Chapter 180: Escaping the Mansion

Linton stood looking annoyed as Kara took her time opening the door. I thought only for a couple more moments before I decided on my course of action. I quickly moved up behind Linton just as the door opened, and Kara looked at Linton. I saw in her eyes that she saw me just as I reached Linton, and the man spoke.

"Master has called for you tonight. Be ready and make sure you are ready for the evening." Kara looked scared as I slipped up behind the man, and her eyes widened in surprise as she registered who I was. My arms slipped around his neck with practiced ease from my previous life and tightened.

"M-Mistress?" Kara said in that innocent tone.

"Be a sweety, and let's head into your room," I told her while I tightened the grip on the neck of this person named Linton. "Grab the things that you want to keep, and make sure you dress for travel." I told her, "No more than you can carry easily," I finished as the man clawed at my arm. I could feel his fingernails attempting to dig into my skin as he choked and tried to scream for assistance. Instead, my arm remained like a permanent fixture, slowly cutting off his life permanently.

Kara moved into her room, looking flustered and looking around the room, and I stepped into the room with Linton hanging on my arm, trying to kick and scream. He was making big movements to assist and trying to claw his way back to life. I didn't care how he attempted; I continued to hold him this way with the perfect amount of strength. It was much easier than in my past life, and the man was so weak. My arms were trained, and with energy, the man was dead. I was only prolonging the experience, ensuring he felt every agonizing minute of it.

"M-Mistress, I don't have much other than clothes; how many s- should I bring," Kara turned to me, looking at me with those innocent eyes even as I held the increasingly more tired Linton in my arms. They still looked so innocent, like it was normal to watch someone die like that. A purity in that gaze that trusted me to take her out of here made Kara so interesting to me. Was she slow in the head, or was this her true personality? It was so facilitating that I wanted to take her out of this place despite the major risks and dangers involved.

"Bring three outfits, max if you have a bag only. If not, then take a keepsake if you want one; otherwise, we need to go," I told her harshly, and Kara nodded.

She collected a small bag and stuffed a maid uniform into it and then another before quickly putting in a third all were different styles, and one looked particularly slutty. She took them into the bag before grabbing something I couldn't see and stuffing that into the bag. "I think that is all, Mistress," Kara said, surprising me with her decision.

"That was quick," I commented.

"You promised me my freedom; I have been thinking of what I want to take if I could, Mistress," Kara said, looking around, "I know what I want and don't want from this place," She commented.

Kara was in a brown burlap shirt at this moment and burlap pants. When she was not entertaining the master, she sat in the room with nothing for entertainment, and I nodded. "Okay," I finished, and the man was growing weak in my arms, but if Kara was done, then I would leave now, "Step outside, and I will finish this Linton boy before we leave," I told Kara, and she looked at Linton with innocent pity. Fascinating.

Kara stepped out the door, and I didn't delay things and snapped the neck of Linton like a twig. I dropped him to the floor and stomped on his neck for good measure feeling the broken neck on my bare sole. I stepped out, leaving the broken body behind, and closed the door.

"Be quiet and follow me out; we need to be as quiet as possible and cannot run into anyone if possible," I told Kara, and she nodded.

Kara was a mystery to me in so many ways. Her innocence was something of a driving force for me too. She acted and seemed so innocent even when seeing the dark side of the world. It was like there was a veil over her eyes while witnessing them, like it had nothing to do with her. It wasn't that she didn't feel it or understand what was happening, as she didn't seem stupid.

My attention turned to escape instead of trying to figure out Kara. I would train her later while trying to keep that innocence. She was weak at this moment, but she was an interesting case, and she would never be allowed back in this city. She was the slave of the City Lord, and I was stealing her at this moment.

The hallways were dark, and we moved slowly back the way we came. Much to my surprise, as the bells of alarm sounded outside, there was little movement inside the mansion of the City lord. There was little tension, and the hallways were clear up to the Kitchen. Inside sounds and yelling continued, and a woman ran out with a determined expression but tears in her eyes as she ran towards where I left a pile of dead bodies. I didn't know if she was headed to that room, but she was at least going in that direction. I barely held Kara back from view when she burst out of the kitchen, but it seemed something was happening.

