Chapter 152: Sensations

I smiled with a completed dinner in front of me. My inspection of the knife made my mood good, but I still did not know what the enchantments did. I would need to find someone to experiment with in the future. The knife's description made me wonder if it was for more than just stabbing others.

I would not experiment with that on a loyal slave, like Stacy. Stacy was here of her own volition without anything holding her back. Even the chastity belt was something that would only cost a few gold coins to be broken. No, Stacy was here because even though she hated the belt, she loved every second of torture I gave her.

The anticipation that she felt when I told her I would play with her today, followed by twelve hours of torturous waiting, was but more time for her to get excited. No one other than a genuine masochist like herself could ever understand how much she loved what I did for her.

She was a slave to her desires, and I was the keeper of it all. She would never nor could never leave the source of everything that drove her to wake up in the morning. There was something inside of her that I had not taken for my own yet, though. The system had not given me points for thoroughly training her yet, and that meant there was a part of her I had yet to touch and dominate. I would find it, but that could be done with time.

I turned to look at her with a smile that visibly sent shivers up her spine. "You did a good job with dinner, Stacy. I am sure you will enjoy the orgasm, or even I might let you experience multiple orgasms I bring you tonight in the training room." I told her as she finished her meal as well.

I could see the excitement on her face explode into a huge smile. "Thank you, Mistress," Stacy said. I could almost feel pity for the girl as she had a new spring in her step as she moved around the kitchen after getting out of her chair. I turned to Freya, "How is the training going?" I asked her.

"Mistress, I believe that I do not know that he is taking more to training before for some reason or another. I would not say it is a marked difference at this point. But it is still evident that he is more open, if only slightly less resistant to some of the training. Although I think the boy did not know that he was at least a little bit of a masochist; although," Freya paused, looking at the excited Stacy quickly cleaning up around the kitchen after us. "As much as Stacy. But still a masochist nonetheless and seriously in denial about the fact of the matter."

"Well, you will change that, and I believe that you can do a good job of it," I replied and quickly saw a smile from Freya as I stated my belief in her. "Where did you put the little sissy you are training?" I asked Freya.

Freya was smiling as she replied, "I tied him up and put him to the side of the bed." Freya paused and looked at me before continuing, "I think there is also something up with Kitty. She seems more restless than usual inside her cage. I made some food for her; do you want to see what is up?" Freya asked.

I leaned back in my chair, thinking for a moment. "No, please feed her the food in a bowl as usual before caging her again. I will do find out later." I replied to the question.

Freya nodded and grabbed Kitty's food bowl before heading over to the bedroom. I watched her go thinking about Freya. Freya was looking better and better at taking more responsibilities onto her shoulders. Suppose she could train this sissy for that dumbass with the suggestion to keep some loyalty to us. I couldn't help but grin at how well having a switch under my complete control was. I knew that Freya was loyal to me. I spent a decade on her training. The final thing that she needed was something that symbolized turning into a woman.

I shook my head as I watched Freya go. I stood up, and I looked as Stacy finished cleaning up the kitchen and walked to the training room. I could feel Stacy's excitement as I moved towards the door, and I heard her pick up her speed cleaning from dinner.

I smelt the cleaner that Freya and Stacy used to clean up inside the training room. The toys were set out, and the training whips cleaned and oiled. I knew I should watch Freya in action at some point, but for now, I would show my trust in her. She had watched me for years, and I knew Freya was not an idiot.

I stretched with a smile before looking over my tools. There were many ways I could play with Stacy tonight, and I wanted Stacy to think it would be rough. But I had a slightly different plan in mind. There were many ways to tease an orgasm out of a participant while making them wish for you to stop what you are doing.

Sadomasochism is an artform I rapidly realized. Orgasms were the paint I would use to make a portrait that would make her scream in ecstasy. I couldn't help but smile as I picked up the brushes that I would use to paint that portrait that would bring so much pleasure to us both. My pussy was on fire thinking about it. I wanted and needed to be painting the painting, and I only needed to wait for the recipient to arrive.

