Chapter 155: Slaver's Information Part 1

The walk through the town toward the warehouse was uneventful. The man under my arm looked like he was an escaped slave, so even as I walked passed guards, they didn't care. This was the beauty of a feudal society with a slave system. I couldn't help the smile on my face as the Guards looked at my neck and saw the strength in my arms to carry a full-grown man under one arm. They shook their heads, obviously not wanting to get involved with me, and carried on their patrols.

I opened the warehouse as the sky turned to twilight, and I entered without pause. I moved passed the empty cells and contemplated leaving this for the night for a good rest. I quickly threw that aside. I entered the training areas and entered the second training area where I trained the mother and son just a few days ago. I took the man, and I punched him in the stomach once more for good measure. He loudly coughed before laying back down on the table, not moving much.

I had put him on the rack, and I took one hand. I quickly used the chains on the rack and shackled his first wrist. I quickly followed up with the second arm before restraining his legs and neck. I did not want this idiot to be able to run away or kill himself. I then finished stuffing cloth in his might, although I doubted that he had poison in his teeth like some overzealous organizations in my previous world.

I looked over the subtle muscular man on the table, and I could tell he was an archer. I looked down upon the man as he struggled to breathe with the cloth in his mouth. His nose flared, and I moved to my secret room to grab a large knife. It took a minute, and when I came back, the man had regained most of his ability to breathe.

"So," I began as I walked back into the room, seeing those hazel eyes looking at me with his nostrils flaring to breathe in. "You and your associates decided to attack me to enslave me tonight," I said, my voice bland as if I was talking about something completely unimportant. "To be honest, it was the first time since I had been a slave when I was a child that someone thought they could collar me." I continued as I reached him. His hazel eyes followed me, and I could see the fear in them as the large knife came into view. "I am wondering what you know of me," I stated before moving the knife slowly up the table, letting the noise of it scratching the table sound out.

I stopped with the knife just by his face and set it down, so it was just out of his vision. I moved the wheel with the chains and tightened the restraints, so he was pinned to the table even more tightly. I turned and grabbed a chair before sitting down near his head. I took the knife in one hand and the rag out of his mouth with the other.


I raised an eyebrow for only a second before laughing. I couldn't help it as it reminded me of those skinheads back in my previous world. It was like a little taste of home with someone screaming racist obscenities. I remembered the first war I had with the skinheads over some parts of the southern states. It took over a year to finally carve out a small piece of territory in only one state. They resented that, but at that point, I had a growing power base while theirs was whittling away.

They were good times in my past, and the remembered achievement of my past life made me smile brightly. "Ah, that is good," I said, clapping as he roared out something I didn't pay attention to. I was a little stuck in my memories of my past achievements in the previous world.

I stood knowing that the man wouldn't speak anything useful unless I began to make him say something. I reached forward, took the rag, and stuffed it back in his mouth, shutting off the string of obscenities that flowed out of his mouth.

"You know, I feel like I haven't had a truly real conversation with someone in a long time," I told him, twirling the knife in my hand. "It is a great thing to have a real conversation with someone, but there are some things that you cannot tell people who will be able to talk the next day," I continued seeing his eyes narrow as I told him that. I quickly turned and brought down the knife seeing his eyes widen as the knife landed between his legs. I quickly cut into the briefs and tore the cloth apart, revealing a small cock underneath. It was only an inch or two flaccid, but I didn't care much as I continued what I was saying, "But I don't have to worry about that with you. You are not going to be alive when I am done with you, and no one will come to rescue you here," I told him blandly as I removed the cloth from under his ass.

I took a deep breath smelling the dirt and grime from the man, but he wasn't that dirty. Instead, you could tell that he washed regularly. He didn't even piss himself when being captured or release his bowels. It meant that this man had some strength in his mind, but I couldn't help but wonder how long that would last.

