Chapter 191: Commander Sandra

The inspection went better than I could have asked for as Commander Sandra gave the okay for everything without ever looking thoroughly through the Captain's cabin, and when she sent her soldiers away, she came back to me with a smile.

"It seems that everything is in order. I will take you up on your offer, though. Do you happen to have some time to leave the shift for about an Hour? I am sure that they will not leave for a couple of hours while we talk business," Commander Sandra said, looking me over her eyes that of a predator. I wondered how long that would last, and I licked my lips.

"No problem," I replied, wishing we could just do it here. Make that Necromancer hears the cries of Commander Sandra before sending her off. I knew it was better this way, though, and I turned to look at the Captain. "Captain, do we have enough time for me to go on shore for a few hours?" I asked.

The ship's captain looked at me and nodded, "Sure, we will be leaving in about three hours after getting some fresh vegetables!" He announced, and I nodded before turning back to Commander Sandra with a grin.

"Let me grab something, and we can go enjoy some quality time together," I told her with a smile, and she nodded. I walked quickly into the room and grabbed some toys, but I wasn't about to go wild on this woman. Although if she wanted me to, I most definitely would. This would be an interesting interaction, and I also wondered if she would try to extract information from me.

I could not help but chuckle at that thought and headed back outside and joined Commander Sandra. Commander Sandra barely acknowledged me at this point, and we both went down the gangplank and onto the shore. My legs wobbled a bit, but I quickly reasserted myself. It took me a moment to realize the reason was that I had been standing on a boat for a couple of days, and it took a moment for me to realize I was on solid ground again.

Walking together, we moved through much cleaner streets than the Border City. The city around the Docks did not have prostitutes and thugs looking to mug or extort people. It seemed that the Docks here were well controlled by the city. That may also be because they were keeping their heads down and kept to the shadows.

It was the same as I had to do for my organization in my past life. The police would still come down on my head despite the fact that most of their upper management was paid more by me than the city. I made enough money to buy entire cities, but that didn't mean I could do it out in the open. Only the government was allowed to do that. I had not quite taken over the government, or I wouldn't be in this world now.

A smile crossed my face as I saw some eyes in the alleyways and realized they were watching Commander Sandra with fear. They were keeping tabs on her, and I instantly knew there was more than enough space for an underground element here. There already was some, even if they were in hiding.

I couldn't help but wonder how sophisticated they were. Cassandra was a long way from expanding, and my organization back in the Kingdom of Arlin still had to branch out from the main cities. It would take at least a decade to start attaching over arching organizations together. For now, I needed them all to be separate so as not to raise any eyebrows.

My thoughts were cut off as we reached a nice-looking Inn with a large balcony. Commander Sandra walked in, and I followed her in, looking around at the lunch crowd as they ate food at the tables on the main floor. Commander Sandra walked up to the front, "Two meals, On tab," She said, and the woman nodded.

Two plates of good-looking food were produced, and Commander Sandra passed a plate to me, and I nodded. It was nice that she was even feeding me. Now I was starting to feel like a kept woman. I almost laughed at my last thought, but I couldn't help but wonder the last time someone took me out for a meal.

As I followed her up the stairs, I realized that it had not been since I was in a child body in this world that it had happened. I mostly paid and kept the gold I earned in this world. There was no chance for my toys to do something nice for me or anything like that. I tried to think if that annoyed me but realized that I didn't care about Commander Sandra's attempt to soften me up. It simply did not matter to me, and I would have eaten back at the ship if she didn't make this intriguing offer.

She brought me to a door, took out a key from her armor somewhere, and opened up the door. Stepping inside, I noticed a mannequin for hanging armor and a table for two to eat at. There it was set for two, and I brought my plate over as Sandra closed the door behind us. "You are very interesting, Sally," Commander Sandra said lightly as she turned, and soon the armor on her body seemed to come off. How I wasn't sure, but it was almost connected to her by mana. Her armor flew over to the mannequin and set itself from pieces into a full set.

I watched it fly over with surprise painted on my face before turning to look at the woman, now much more lightly dressed. Her stomach was lightly covered in leather, and part of her abs were showing. I could see the signs of an eight-pack of dense muscle. Her breasts were tightly hugged by her under armor. Twin peaks of at least B cups but probably C cups showed themselves. Her pants were Spat leather that tightly hugged her lower body.

I couldn't help but look her up and down and appreciate her body, "You are beautiful and Sexy," I said, making my ears twitch a little, and Commander Sandra blushed a little before walking over and placing down her plate.