I decided to pick up Kara, and I covered her mouth and whispered, "Make no noise now; I will be carrying you now." A moment later, I picked her up in my arms and started to run down the hallway the way that woman left, and much to my surprise; I reached the entrance where I entered with the well-dressed man to meet Sherry before.

Everything was going perfectly, and my skin tingled, but my instincts were not raising the alarm as I brought Kara to the carriage. I put her in the Carriage along with her bag. The rescue went perfectly, but the cart looked remarkably light. It was a carriage leaving the Mansion, and I wanted to know if I should make a move to the treasury.

"Kara, You will lay here, not move, and will not make noise. I am going to get something to decrease our suspicion when leaving the mansion," I told her. The alarms and the fire on the horizon showed a large part of the city in flames, and I knew the fire was a huge distraction. Looking out into the flames, my skin tingled, and I turned to look at Kara before heading out.

I watched Kara nod, and I pulled a blanket over her and her bag. I could see how scared she was now lying in the carriage, and I moved back toward the mansion using the key to enter easily.

Running through the hallway, I saw the woman from before that was leaving the kitchen, and we practically ran into each other. I wanted to curse, but instead, my knife flashed, and before the woman could make a noise of startlement, my knife cut out her throat. Blood sprayed the wall, and I dodged the blood just before it hit me. I wanted to curse as I chose the worst time to return and noticed the flour hit the floor. There was a mess now in the open, and that complicated matters.

I had five minutes before someone came to find her, I decided, and I wanted to curse so much for raiding the treasury and making some more gold before leaving. Instead, I jumped into the room where the woman had just left and picked up multiple bags of large boxes. I pulled them out, and I ran with them in my arms. I used energy to keep it from falling, although it was a waste of my mana.

I wanted to scream at the dead bitch for her bad timing coming out of that storage closet, and I opened the door heading back to the carriage. A minute later, I was stacking boxes around Kara to hide her, and I pulled some items out of my inventory in boxes to make this look like a delivery heading out.

"We are heading out, no noise," I told her again as I got on the carriage driver's seat, and a moment later, the horses were walking us out of the mansion. My skin tingled, and my instincts started to cry out. Mana began to move around the area as we moved, and I felt sweat as I suppressed my mana as best as possible.

"Someone setting the city of my family on fire," An old voice suddenly said, "How dare they," It continued, and I felt the mana moving towards this presence like it was responding to his call. The bell continued to ring, and the red horizon continued to flicker in the distance behind me as I neared the gate.

A second later, I saw a flash of movement as I looked back towards the flames, and I heard cheers in the distance a moment later as the mana no longer seemed to move towards that presence not far from me. I realized at this moment that if that man looked in my direction for a moment, then I would be a dead woman.

Cold sweat speckled my arms and body as the man left as we neared the gate. I quickly realized that an A ranker had just moved towards the fires, and I shivered. A moment later, my gaze hardened. I wanted to reach that strength where mana received my call and seemed to solidify as it reached me. That man's strength was something I coveted, and as I reached the gates to leave the estate of the City Lords' mansion. Then I turned back, and my focus narrowed on the gate as my skin itched.

My skin itched more as I reached the gate, and I forced my expression to blank. I wasn't sure if something would happen; my instincts seemed to be flaring a little. I let my face blank and brought my cloak over myself more. I counted the seconds I ticked as I approached, nearing the lightly guarded gate.


Thank you all for the support. I do read all the comments, and thanks for the chapters. I really do appreciate your support on this platform and others; if you wish to support me further, you can do so on my Patreon or on Amazon by looking up my stories posted there.

Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 1 through 4 are on Amazon, and Week 5 will be available Hopefully in July or Early August. I will put out a release date soon.

If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read my Short Story: I Sissified My Step Bro

I also have recently completed another short story that I will release on Kindle Unlimited Next Month called: The Bullied Masochist Futanari

You can read it now on my Patreon but not next month when it will be on Kindle unlimited.

I will announce when that story is available soon.

Thank you all for reading my Stories; you have no idea how much it means to me.