"I used to not care whether people took the hard or easy way out in the past. In my past life, it was only an annoyance if people chose to hold out for a little longer. A waste of my time, more or less, as it didn't bring much satisfaction to me," I confessed to the man as I twirled the knife in my hand, spinning it around, "I was in it for the power and expanding my underground empire. Wasting time on these things was just that," I smiled as I moved to his head again. I looked down at him, and those hazel eyes stared up at me. I could see the fear and the confusion in his eyes. But more than that, there was willpower there, and my smile changed. I could see the increased fear as he saw my smile change, and I continued, "It was a waste of time that I now regret thinking of like that. I never thought, even when I was dying from several gunshot wounds, that I would regret not taking more time and enjoying the process of extracting information from those people. I did it so cleanly and efficiently. I looked to make the person break as fast as possible instead of reveling in my personal power over them. I didn't allow myself to enjoy the exquisite wine of other's misery!" I exclaimed, "Don't worry, though; I won't let your death become my next regret, you racist dumbass. You will give me the information that I want. You will tell me all you know, but you won't tell me right away. You will tell me after I had some fun and after I make you beg to let you tell me the information that I want to know."

I could see the fear now, and that willpower in those hazel eyes wavered a little, and he tried to say something through the cloth. He tried to spit out the cloth to say something, and my hand covered his mouth, stopping that from happening. "No, no, no, no," I said, shaking my head, "I haven't even started, and I have so much to do with you. So much pent-up stress to relieve, and you are going to be my outlet. I also have so much about my past life to tell you about!" I grinned and got real close to his face, "Don't worry," I whispered in his ear, "You will not die until I let you die," I stood as I finished stretching my muscles, and he strained against the restraints hard. He tried to scream something at me as his nostrils flared, and I grinned.

First things first, a proper gag, I thought and began to move. I needed to gather some toys to play with this idiot. I gathered the simple things I needed, and I returned to him after visiting the storehouse to grab something I used not too long ago. I saw the man straining against the restraints uselessly, and I smiled as I leaned my head over his showing him my bright smile. "I wonder, Do you have any interesting last words before I begin?" I asked myself more than him.

I pulled out the rag, and he glared at me with a strained snarl on his face. "Fuck you; You are a crazy bitch!" He snarled.

"Oh, but I am," I replied, "I never said that I wasn't. In fact, I believe that I would be called a Sadist in my previous world, along with some megalomania and probably some other traits that would make me sound like a genuine crazy person. The biggest difference, though, was that I worked towards those goals and almost achieved them. I almost had complete control over an entire country as its shadow leader. Governing without anyone even knowing that I was the one in control." I leaned back and put on some gloves, "But we can talk about that later. Instead, let us talk about you," I reiterated as the man looked at me.

"FUCK YOU!" He screamed at me and began to repeat it when I decided to put the rag back in. I didn't quite need a proper gag yet.

I gloved up and grinned as I looked at the small cock between his legs. I looked him over, and I grinned, "To start with, I have to begin with something fun. Make you wonder what I am doing to you. Seem unpredictable and make you most of all; hate me even more." I grinned as I opened the container of aphrodisiac, and I took a large scoop of the gel out with my fingers. I quickly applied it around his cock into the brown pubic hair surrounding it before liberally applying it to his penis.

The man strained his arms and legs in another futile attempt to escape, and a muffled expletive tried to escape the rag. I couldn't understand it nor cared to as I applied a second layer as his cock started to get hard.

I was surprised as the cock became a grower and not a shower as it reached seven inches in height, and I whistled as I applied a third layer of the gel all around his cock. I finished applying it all around his cock, and I began to stroke his cock slowly, giving the man pleasure even as those hazel eyes glared at me like I was crazy.

I did not stop, and I stroked his cock in long strokes that sent shivers of pleasure through him before I used my other hand to take a small amount of gel into the fingers of my other hand. My fingers began to play with his nipples, and he began to moan even as he tried to glare at me. My grin turned larger as he began to enjoy himself, and I felt his cock harden slightly more as he began to reach his peak as I played with his body.

I could see the confusion in his eyes as the pleasure went up his spine, but I could see the fear in his eyes. He didn't know what I was going to do next, and he was right to fear me. I grinned as I let go of his cock just before it reached the peak of pleasure, letting it throb with no more stimulation.

"MMMHPH!" He loudly groaned into the rag.

