way ahead of the rest of my generation from the Academy. That didn't mean that I liked my current stagnation in training. I sighed, and I stretched again before making it over to grab some food for my lovely little bored Tigers. I could feel that they were growing bored, and I knew that I needed to get them back out into the world to train them. The only good thing about this situation was that they were the children of magical beasts, and their cores were most likely going to grow anyways despite the lack of training in their current environment. I took some time this morning as Stacy prepared breakfast as Freya slept in after the play last night.

Freya's lower extremities would need some time to recover from her milking, and I would not push her. She was too loyal, and I didn't want to destroy her body. Freya also needed some time to train, too, and I wondered if I should give her some time at night to play with her new flute to practice. I rarely noticed her lately playing her flute, and that wasn't a good sign. She was busy taking care of chores, and I didn't want her to get rusty, especially when we were reaching critical times when rusty might mean my toy's death.

"Stacy," I said, looking over to her as I pet Zara feeding her some meat.

"Yes, Mistress!" Stacy turned, looking at me with desire filling her features as she gazed upon my robed body.

I was about to reprimand her but stopped myself as this was one of the things that I liked about my pain slut. I smirked, "I want both you and Freya to start spending time practicing combat again. We are reaching the end of our time here, and I don't want you both rusty for when we are on the move again. When we move, I need both of you at the top of your game." I finished.

"Yes, Mistress, I will let Freya know when she wakes up," Stacy replied.

Stacy was working on becoming an Arms master, but she was barely working on it. It was something that I would probably have to put a reward system in place for her. Then I smiled, "Stacy, each time you break through to the next rank. Regardless of how good or bad you have been around that time. I will reward you. But I want to start seeing some effort towards it." I told her while petting Zara.

I could see the excitement at the thought of a reward from me, and she nodded, "Yes, Mistress, I will work hard for your reward." Stacy replied and moved back to the kitchen with more of a spring to her step. I could see that the thought of any reward for her would bring out more enthusiasm.

I watched her work on breakfast a little longer as I played with my Tigers and fed them. It was relaxing spending some time, and they enjoyed my company since I used to spend a lot more time with them. I sighed as I got up when breakfast was ready, and Freya didn't join us. I could hear her moan slightly from the bedroom, and I knew I did a real number on her.

I got up, and I got ready to leave, making sure not to let Stacy see me as I didn't want to punish her more at the moment. That was the thing about being a competent trainer. I wanted to play with my pain slut, but I needed to keep my word. I needed all my toys to understand when I said something that not only will disobeying be harsh. It will be enforced with the consequences I said. No matter how much I wanted to whip her till, she screamed for mercy.

I sighed and finished changing and moving out of the apartment as I went through things in my head. Ingrid and Hillary should be showing up tonight. I was looking forward to playing with them together. I wondered about Hillary's condition once I saw her after the little gifts I left her to wear. But I knew that I was looking forward to it regardless.

Thankfully, I walked down the streets with nothing new happening. As I reached the warehouse, Jackie was waiting outside. Jackie smiled, and I opened up the warehouse with her following me inside. I turned to her, and I asked, "How much longer do you think till the Centaur is ready for my inspection, Mistress Jackie?"

"Mistress, Although the Centaur is almost ready, it seems that he is missing that extra something to lose his mind," Jackie told me with a frown. "I have been working on him, but he hasn't become a sex fiend that will do anything to fuck a hole no matter what. He almost seems like it, but he hasn't broken one of the slaves yet. Instead, he switches to another right on the edge of genuinely losing himself. I started to notice about a day or so ago, but he always stops at the edge of truly ruining them. I do not think it is a coincidence for him to dodge it multiple times. It is like he realizes that his lust might ruin someone else and doesn't want that." Jackie finished like she was in thought as she pondered her problem, and I smiled.

"Good, You have noticed the clutching point. You want him to ruin one of the slaves then. Don't force him, though. It will be better if it is an accident so that he loses himself in grief, which will probably make him lose his mind. In order to cover his grief, he will hide himself in the pleasure and probably destroy another slave." I commented casually, looking at Jackie.

"Are you sure about that?" Jackie asked.

"Nope," I replied somewhat honestly. "Intelligent creatures can surprise you. Also, I would rather not waste slaves, but I can always purchase another slave if the contract ends. I cannot purchase reputation." I finished.

