Chapter 173: Travel Plans

I met with Cassandra, and we finalized the last of our plans. We knew that we couldn't change anymore with how little time we had to plan this, so it was brief. We barely knew who would be where and there was no way for us to practice this. It would all be on wings that could send us to our death or raise us on wings and take us from here.

I got some unknown cart company that was owned by someone who owed a lot of money for drugs and gambling to bring a cart around to the Shop tomorrow morning, and I took a look at the docks where the ship we were going to leave on was. The docks were busy loading and unloading, and some of our ships hadn't come in yet. They should be here on the day, though, and it wasn't like we were the owners of these ships.

That would probably change on that day if what I suspect to happen happened. That trading house Rivers Glory was taken over by Cassandra by kidnapping and forcing the previous owners into handing the business over to us. Extortion and Blackmail were simple and effective, but it wasn't the best way to take over businesses. I knew that we would have no loyalty from the employees but Cassandra smiled when I asked her about that. It seemed that the current employees hated the owners as well.

Overall it was a great choice, although I doubt the sailors knew what they signed up for by accepting us. The previous owners were still captured and probably going to be used as scapegoats in the future. Plans were going well, and things were shaping up perfectly, or as perfectly as they could be. Now was the time to send Melony onto the ship and have it ensured no one would talk on the ship about her. I would probably lock her up in the bottom for now.

All of this wasn't perfect, but a day passed with me preparing things, and there were few days left. I let Melony out with a blindfold inside the apartment. I made her eat and drink before drugging her again with sleeping drugs that I kept around just in case before putting her back in the box. The screams of that little sissy bitch Freya was still attempting to train scared her, but I didn't care.

It wasn't until the next day, as plans started to turn into motion more that the message Stacy sent to the Marchioness finally reached her. I was lying back on the couch thinking about contingencies and information that Cassandra gave me when we talked last when I heard a knock. Stacy popped her head in, and I could see the anticipation on her face.

Over the last day, I noticed that Stacy was starting to get more and more excited about the fact that we were leaving the Empire. With the date now set in stone and plans on the move, she couldn't wait to leave. It may have something to do with the Chastity cage and my restrictions on letting her look at women. She was a pervert through and through and was addicted to Sex and pain. Although I had a lot to do with the latter part of her addictions, I also hadn't let her train as an Armsmaster much. Her tailoring, on the other hand, was still exquisite.

I turned to Stacy, leaving my thoughts with so few days left I didn't have the luxury of sitting back and not moving. "Yes, Stacy?" I asked calmly, turning to her as she peaked in.

"Mistress," Stacy replied quickly, "The Marchioness is here as you asked her to be here."

"Bring her in and teach the new slave how to do sales properly. She sold herself to me in that role. Do your best," I replied.

"Yes, Mistress!" Stacy replied before turning and leaving.

A moment later, the door opened, and I saw the Marchioness for the first time in some weeks. I looked at her and watched her blush as she saw me. "Mistress," She said, turning and closing the door, "This slave has not seen you in too long," She said, bowing, and I frowned.

"Ingrid," I said slowly, and I pointed to the couches, "Please sit," I told her, pointing at the couch we had negotiated on before. Surprise showed on her face, and she looked toward the training room where at an opportune moment, I heard the boy scream inside from Freya. "Sorry, we will play later," I promised, "For now, I have something to discuss with you. It is urgent, and I already talked with Hillary," I told her, crossing over to the couch and sitting as Ingrid the Marchioness took a moment to get over her surprise.

"I-" Ingrid cut herself off, "Sorry, Mistress," She said instead and walked over, "I was quite looking forward to some play," She admitted.

"No doubt." I replied with a smile, "Still, it isn't time for that yet. I have news, and I think you will find it bad news," I told her getting her attention. "Sit," I finished with the command.

I watched as Ingrid sat down on the couch, and I smiled, "Mistress, What is this news?" she asked.

"I will be leaving the Empire soon. This will be our last meeting for a while unless you want to come to visit me somewhere else," I told her explicitly, surprise painted her cute facial features. I looked over her soft brown hair and that cute little mole on her face as she looked at me surprised for several seconds before a long, drawn-out sigh escaped her lips.

