Chapter 142: Cries of Lust

The boy got on the table, and the cream was being put on him slowly. Both of them were fearful of what I was about to do to them. I smiled, and I watched, seeing the slight tremors in her movement without her even realizing it made her breasts sway more. Her deep breaths trying to calm herself only underscored her fear. They didn't know that there was one last reason other than my own entertainment and lust for doing this to them.

They needed to fear me more than their new Owner and Master.

I had been soft and hard on them while under my care. This was good and underscored my control over them. What I also did was allow them to love each other. It would be a fond memory for them in the future, and I needed to remove myself slightly from that.

I watched as the mother finished covering his back and waited a moment. The boy was smart and turned over. His cock was straight up into the air for a moment before landing on his stomach. His mother worked to make sure the cream covered every part of his body. She didn't know where I would hit him or how much. She just knew that both of them were in a rough going today before being sent back to their new owner.

I thought about in their current state who their loyalty would be to. It would instantly be me over any owner or master. If they could choose, they would choose the person that was interested in keeping them together over anyone else. They had no idea who or what their owner would do with them once they fell into his clutches.

I smiled as she finished, and her son got up from the table, and she slowly got on. It was entertaining to watch as they most certainly didn't want to be doing this. The fear showed on the boy's face. His cock was hard regardless of that fear as he gazed down at his mother with fear and love. He was not afraid of her but what might be done to her while I was with her. I smiled as he began to layer the cream on his mother's soft skin. He did the same for her as she had done for him, making sure not a single surface of her body was missing the cream.

My pussy was dripping at this emotional scene that happened in complete silence, broken with only the harsh breathing from them both. It was slow and methodical as he finished spreading the cream all over her back, and it was time for the mother to flip over, showing her breasts and her legs spread a bit, showing a wet pussy along with her hard nipples. The son started with her abdomen and slowly spread the cream all over her stomach. It was amazing to watch these two slowly play with each other, and I could see so much love between them. His hands slowly came up to her breasts. He slowly squeezed them and took his time slowly playing with them till his mother lightly moaned as he covered her nipples.

"No, Cumming," I said while watching them, and the boy froze for a moment. Then he continued no longer playing with his mother's nipples; instead, he moved up to her neck and face. He made sure every part of her was covered. I watched as he went down to her feet, and I heard his mother moan as he covered her feet slowly. He went on covering her legs slowly, and I heard her giving off a light moan as he worked his way up her thighs. It was slow, and he soon reached her core. He paused just before he touched her pussy. Then he dove in and played with her pussy before his mother loudly moaned.

His mother shivered as he finished, and I knew that she was even wetter than before. I smiled, and I couldn't help but let my feelings show as I put the gel that made both of them more scared than the anti-scar cream. "Now this," I ordered, and the son looked at it. He hesitated only for a second before he remembered my prior words.

He began pouring the gel onto his mother, and her body jumped a little with the cool touch. He moved much more quickly as he put the gel all over her body. The boy was smart, not wanting the gel to be concentrated in one spot, and his mother was still flipping over. He quickly worked on her back, covering her as I watched him. The boy was smart and didn't miss a spot as he finished covering her. Soon he was done, and I smiled, "Time for your mother to do the same to you now, Boy," I told him, and they swapped positions.

The mother didn't hesitate under my direct eye. Her son got up on the table with his back to her, and she quickly began to spread the gel. She was even faster than her son, and I watched as a blush began to blossom on her face. The heat started on her cheeks and quickly reached up to her ears. She was deeply blushing as she finished her son's back as she quickly spread the gel everywhere.

He flipped onto his back, and his cock was rock hard, sticking up into the air. His mother never paused as her breathing got more haggard spreading the gel all over his body and leaving his cock and balls for last. This was where she hesitated only for a moment before she slowly gripped his cock, layering the gel before moving to his balls and doing the same.

When she was done, I was smiling, and finally, I ordered them, "Stand, both of you."

The boy got up beside the mother, and his cheeks were soon turning a red shade, and their breathing both got harsher. "You both are now feeling the effects of the gel now," I began, "Good, today will be fun, and I am sure you both will remember the final lesson."

