Chapter 150: Futures

My pussy was wet as he screamed. The Centaur went absolutely crazy, releasing all of his lust into what was now a corpse. He lost full control of himself, and Jackie stepped back as he dismounted the corpse, only for him to move back into the man, completely forgetting about the other two slaves.

He lost himself venting all of his emotions as tears and snot dripped down his face. His grief as he killed his sexual partner sent him over the edge. Thrust mindlessly into yet another hole, trying to forget that he had just killed the woman begging him just seconds before. He moved with mindless abandon, and I grinned, turning to Jackie. "That was interesting!" I announced, seeing her matching smile as we couldn't control our happy expressions that only a Slave trainer would experience when witnessing such a scene.

It was something many felt when finishing a job well, but the gruesome scene continued as you could hear the slap of his balls against the male slave's ass. "Yes! Yes, it was Mistress Sally! Thank you for letting me train it!" Jackie said, turning to the rampaging Centaur on top of the male slave, thrusting as hard as he could.

The two female slaves bound looked at the Centaur with fear now. I could see that they did not want to be the next object that the Centaur tried to vent his feelings on. I turned to Jackie, "Okay, time to put him back in a cell. We cannot let him loose for too long, or he might recover a bit of his mind. Instead, put some of the gel on his cock and leave the Centaur in his cell. Make him desperate to sate his lust with nothing but the floor as an outlet to release upon so he will be even more desperate in the future for a hole to fuck."

Jackie nodded, then moved towards the Centaur, "Stop," Her voice rang out, and the enchantments stopped the centaur in place even as he screamed. We probably blue balled him, but the man under him was looking worse for wear with the brutal ass fucking he was getting.

I stretched my body, now wet with more than just the sweat I made from my training. I moved forward and unlocked the two female slaves from the Pillories that Jackie had them in. They looked at me with fear but not as much fear as the Centaur. "Come with me," I told them, and they both nodded as if they had a choice.

I moved out of the training room, no longer caring about the Centaur and his condition. He was wallowing in grief that would break him further, and it didn't matter to me how far he broke anymore. We had achieved where I needed him to be, and that was all that was needed. Unlike the mother and son, it was a simple contract and a boring one. My pussy might be wet, and I would cherish the memory of him breaking in front of me, but I had no one to release that lust on at the moment.

Instead, I took the two remaining female slaves over to the office, sliding around the desk to sit down in my chair. "Stay there," I ordered as I sat down, looking at the two women in front of me. One was a redhead, and the other had black hair. I could see remnants of lust and fear in them, and I thought about what I could do with these two. They could be helpful, but I wasn't sure what uses I could have for these two. "So, the beast has been trained, and my original purpose for purchasing you two is complete."

I saw both of them dryly swallow. What typical slave trainers would do was keep them for the next order, like the Centaur. That wasn't what I was about to do with these two. They showed that they could at least keep their mind intact as they received what many would call torture and rape. They learned to enjoy it and still keep their minds, although fragile still, intact. That meant that I could count on at least some mental fortitude.

"So you both have survived," I said after a minute. I watched them looking at me, and I could see a change in emotions with my words. Tears prickled in both their eyes as they remembered what they had just experienced. "You have both even kept your minds intact, at least on the surface. You might remember these last weeks, but I promised you that you would no longer be used as fodder if you lived through this." I said honestly, and both nodded. "Most slave trainers might sell you back to the market or keep you around for use in a contract like the Centaurs again. I will not."

Tears began to flow down both of their eyes, and they both collapsed onto their knees. I let them cry as they both felt the emotions of surviving flow through them. These two were the lucky two that survived, and I still wasn't sure what to do with them. Would I keep them around for Zee? or send them to Cassandra for that brothel that we had taken control of. However, putting them there would expose my connection at least partially that I was affiliated with the Bloddy Candies.

They were both sobbing messes on the floor at this moment, though, and I couldn't find out what to use them for with them acting like this. "Compose yourselves as soon as possible as we have something important to talk about," I said, my voice stern but making sure not to make my words an order that the slave collars would enforce as those emotions needed to be felt by them.

They cried in relief, holding each other for another minute before finally composing themselves and sniffing up loose snot while wiping away tears. They slowly stood as they recomposed themselves, even as I knew relief was flowing through them. I watched and waited through, letting my patience with the show as they took their time standing again after such an emotional wave.

"S-S- Sorry, Mistress," The redhead said, and I looked at her snot and tear-stained face.

"That is okay; you both have just survived and learned that you would not be sold. I know that will be emotional for you both," I said, and both nodded, sniffing up snot and wiping tears again. "That being said, I now have a problem deciding your futures."

This made them sober much more quickly as they understood that they were not out of the woods quite yet. They finally composed themselves, although the stains of that release of emotions still showed. "Good, now I need to know what you both know so I know where to place you two. Are you skilled in anything? Do you know how to read and write? Let me know anything that either of you knows as I have many things that need to be done and not enough human resources to do it with. So if you have skills, you may get better treatment." I told them, making sure to make them understand that I was being very serious.

"I- I-" The Black-haired woman stuttered first, then sniffed, "I was captured when I was young, Mistress Sally. My mother sold me to the slave market, so I only had time to learn some basic stitching when I was young. As I was bought and sold, I have learned a bit more on stitching and taking care of clothing as I had to take care of other slaves' clothing and my own."