"I expected this someday, just not this soon," Ingrid said, looking around the apartment, "What is happing with the store, if I may ask Mistress?"

"The store will remain running. I have a girl named Zee that will need you a Nickey to protect her from others encroaching. She will pay out the gold dividends owed to you for protection." I smirked as I leaned back, "It is not like I will be gone forever," I told her, "I must leave for now and continue my journey. I have found that I have grown stagnant here in the Empire, and it is time to move on and collect experience. I will probably come back through the Empire when I plan to return to the Kingdom of Arlin."

"I would advise against that, Mistress," Ingrid said with a sigh, "There are rumors that many don't believe that the Beast-kin Nation is getting angrier and angrier about our nation's economic interest in slaves exported from their country," Ingrid said with a blush and a slow, deliberate manner.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that description. "That makes sense," I replied, "Although that is an interesting way of talking about the forcible capture and enslavement of villagers from a sovereign nation."

Ingrid chuckled, "I have talked to too many nobles about this, and forced isn't something that comes in polite conversations." Ingrid replied after a couple of moments, "Still, I believe you are going to the Demon lands. Due to these rumors, I plan on heading that way in the near future. I am not the only one either, and I have been talking to Nickey about it. She and her husband might be going to the Demon lands to talk business. Hillary will never be able to, as her land is on the border. Although she doesn't deal much with the Slavers because her area is a Military border camp and town."

I couldn't help but nod and feel that Hillary was in a bad position if war did break out between the two sides. "Why do you think it hasn't happened yet?" I asked without thought as my mind started to spin in thought itself.

"The war? We are the Empire, one of the largest nations with a habit of winning wars for the last century. Who would go to war with the Empire voluntarily?" Ingrid asked with a smile, "The land my family has owned was won back over two hundred years ago! We have won and won wars with very few losses in history that were inconsequential. No, The beast-kin nation run by that Gathering that happens rarely will never vote to go to war. I doubt that those beasts or even the Dragonics will vote for war. They would need a Supermajority of tribes to have it pass. Then they would show signs of movement, giving the Empire plenty of time to prepare." Ingrid finished with a scoff, "Still, I have business in the Demon lands, and it is better to do it in a time of uncertainty if things will happen. I have retainers to take care of my estate while I am away."

"Seems you have been putting thought into this," I replied, leaning back. "Still, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea for you and Nickey to find a way out of the city after this meeting. Although I wanted to talk to Nickey before she left and have a nice "Chat" with her," I smiled with a sadistic smile and watched Ingrid shiver a little. "Now, little Ingrid, are you also interested in a more personal chat inside that training room today?" I asked.

Without a second thought, she nodded and looked excited. "Good girl," I said softly and turned and stood. I walked over to the door and opened it. "You have less than an hour to finish and clean. I have a guest to enjoy," I told Freya.

As the paddle in her hand came down on a beet-red ass, Freya replied quickly, "Yes, Mistress!" She exclaimed over the cry of the boy, which reminded me of something as I closed the door.

"What happened to that little Mouse-kin boy I trained for you?" I asked as I turned back to Ingrid.

She blushed a little in response, "Honestly, after your training, he didn't hit the spot that I was expecting," Ingrid said, "I sold him to a duke in the Capitol that was looking for a sissy as a toy. I hear he goes through his toys quickly though, so I don't know more than that. Should have already arrived after being sent down the river,"

"I hope you made some gold off him," I replied with a smile.

"More than I thought," Ingrid smiled, "Made a nice profit, Mistress. Your work is impeccable."

I grinned and leaned back, thinking for a moment. "Let us shower and enjoy your body a bit, Ingrid." Turning and pointing to the bathroom, I said, "I am sure I will enjoy you a lot more tonight. I trust you didn't make evening plans?"

The question made Ingrid turn her head, "Any plans I had were canceled when you messaged me, Mistress," She said meekly.

I grinned, "Then let us begin."


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I Sissified My Step Bro

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