Both nodded together, "Yes, Mistress," They replied, and I grinned. Both had learned and were now showing some intelligence despite the fact things were about to get more interesting.

I watched both of them, and I picked up a crop from the counter that I left out. They both watched me with fear as I gave it a practice swing with my full strength. The whistle sounded in the room, and I grinned as both flinched at the thought of it hitting them with that whistle.

"Now, I have been enjoying your playing with each other the last couple of days. Now it is time to satisfy me," I said, and I looked towards the mother. Her breasts were large, and I wanted to see the ripple after hitting them. I didn't even think as my hand moved to hear a whistle in the air as I hit her breasts. She squealed in pain, and her breasts rippled, hitting the other, leaving a red triangle where I hit her breast, sending the other breast to the side from the impact. Small smacking noises sounded in the room as they collided with each other and bounced together. I loved the motion, and I quickly used a backswing to hit the other while they were still in motion. She yelped as the whistle of the crop ended with another loud slap as I hit her other breast, restarting the amazing ripples of her breasts as they were abused. She cried out but stood still as her breasts moved around with ripples. It was nice to watch, and there were matching triangles from the crop on her breasts.

I stood in front of the boy and smiled, using the crop to touch his cock. I stroked up the shaft lightly and smiled at the shiver that went up to his body. He watched me anxiously as he had no idea what I would do next. His blush was now up to his ears, matching his mother as their chests heaved now. Both were feeling the lust inside them as the gel took hold despite the layer of the cream. I wasn't about to get the gel all over me yet, and I knew it would dry soon. Once it settled in, that was when the true fun would begin, and I turned slightly to the side.

I grabbed clawed pins, and I stepped up to the boy. I placed the clawed clips to his nipples, and he gritted his teeth. I had hooks on the end of those clips, and I placed light vibrating metal balls I had commissioned before the warehouse was erected. The enchantments on them started to vibrate the metal, and the boy couldn't help but moan. My crop hand then hit the mother directly on her ass, making her moan with a fresh triangle on her ass from the crop. They both were moaning with the pain, with their brains now taking pleasure along with it.

The gel was settling in as the boy's cock was hard, and I saw more fresh fluids dripping from the mother. It would soon be time, and I felt my smile grow broader. I turned, and I grabbed a strap-on quickly off the counter. I smirked as I stood in front of the boy's mother, and I placed the strap on in the mother's hands, "Put it on," I ordered her, and both of them slightly paled.

She slowly put it on and looked slightly rebellious as she did. But as she tightened the leather, the boy looked more anxious. They both knew that I wasn't the one to be penetrated, and both of them knew that. I smiled as she finished tightening the straps, leaving her dripping wet pussy open to be teased as the strap-on did not cover her pussy. Instead, it stayed where a slight stubble of hair was growing above her pussy.

She remained still, and I pointed at the table, "Boy, Be a dear and turn your ass to your mother and stick it out. I am sure both of you are going to enjoy what is next." I told them, and both shuddered in unison. The boy was smart and turned, looking away from me and putting his hands on the table, turning and sticking his ass out with his legs slightly spread. By now, my pussy was a cheerful mess, watching these two and his mother move behind him.

I walked up behind her as she looked down at her son's back as he looked away from her. She gazed upon his helpless ass, seemingly lost as to what to do. "Fuck your son in the ass. Make him cum with that cock on you," I saw her blushing face, dry swallow, and her hands moved.

As her hands found her new metal cock I turned, and I reached, grabbing a large ten-inch metal dildo along with a glove. I was about to make both of them cry out, and I couldn't wait to hear the concert that was about to begin. I squatted behind her as she slowly found her son's ass. It was dripping from the gel, and I knew both of them were ready for any penetration. The mother's pussy had already leaked enough liquids to reach her knees. I put on the glove, and as she found her son's puckering and twitching asshole that was ready for penetration, I found hers.