I heard a knock on the door several minutes later as I continued to set up my tools. Tonight would be a fun one, and I could not wait to begin to play. "Open the door, Stacy," I said as I grabbed the final things that I needed.

The well-oiled door opened silently, and Stacy stepped in. I could feel her eyes moving around the room in the vain hope of knowing how I would bring her to a pain orgasm. I had promised her, and she had never known me to lie to her. I would fulfill that promise, and I could feel her excitement at the thought.

To start with, I took out the key to her chastity belt, and I placed it on the counter with a variety of other toys. Although my back was turned, I could hear her gasp as she thought of being free of the celt around her waist. I knew that she needed to clean up under it and that we should clean up the belt after prolonged usage. Doing it now was just a good idea as I planned to reward her for being good these last week or so.

I heard her dryly swallow as I opened a drawer and pulled out some more lube. I looked at it with a fondness as I remembered how many times I had made this. Lube was amazing and should and be used almost all the time unless you want your partner to feel more pain than necessary. Some women could get wet enough, but not all the time, and I looked down at it with a fondness as I had a lot over the years with this lube formula I remembered since I was a child.

I shook my head, realizing I was getting in a weird mood. So I quickly brought myself back to the task at hand, and I grinned, turning around and looking at the woman before me. My fingers reached out and took the key in my hand. "You know what this is?" I asked her.

"T-" I heard Stacy swallow, "That is the key to the belt around my waist, Mistress," Stary got out.

I grinned, "Correct," I replied, and I looked down at her feet slowly up to her eyes. Today, she was wearing a brown dress, and I knew that she wore it because it was good for the tailoring shop. "Take off those clothes," I ordered while twirling the key around in my fingers.

Stacy undid the string in the back quickly with quick fingers that showed her trade-off. It took only seconds for her to get the dress to drop into a pile on the floor. While I watched, that key moved through my fingers, twirling in the darkroom lit with the candlelight I recently put out around the room. The ring twinkled in the light, and the room was foreboding as her body opened up to me. The last bit of cloth to drop was the green bra that she had personally made dropping to the floor. I grinned as I saw her breasts in the candlelight.

"Catch," I said with a grin, and the key went into motion in the air without any more warning.

Stacy cried out in surprise and dove for the key. All the practice that we taught her to be an arms master out the window. She dove for the precious key that unlocked her ability to touch her pussy. It fumbled in her fingers and fell to the floor. "Ah! Sorry Mistress, I will pick it up right away," Stacy said, scrambling on the floor to see the key.

I watched for a moment, and I reached out to pick up the first toy of the night. It was a simple nine tails as I stood up. Her almost thoroughly naked body pressed against the wood as she looked for the key. I stepped behind her silently without letting her know, and the whip cracked against her back.

"Ah!" Stacy moaned out the pain at this point, pure bliss to this perverted masochist that had been longing for any contact. I said nothing with the simple whip to her back, but her moan spoke more than any words would have. I stood back after the first hit and walked over to the counter.

A couple of seconds later, Stacy had found the key and stood back up, blushing. Her breath was uneven with lust as she held the key to her cage. I could see the excitement and the ever-growing lust in her as she stood before me. My pain doll was ready for the bliss that I felt like giving her tonight. "You may unlock the belt," I told her,

I watched as she stumbled to put the key in, looking down over her breasts. It took a minute before she finally got it in the hole, and it took several moments for her to unlock the belt. The audible click in the room almost made her cum by itself as I heard her sigh. "Take off the belt," I ordered.

The smile and the excitement reached a new level, and she undid the chastity belt, which fell with an audible clink. The smell, though, was something else. It smelt like urine and dried on ejaculate. It was not a great smell, but I ignored it since I would do something about that later. I watched as her hands stalled around her pussy as she had just unlocked her cage. "Do you know what will happen if you touch yourself, Stacy?" I asked.

"M- Mistress will punish me," Stacy admitted, and I nodded with a smile.

"Correct, plus that belt will come back on," I told her almost compassionately. I could see her mixed emotions as pleasure was just an inch away, with nothing holding her back after over a week. Her hands itched, and her hypersexuality was peaking at this moment. I could see the tremble in her fingers as they hovered the same distance away from her cunt without moving an inch closer.