Jackie looked at me surprised and nodded as I started to enter the cells. I moved to the Mother and Son, and both looked much more rested. There wasn't nearly the filth that was leftover from them fornicating all night. It was an interesting change since they both knew that I would be letting her son take the lead in playing with his mother today. I wondered what he would do as they both got up.

They both respectfully followed me, and I brought them into the second training area and sent them to the shower to clean without a word. I moved back into the other training area to see Jackie set up, and I thought to myself that I needed to take the time to watch Jackie Train the Centaur.

I nodded to myself, and I brought myself up to Jackie as she was getting the slaves into Pillories. I could tell that it was starting to get a little boring doing the same thing repeatedly for her as she set up. Still, the Centaur training was something more of a repeating thing that was boring to watch, in my opinion. "Jackie," I said, gathering her attention. "If you think that the Centaur is going to cross that line, make sure to come let me know. I want to watch it happen. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress Sally. I will try to let you know if what we talked about earlier might happen. I think I am going to try another method first before we go to that." Jackie replied, and I nodded.

"Good, Don't blindly think that the only way to do things is the way I say," I told her, meaning it.

I was still relatively new to doing this. I had memories of Dominatrixes of the past, but that didn't mean that I was perfect. I had not made personal use of all these Experiences myself, and it would be good for me to play with others in these fashions.

Jackie nodded, and I grabbed some food and gave the leftover slaves some extra food to help their strength in the coming days. I was almost done with them, and I thought I might have some uses for those leftover around the empire soon.

I sighed and walked through the training area where Jackie was just about to enter the location of the cells again to get the Centaur for today's training. We moved past each other without a word as I took my food into the second Training area.

Then I gathered the toys, and I thought about what the boy might like to use on his mother. I wasn't sure, and I was looking forward to seeing what he would do after what his mother did to him. I put out the food, although it was something basic, and I moved towards the showers.

When I entered, I heard a moan from the mother and the son backing away. I could see that they had already cleaned themselves, and I saw the boy smirking at his mother. "Today is my turn, mother," He replied, taking his hand away from her pussy.

I knew at this moment that the boy definitely had less restraint when it came to his mother. I could also tell that the mother's pussy was wet from something more than the water from the shower. I moved in, and they turned as the mother noticed me first. She blushed under my gaze, and I tossed towels to dry themselves off.

"You better give me a good show today, boy," I told her son. "I am expecting more from you than your mother. If you waste my time, then I will punish you both." I was about to walk away but stopped and turned. "Come eat after you dry yourselves off. Then we will see what you can do. both of you need your strength." I finished, and they both hurriedly finished drying themselves off before following me.

I showed them the food, and they both ate it slowly. The boy looked around at the surrounding toys as he ate the bread. I watched as I could see that he was already picking toys mentally as he ate. This boy might be a natural dom with the wrong lot in life being owned as a slave. I knew that feeling, and I wondered if the boy would learn to use his natural tendencies or be lucky enough to scare his owner into releasing him.

I realized that the Marquis was a smart man. He was looking for someone at least C rank to be under him. Instead, I had already reached B rank, and he thought it was better to see me free than captive and a problem for his future children.

He was correct that eventually, I would be coming back to the Kingdom of Arlin, and the Ironstrand Family would be protected. I think I might even take some time to free my mother that I very vaguely remember. It would look good for me optically, and I know that Ironstrand would take good care of her till I returned.

I sighed, and I leaned back as I watched the mother and son finish eating, no longer allowing my thoughts to stray. "Today, as I have told you," I began as the mother and son finished eating, "Your son with your son taking charge. I have laid out everything that you can use. I am interested to see how you play." I finished. The son looked excited, and the mother looked torn between excited and nervous. It was going to be another day where I watched, but I was looking forward to it nonetheless.

I watched as he started to pick out a vibrator, and he looked at me. He pressed the storage for the vibration feature, and it sprang to life. He smiled, and I saw his mother visibly gulp. He started to look around, and I could see his cock visibly harden as I knew he was thinking of what naughty things he could do to his mother.