I pulled out the rag a second later and looked down at him, "Now, I will ask you one thing, and if you answer properly, I will let you finish. Isn't that what you want? Some pleasure before we are done here. Now," I began as he glared at me with a slight groan leaving his lips that he pressed together harshly as his body recovered from the denial a second earlier. "What are your name and occupation?" I asked.

The question was simple, and I was learning what worked better on the man, and he glared at me before looking down. I could see the contemplation in his eyes as he looked down before looking at me again. "My name is David, and my occupation is a Slaver. I pick up useless shits like you and sell them to greedy nobles. Now finish what you started slut." His demand was stated, and I contemplated as I reached down, gripping his cock tightly in my hands.

He groaned as my hand tightened, and I showed him a dark smile. "Okay, David, you will get what you want now," I told him, stuffing the rag back into his mouth.

I reached behind me and picked up something that Freya would have loved to use on her. I quickly coated it with a layer of gel and showed it to the man on the table, gagged. He looked at it confused as I showed it to him. It was a thin, long-sounding rod that I had just coated with the aphrodisiac. I grinned as I let it sit in his vision long enough to realize what I was going to do with it.

His eyes widened, and he began to struggle against the restraints as I brought the rod down to his cock. "Don't worry; I will make you cum more than once. Enough to turn you a little more honest, David." I told him, and somehow his eyes widened even more.

I knew the man had lied to me. It wasn't difficult as he believed that telling me he was a slaver mixing truth with lies would make me believe him. Or even worse was he told the truth, and I didn't believe him. Both were bad things for him as I touched the metal sounding rod to his cock and toyed with his urethra, earning me a dollop of precum from his cock.

"MMMPH!" He strained and cried out into the rag, and I didn't care as I broke his urethra's virginity, slowly pushing down the rod. His leg muscles tensed, and I giggled without restraint while I stroked his cock a little, sending shivers of pleasure through him even as I pushed down and stretched his Peehole more and more.

He strained, but I pushed that rod down into the depths of his cock; then, I grinned as I turned back to look into his hazel eyes. "Now that the easy part is over," I began, his fear increasing as I said it, "You can cum as much as you want. Let me hear you beg," I finished, and I took the rag out, and my fingers sent a single thread of mana through the rod.

The rod burst to life and the rod stopped in the middle of his prostate and began to vibrate at the highest setting. His lips broke apart to scream some obscenity at me, opened only wordlessly now. His hips thrust up into the air as pleasure destroyed his thought processes, and his body didn't understand the new pleasure going through his body.

I saw his cock throb and get longer before shorter as it tried to ejaculate with the rod firmly, stopping the escape of any semen. I pressed the rod down, and I swirled it in his cock. He strained against the restraints, and his ass left the table. "PLEASE!" 'David' suddenly screamed. "PLEASE TAKE THAT THING OUT!"

"No," I replied, swirling it around while stroking his cock with the other hand. His screams continued, and I hummed a little tune from my previous life while my pussy got wet, watching him scream and beg for me to let his semen flow.

"IT HURTS!" He screamed as the semen built up in the base of his cock. "IT HURTS!" He screamed even louder. It echoed in the training room, and I pressed down, feeling the resistance of the liquid in his prostate. I didn't care, though, pushing that semen back into his balls without mercy. "PLEASE!" His scream erupted.

My panties were drenched already, and I grinned as I leaned down, "Now, what was your name again?" I asked.

"MY NAME IS ALEX! MY NAME IS ALEX, YOU CRAZY BITCH! PLEASE LET ME CUM!" He cried out, and I swirled the long rod in his cock more while fueling the enchantment with a little extra mana.

"Who do you work for?" I asked my question, making him groan.


"Hmmm," I drew out my contemplation but let the rod come up to loosen some of the strain inside of him but still deep enough to vibrate his prostate.

I hadn't heard of the golden cage company, and I wondered if I should keep him around for a day. I grinned as I pulled the rod out suddenly, and he screamed. A large flow of semen rose into the air, and I watched as it arced up towards the ceiling before falling down on him as his hips thrust into the air, again and again, trying to ride out the orgasm.

"It's good you remember such simple things, Alex," I told him as he covered himself in his own semen. "I believe it is time that you told me more of those things you don't seem to want to tell me."

The fear in his eyes was delicious, and my smile grew to new proportions seeing it.