I watched her trembling, and I couldn't help the smile sadistic smile on my face. "Good, now kick your clothes into the corner. No need to get them to mess with your slutty juices, Stacy. Put the chastity belt on the table, though. You will clean it thoroughly soon so it can be put back on till your punishment is over." The words put her into motion without thought. Any distraction away from the thoughts of touching herself was merciful to get at this time.

Seconds later, she was done, and I smiled at the quick work. I reached out and picked up the creme for scarring, and I tossed it to Stacy. "You may not touch your pussy while applying the creme," I ordered her and tossed the creme to her.

Stacy nodded and, with practiced ease, applied the creme, and with only a few leftover spots, she couldn't reach on her back and all around her pussy. Stacy wasn't about to disobey an order as she knew the consequences. I watched as she finished, and I stepped over softly, letting the deliberate sound of my footsteps sound in the training room. I reached out and took the creme from her and lathered the remaining parts of her back.

Then I began the play that would start the night for Stacy taking that cream and covering her inner thighs and the outside of her pussy. "Mmm," Stacy moaned softly at the touch of my fingers near and on some of her pussy. The simple touch was more than enough to bring pleasure to the sensation staved pervert.

I took the creme away and stepped back to the countertop a second later. "Now, Stacy," I said, turning and leaning against the countertop. "I am about to strip," I told her, and Stacy's eyes widened. "I will be naked in front of you, and I want you to look only at my face. At some point tonight, you may gaze upon my body. But only when I order you to," I continued, and I saw the small nod which hid so much pain. "Do you understand?" I asked.

I knew this order was torture itself. Stacy loved the female body more than even pain, and gazing upon her goddess and Mistress was her favorite thing. For it to be right there but not allowed to see it was a pain in itself. "Yes, Mistress," Stacy said, all that pain moving through her, and I grinned.

I slipped off the leather pants in front of her, and I saw her looking up instantly. I made sure the Sadsit's whip hit the floor, sounding the exact moment my pants hit the floor. I was not merciful either as I took off my bra, letting the subtle click of the clasps sound in the silent Training room.

I stepped forward as she looked up and away from me and took a knife from the countertop. I grinned as I twirled the knife in my hand. My skill was on full display as I stepped forward towards Stacy as she looked up at the roof. My feet patterned silently forwards as I approached her, making her swallow more of her own saliva to fill the moment as she struggled not to look at my body.

I stepped up to Stacy, and I allowed my breasts to touch hers as I finished closing the distance between our bodies. In one hand, I twirled a knife around in my hand. It was a three-inch blade, and the handle was simple steel and leather. There was no crossguard as this knife wasn't meant for fighting. The long curved tip ended in a point that was at the same height as the spine.

On the other hand, my free hand had other things to be doing, and I took Stacy's face in my hand. I turned her head so that she had to look at me, showing her my sadistic smile. I felt her shiver as she looked at me, and I continued twirling the knife in my hand. "Ah, my little pain doll. You look so good right now," I told her, and the knife stopped twirling in my hand. My grip on it became firm, and my hand lowered down to her body slowly, with the blade tip touching her skin ever so softly. "You truly are a little doll for me to make scream. I wonder how much you will cum as you scream."

I saw her shiver as she stood frozen, looking into my eyes. My voice was soft and inviting, my words dark and horrendous. Then I felt her body twitch ever so slightly, and I knew that my pain doll just had a small orgasm from the thought of what was to come. I couldn't help it; I began to laugh darkly.

"Well, Well, Well," I said, my voice dark with promises of something. "Cumming just from some simple words," I said, and the knife glided down her skin from her nape to her collar bone. The pressure was right at the point of feeling it might cut into her skin. "You are a naughty little Pain doll, aren't you?"

"Mis-" Stacy began, but I closed her mouth with my hand.

"No," I told her, "Put both hands behind your back slut." I ordered as I traced her collar bone. "I want to see these breasts also. Bring out your chest to the best of your ability," I followed up.