This boy was a pervert, and I knew it. It was so interesting to watch the relationship of this caring mother with her naughty little perverted son. She had tried so hard to stop herself, and it took my Instructions to get into it. Her son, on the other hand, was into it immediately. He was teasing his mother every step of the way, making her moan for his pleasure. It was going to finally be that time that he made his mother cry out, and I was looking forward to it.

"Mother, now that it is my turn. I hope that you enjoy it," His voice rang out in the silence. She looked at him, and she brought her hands into her ample cleavage, and I could tell that the sentence brought her nervousness up a level. "Since it is my turn to play with you," He pointed table and grinned, "Please, Get up," He requested. The grin on his face was growing, and I already knew this boy had been planning what he was about to do to his mother.

She moved over to the rack and got up on the table, and got herself in position. She laid out flat and put her arms by the bindings. He started to tie her up and pulled her tight against the table. Her breasts were like two large pillows off to the side, and her body looked ripe for the taking. I couldn't help but smile as he grinned, looking down at his bound mother.

"Mother," He said with a grin, "You teased me the last couple of days; it is only fair that I return the favor," he said before he took a gag and placed it in her mouth.

I grinned as I watched him grab vibrators and use clothespins to pinch her nippled. She cried out into the gag as they pinched her sensitive nipples. Her hips thrust up, and I could see the glistening along with her clit poking out slightly. What a masochist, I thought with a grin as he pressed them on in the same spot as I had shown his mother before.

His mother cried out as her amazing breasts started to shake, and she cried out into the gag. I watched as the boy took the anal beads and grinned as he pushed them into her one at a time. She cried out into the gag more, and I watched as her hips thrust into the air. I could now see the liquid pouring out of her pussy as the vibrations started to get to her.

"Mom, You were so mean to me the last couple of days," He said as his fingers trailed up her thigh as he stood beside her. "You continued to play with me and made me beg. It was torturous as you took your pleasure from me after teasing me. It is my turn," He said, and the smile never vanished as his fingers started to softly play with her clit.

Her muffled mon and her hips thrust with her breasts moving about, teasing her nipples. Her cry out became even louder as the pleasure tortured her even more as her son moved his finger slowly in her slit. His cock twitched as her muffled moans almost turned to screams as he removed his finger and brought it down to the anal beads before turning them off.

His mother's muffled cries seemed to turn even louder as she strained against the restraints. I smiled as I knew that he had just edged her and the vibrators on the nipples were only enough to tease her, making it take even more time to come down from the pleasure.

Her son watched her as her hips thrust up into the air multiple times seeking more pleasure, and he grinned. Finally, her hips hit the table, stabilizing, and he grinned as he turned back on the anal beads watching his mother thrust her his back up. Her son seemed to have learned all his reactions as she watched her cry out into the gag.

I watched, fascinated as he edged his mother, again and again, watching her reactions. I felt my pussy moisten more as I heard her screams, and I knew that the boy was reaching the end of his patience. He got on the table and almost like a push-up position above his mother as she squirmed under him.

"I love you," He told her, surprising me, and he kissed her gag before he pushed back onto his knees and held her hips up. He thrust into her, and he moaned loudly as his cock pushed into her suddenly. His mother cried out in pleasure, and her pussy erupted with juices all over his cock with his first thrust. Her cries became muffled screams as he started to push deep into her and took her pussy for all it was worth raiding her for pleasure as she had done to him. Her screams were filled as her breasts flopped with each thrust of his hips. The clothespins snapped off her nipples, and she screamed again.

Her son moved his hand as his cock thrust into her as more juices sprayed out to remove her gag. Her screams quickly sounded in the room. The gag fell to the side and her beautiful screams as she called out to her son. "Please! Let me rest!" She cried out to her son.

"No," He replied as he took his pleasure from her plundering her pussy as she came all over his hard cock as it thrust into her. He thrust into her over and over again, and I watched as her pussy started to spray at least a little with each thrust as her son took her pussy. It was so amazing to watch, and I loved watching it as he expertly controlled his mother into multiple orgasms as he fucked her spasming pussy until, "Cumming!" He cried out into the room, and he thrust his hips into her harder and harder as he came deep into her.

"Wonderful," I commented as he filled his mother with cum. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him. He was a natural at playing with his own mother. "I wonder what else he will do to his mother today?" I asked myself quietly as I listened to the loud moans in the room.