How had she removed her armor while carrying that plate?

"Thank you, I do not receive many compliments in my duties," Commander Sandra said and grinned, "You are a beautiful, strong woman yourself," Commander Sandra replied after a moment. "Your ears are cute, and your hidden claws are just as deadly. A person of your Stature is highly competent."

Her words came out stiff, and I wanted to question the latter of them until I realized the reason for them. She was complimenting me in the best way she knew how. I could see instantly what she liked the most about me, and I smiled and motioned for the chair across from me. "Please, Let us eat together, Commander Sandra. Thank you for the compliment too." I said with a grin, "Although I am much more used to compliments than you are, they are still much appreciated. The nature of my job and proclivities leave many wishing to beg and compliment me more." I told her.

Commander Sandra blushed, and she sat down, and I joined her, sitting across from her. The blushing beauty was looking for more, and although I could tell she wanted to be in charge of the situation, she was a little lost at the moment. I smiled, picked up a fork, and started eating with her. Commander Sandra joined me, and she smiled, "So do you like what you do?" Sandra asked suddenly between bites.

"I do," I told her with a smile, "My pets and toys also learn to enjoy it. Although I can force things slowly, twisting the minds of my pets and toys is something that is immensely satisfying and, when complete," I grinned as Sandra tilted her head, looking at me, not showing any surprise. "It is like getting a promotion to a higher rank. Amazing," I finished with a smile, wondering what her reaction to my small confession would be.

Commander Sandra seemed unfazed and took another bite of food, still with a small blush from earlier, "Interesting, I have only been a part of the military since young. I find it immensely satisfying, and it takes years and years to reach the next rank. We are mostly surrounded by the Kingdom of Arlin to the north, the Beast-kin in the west, and the Demon Lands to the south. I have always found it satisfying to go up in Rank. Do you mind if I ask how you reached the B rank?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, I do," I told her with a small smile, "My abilities are something I only say to my closest confidants, and frankly, I have none at this time. I have not told a soul my abilities, and I plan to keep it that way," I finished. My small smile remained, and I continued to eat as she thought over my words.

"Interesting," Commander Sandra said, "I wish to take you up on your offer for fun in the bedroom. I have always been interested in being with a woman, and Beast-kin I find are very attractive. Be mine for the next couple of hours," Commander Sandra asked in a very utilitarian way.

"I must ask, Commander Sandra," I said slowly and saw her nod to my question, although I would have asked anyway. "Are you perhaps a Virgin?"

"I am," Commander Sandra said without any sort of shame. Her blush was gone, and her serious tone made me realize that my earlier perception of this woman was wrong. She didn't want to be in charge. No, she wanted to have sex with a woman because she was a lesbian, and she asked about Melony for the services she wanted. This bitch was horny as hell and wanted to purchase it or get it from someone who would promptly leave. "Is that a problem?" Commander Sandra asked with her voice deadly serious.

A sadistic smile appeared on my lips, and I did not mind showing it to this interesting woman. Playing with her would need to be taken slowly, but I found myself looking forward to it. "Absolutely not, I just wish I had asked for more time from the captain," I replied, "In fact is there any way you can abuse your position so I can spend the night with you?" I asked.

Commander Sandra blushed deeply now and I saw her for the first time looking flustered. It was only for a moment before that dangerous calm returned. "Very well, if you wish, then I will send a message to my second in command. Due to," She paused, "Reasons we found a reason to keep you in port one night." She finished.

"Perfect," I told her, "Why don't we finish our meal together? Then you can send that message before we enjoy ourselves for the entire rest of the day and night. I will make sure that your first experience will be unforgettable." My smile was bright and I was being completely honest. The woman before me nodded and we continued to eat. I looked forward to today, even if I was delaying my departure.

This was something hard to give up as I took another bite of food. No, I wouldn't give this up, and I grinned and continued to eat with her. My excitement for the night is at the max.

What a treat I found!



Hey Everyone. Thank you all for your support and Enjoyment of my Novel. I am writing this because I have released a couple of things that I think you might enjoy. I Released a new Short story and the first-ever Ebook to one of my light novel series. Plus, Week 5 of Life of a Dominant Futanari is out! Check it out on Amazon if you are interested in reading ahead. Also, check out these stories if you are interested:

Galaxy Hunter Online Tutorial Part 1: Into the Virtual World

The Damaged Innocent Futanari: Book 1: First Date

Thank you so much for reading my announcement, and I really appreciate your comments. Please continue to enjoy my work.