Her soft glazed ass cheeks were smooth, and as she pushed forward into her son's ass with her metal cock I opened her ass with a gloved thumb. "Ah?!" His mother gave a slight squeak of surprise, and half a second later, inch after inch of dildo pushed into her ass. As I pushed into her, she pushed into her son, fleeing the sudden penetration and her large metal cock was a matching size to the dildo now fully in her ass. I turned on both enchantments simultaneously, and they both buzzed to life.

Both cried out in sudden pleasure. I reached behind me, picking up one of the short whips that had no use in combat. I stepped back, flourishing the cattails in my hands building up momentum before I whipped out with a small whistle all over the mother's back. She cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain as I hit her back. "MISTRESS!" She cried out.

"Faster," I ordered as I began all over, flourishing the cattails around me letting it whistle almost silently behind them. The wind hit her back, and she picked up the pace. Her hips slapped against the ass of her son, and he began to moan as she pushed deep into him repeatedly. His cries of pleasure started to reverberate in the room while his mother moaned lowly as the vibrator moved in her ass with a faint buzz. The flogger hit her back again, and she cried out fully with pleasure as the gel finally finished settling in.

The pain was there, but the gel turned them on, and with training, as the flogger hit her back, again and again, leaving red streaks across her back. She cried out in pleasure, and I hit her repeatedly, waiting as the last of the gel dried up. I made her cry out with a vicious swing that made her son cry out in pleasure as his mother fucked his ass.

He cried out, and I watched as his balls tightened and he released semen from his cock. It hit the floor rope after rope as his mother pegged his ass. The cattails hit her back repeatedly as she sprayed out her own fluids from the combination of the gel, whip and dildo made her scream.

I couldn't wait any longer as they both sprayed out their fluids showing their forced pleasure. I grabbed the strapless strap-on that I loved. I pushed it inside me, and I grabbed a flogger this time as I approached the mother and pushed her down.

Her breasts pressed against her son's back, and I pressed my cock up against her pussy. I didn't wait, and I pushed into her pussy without delay. The mother's moan echoed in the room even as her sons did. He released another rope of semen uselessly onto the floor, and I pulled back and began to fuck the enchanting mother he loved so much.

The mother began to wail as I pulled out of her and hit her ass hard with the flogger. Her ass rippled from the hit, and I pushed my hips into her still rippling ass ending the ripple. I pulled back out, and she screamed in pleasure and pain as I hit her ass hard with a loud slap with the flogger. I didn't care as I pushed deep, hearing her sob with the pain as I pressed my hips against her now sore ass.

I repeated the movement, and she soon was orgasming on my cock from the gel and flogging while I fucked her pussy. A spray of fluids and the faint smell of urine filled the room as she fucked her son in the ass while I fucked her pussy. The vibrator in her ass continued to buzz, giving her even more pleasure, and the mother began to mindlessly fuck her son. She cried out as her hips moved forward and backward, even as I hit her ass hard with the flogger making it a dark red as I heard a small spray of fluids each time she pushed into her son.

My thighs were drenched, and her son was crying out in pleasure, "MISTRESS!" He screamed, "MOM!" He followed up, "I'M CUMMING!" He screamed. The training room echoed with his scream as he released his seed onto the floor from getting pegged in the ass by his mother.

His mother then came again with a large splash of fluids as I pulled out of her. A large amount of fluids hit the floor as her legs trembled, and she began to piss on the floor while she fell on her son. I smiled, and I watched the two cumming for a minute while the mother finished releasing the contents of her bladder on the floor.

Her legs trembled, and I walked back up behind her as she finished. The contents of her bladder joined her son's semen and intermingled as I pulled his mother back. The son moaned as his mother was pulled out of his ass. I then flipped her over and laid her back on the table. He looked at his mother twitch, and I smirked as he gazed at his mother.

"Your turn to fuck your mother while I fuck you ass and have my fun with you, boy," I told him. He looked at me with both lust and fear as his cock twitched. "Don't forget the day has only begun, and I have most of the day to play with you!" I told him my tone delighted and his face fell looking at me.

I came just from looking at the expression, and my grin only got larger.

Screams of pain and pleasure filled my day. My pussy was sore by the end.