Stacy put her hands behind her back, and she brought her breasts forward as much as she could, arching her back and thrusting her breasts towards me. I glided the knife down to her breasts and slowly moved it down to her nipple. Stacy moaned as the tip of the knife's blade played with the nipple.

I used the knife to play with her hard nipple, and Stacy fought not to breathe as she stuck out her breasts. I loved the moment as I could see her skin tremble under the sharp blade. It was a tease for her, and I heard her finally suck in the air making her breasts mold around the blade's tip. Her breath paused, and she shuddered as the tip pressed into her sensitive nipple. I pulled the knife back a moment later, which must have felt incredibly long to Stacy, and twirled it in my fingers quickly before bringing it up to her face. The knife blade scratched along her jaw while I grinned. "So beautiful," I complimented.

Stacy seemed frozen in the spot as I played with her dangerously. Her body's instinct fought her hands to move, which were unrestrained behind her back. She did not move an inch, and I grinned, showing her all my teeth as I pulled the knife back again. I moved forward, letting my breasts touch hers again, allowing her to feel my heat and I pecked her lips lightly.

My hand moved down with the knife, and her breath hitched as the knife pressed against her pussy. The sharp edge cleaning cutting off slight stubble from her nether regions showing how sharp the blade was as the small hairs were cleaned off. Her breathing turned ragged, and I saw her holding herself together as the knife played closer and closer to her clit. Her breathing turned more and more haggard.

The sharp blade made her body tremble, and the sensation of the blade made her skin prickle. The sensation rolled through her as I softly played with a dangerous tool around her important areas. Even as I moved the blade just under her clit, her breathing was still barely noticeable. Stacy had not even noticed when she spread her legs at this point as her body unconsciously moved to reduce the chance of damage. I leaned forward just as the tip of the blade touched her clitoris, which was poking out, now swollen.

"Whose are you, Stacy?" I asked her.

"You are, Mistress," Stacy replied, barely audible even in the silence as her breathing was short a shallow. Her attention was entirely around her clit with the point of a knife against it.

"What a good little Pain doll," I said, and my tongue reached out and licked her earlobe. "You are such a good slave, albeit a little naughty. Cumming all by yourself without permission," I chastised her. "But I think I will keep you in one piece." I finished.

My hand retreated, and I stepped back. The knife spun on my fingers, twirling around as I backed up. I looked over her body and saw a clear liquid tailing down to her knees already. If I did not know better, I would have thought that she had wet herself. The lack of a stronger urine stench made that improbable, though.

No, this was the perverts pussy gushing at the blade's attention, and I knew that she was on the edge of cumming. I moved through the room, and I picked up a simple toy. "You know what," I said, commenting slowly. "I feel like doing something more than just making you scream in pain," I told her, and I saw her excitement reach a new height in the corner of my eye. I picked up my strapless strap and pushed it up into my cunt. "Mmmm," I moaned lightly now with a nine-inch cock coming from my pussy.

My pussy was wet, and these days I found myself hornier than before. I turned and looked at my prevented pain doll, and I picked up the whip that made her gulp. This whip wasn't suited for fighting but was suited for dishing out pain. It was another cattail with tiny little spurs that would cut into the flesh very lightly, producing only scratches. This special whip wasn't made with any hooks to tear more flesh as I didn't want to create permanent damage to my doll.

I let it hang while I held the handle and looked over at my pain doll. "Things are about to get messy," I told her, and I walked over, not even letting the sound of my footsteps echo in the room. I could see her excitement as she struggled not to look anywhere else, but my face and I smiled. "You may gaze at my breasts for a couple of seconds," I rewarded her.

Stacy's eyes lit up, and she gazed upon my breasts, and I could see an increase in juices flow from her cunt. A second later, her pussy erupted as she stared at my breasts, her body shuddering as she experienced an orgasm just from gazing at my body.

"What a naughty little slave," I said, closing the distance as she looked at my breasts. The handle of the whip forced her to look up at me. Stacy's expression was one of excitement and lust. The anticipation of being played with is taking all cognitive ability away from this woman. "Further training required to ask for permission to cum even from my sight." I told her, "Turn around," I ordered harshly, and Stacy followed without thought, her arms together behind her back.