I nodded and raised an eyebrow, "Is there anything else?" I asked. My tone wasn't dismissive, but neither was it happy as I said that. I didn't want her to think that it was enough for me. Instead, I wanted her to be desperate to sell herself to me. Let me know all the knowledge that might help me in the future.

"I- I!" She paused, looking more desperate, "I know simple math and how to please both men and women in the bedroom! Please don't throw me away!" She begged, and I knew that this woman wasn't exactly the most useful to most slaver trainers.

"Okay," I said, turning to the redhead, "Now you," I said, seeing the depression the black-haired woman showed on her expression. It was like hope left her, but I ignored her despite my already moist pussy growing wetter.

The Redhead looked at the black-haired girl and was even more scared to have her skills be found 'useless.' I could see her thinking as she couldn't hide it at all. "I know how to read and write simple words, Mistress! I was sold after bandits destroyed our village. My father was a blacksmith, and I know a few of his techniques! I can make simple things like tools! I was young when I was sold, but I do believe I could grasp some of my old skills around a furnace again!" The redhead had my attention even if she unnecessarily yelled.

I watched her panic as I watched her in silence and I saw her dryly swallow. I let the silence enter the room, and I could see both of them wavier as I watched them silently. "Okay," I said, breaking the silence when I knew that red-headed slave didn't have anything else to say., I was intrigued that she didn't say anymore, sticking to the blacksmithing and not saying anything about entertaining in the bedroom as most slaves picked up.

"I have uses for you both," I told them both, and that depression and anxiety disappeared. Both smiled brightly, making both of them look younger as they smiled brightly in relief. I could see their legs tremble under the wave of fresh emotion. I looked at them both and said, "I have decided that I will put you in my tailoring store. You will both practice and learn what is needed. If!" I paused and looked at them both, "If!" I repeated, "You slack, I will sell you back to the market. If you try to swindle or lie to me or do anything disloyal in the future, I will either kill you or send you back to the market!" I threatened them both, and they paled, frightened.

Both of the slaves dryly swallowed as I looked into their eyes, and I knew they were both afraid. "Now, If you both do well and I hear good things about you from the managers I will reward you. If one does bad but the other does good I will reward the one doing good work while punishing the other. Understood?" I said finishing with the simple question.

Both of them nodded their heads, and I smiled, "Good; now, I will tell you what you can achieve if you work your hardest." Both dry swallowed again, and I decided that water and cleaning would do both a world of good. "If you do your best, learn and become assets to me, then in the future, I will return your freedom and do more than just feed and clothe you both. Instead, I will pay you what your labor is worthwhile under my employ, including the time you were my slave before I freed you. Do you understand what I am offering you?" I asked them seriously.

They were both gaping at me, now surprised at what I had just said. Their mouths opened and closed as I told them that, and I could see the slow comprehension of what I had just told them to move through them. The excitement built their emotions and hope for the future with it. Tears welled in their eyes, and they both nodded vigorously.

"Good," I told them and stood stretching a little, "You are both too overcome with emotions to talk at the moment, so I will let you vent your emotions somewhat before we head anywhere."

I heard a knock on the door, and I turned to look up at the closed door. "Come in," I said over the now sobbing slaves on the floor.

Jackie entered a moment later and looked surprised at the two crying girls on the floor. "What is up with those?" Jackie asked.

"They are emotionally charged after what I just told them," I said. Jackie had an understanding look on her face and didn't pay the girls any more attention after that. "So the centaur is losing its mind in the cells. So I bound him in a way where he can still attempt to vent his emotions with the floor but where he cannot hurt himself." Jackie said that with a sadistic smile, and I knew my face split, mirroring the look myself. My pussy moistened, thinking about the night that beast was going to go through. I couldn't help but wish there was some type of recording device in this world. Shame that I didn't have the time to watch him suffer more.

"Good," I replied after a couple of moments. You can come tomorrow and see him before I make the delivery. I will also give you some gifts for your work as well as go over some final points of your training then."

Jackie was smiling at my praise for a job well done. "Thank you; I look forward to the gifts. I have already fed the slaves left in the cells as well and given them some extra rations. I had to use orders to force him to consume food for the Centaur. Oh, and one more thing," Jackie said; she grinned and turned to a large toothy smile that showed her happiness. "I left the centaur something just outside of his cell for him to remember what he did. You can check it out now or wait till tomorrow to see it as a surprise."

That grin said more than it needed to, and I had a strong suspicion of what it was. If I were correct, it would finish any last semblance of the individual that the Centaur was before he entered a slaver's hands.

"I will save it for tomorrow. I do have some things to clean up here, though. Please, head on home; I will see you tomorrow." I told her as the two slaves near her were still crying. They both sobbed with relief, and Jackie nodded as she looked at me.

"Very well, Thank you, Mistress Sally; today felt really good to see," Jackie commented, and I knew that she was a sadist from that simple statement, not that I didn't know that before. "Good night, Mistress Sally," She finished and turned to leave the room with a large grin.

I watched her go and the door shut behind her, leaving me with two sobbing slaves. I would have problems rooming these two slaves, but I had a plan in my head. I stood after a minute, and I looked at the two women failing to compose themselves. That would need to be trained into them in the future if it could be. For now, though, "Come on, follow me; we will clean you up," I told them, and both got up in less than a minute but still sobbing their relief together.

I had them follow me to the showers. First things first, it was time to clean these two up. I walked with two slaves in tow, sobbing as we headed to the showers.



Hey guys,

I am still celebrating releasing my Third week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. You can find the link below if you are interested. Enjoy and thank you for all the support.