The whip came out, and the first scream as the hooks clawed the surface of her skin. "AH! MISTRESS!" She screamed, and I took her hands in mine and pinned them to her sides.

"Arms stay still, Doll," I ordered now before I pushed her back down, making her bow forwards. Her legs were only slightly open, and I hit her with the whip leaving surface scratches on her thighs. A scream erupted, and her legs parted more, and I whipped the other thigh just as harshly, scratching the other thigh.

"AH! THANK YOU, MISTRESS!" Stacy screamed.

Her glistening fluids added to the scratches increasing the pain as the liquid did nothing to dull the pain. I knew they were throbbing for her even as she bent over with her arms to her sides. The position was precarious, and I got an idea I liked. I stepped back and grabbed a thick leather collar and leash before walking back. I stepped to Stacy's side, letting her hear me approach.

"Close those eyes," I ordered and didn't give her time to think before I squatted by her face. I wrapped the thick leather around her neck, clipping the leash. I stood, and I stepped away, knowing that if she saw me, she would have probably experienced another small orgasm just from the sight of me naked.

I looked at the pervert before me, and I knew she was an unsavable pervert before I even met her. I took the leash in my hand, wrapping it around my hand, tightening my grip. I reached down and found her pussy dripping wet, and I smiled as I pushed my metal cock into her pussy. "MMMM!" Stacy moaned, and I felt her pussy walls tightening on the edge of an orgasm just from taking half my metal cock into her cunt.

It was time, I thought with a vicious grin.

I pulled the leash, and the whip came down on her back simultaneously. "AH~-!" Stacy screamed and moaned simultaneously, just as I choked off her cry with the leash. Her body pulled back onto my cock, and I sent mana down to my pussy, activating the enchantment. My hips pulled back as I weakened my grip on the leash. Stacy gasped only for everything to crash a second later as the now vibrating cock pushed deep into her while the collar around her throat cut off her air. The whip scratched along her back painfully, and her pussy erupted into an orgasm.

I didn't care as I pushed through, letting the whip glide the spurs across her back, scratching it along the length before I lifted it and whipped her in the other direction. My cock pushed deep into her even as her pussy erupted from the flurry of movement. Not a sound left her mouth as the sensations moved through her, and I felt my pussy tighten as the first scream erupted, only to be choked off again a second later.

I didn't stop whipping Stacy as I thrust into her pussy hard, taking pleasure in the movement and the domination. I loudly moaned as her spasming pussy, along with the vibrations, brought me to the edge, and I had a small orgasm as I whipped her back. The scratches along her back overlapped in Xs everywhere. There was barely anywhere on her back left unscratched as slight amounts of blood even began to well.

I paused only for a moment to let her breathe so my wonderful pain doll wouldn't die. I continued a second later, making her scream as her pussy trembled, only to cum a second later as I took her cunt for all it was worth. The domination and pleasure from the metal cock brought me to the peak repeatedly. This was my bitch, and I made her scream out in pleasure whenever she had enough ait to make a noise.

I almost lost control of myself as I moved right into a third orgasm, waiting for some of the lust and frustration I had built over the last weeks or even months. I hated being in this city, and her choked-off screams filled a spot needing to be filled.

I pulled out of her as I finished my third orgasm, letting Stacy fall to the floor. Her breath was in large gulps as her chest heaved, making her breasts look even better in the candlelight. I smiled before saying, "You may cum as much as you want from this last little bit," I told her. I tossed the whip away, and the leash was already in a pool behind her. My cunt buzzed with the metal cock still inside of me as I reached out.

I took the candle in hand, and I poured the wax into the wounds from the whip.

The scream of pain it illicted made me cum. It did more for Stacy as her pussy erupted, her ass sticking into the air. Female ejaculate flowed onto the floor as she squirted all over. I almost believed she pissed herself until a couple of seconds later; a yellow liquid joined the clear liquid that just erupted.

I moaned as I watched her cumming on the floor, screaming in pain. pleasure over took me and I came again.

"Time to clean up slut," I said without even thinking as she cried on the floor. "We need to lock you back up tonight."