Chapter 216: Avery's Night, Part 1

Freya closed the door behind her as she took Stacy out of the room and lounged on my chair throne. I looked at the Strong Devil in front of me with a lazy smile on my face. "Avery, Come here," I said. I beckoned him forward with my bare foot.

I could see his little blush just from me beckoning him forward. The strong devil had two horns on his head, and his skin was like a human's skin, only slightly darker. Devils came with a variety of skin colors, I noticed, like many other species in this world, and he stepped toward my non-throne that I was lounging on as if it were. "You have already proven some sincerity with your attraction, and I can see it. I am not some delicate flower, Though." I began, my voice resolute, "I am in control of not only my destiny but those around me. My ambitions are high, and so, as I said earlier. I will play with you; save your answer for what you want for afterward."

"Strip for me, Avery, I would like to see what I am working with," I suddenly ordered, and I wondered what type of man I would be with tonight. The last 'man' I had was a wolf-kin that was more beast than human named Carl back in the Empire when I first arrived there. Honestly, My pussy could use a bit of use if I was the one in control. Women, even in my past world, tended to be submissive, but it was all too easy for us to be dominant in relationships. 

I saw it so many times where women were 'submissive' in the bedroom but controlled all else. Men, even in this world, tended to follow what the woman said because, for men who wanted women to be consenting then, they would have to wait for their permission. It was an interesting state of affairs that tended to be the same in both worlds. Good thing that I never cared for relationships in both my lives. 

I loved the control as I saw the devil start to strip, and I saw the Rippling muscles of a man in peak performance, not like those weightlifters in my previous world. No, these muscles were condensed and packed, and I could tell they had flex to them. There were no drugs taken for these muscles, and I found my pussy moistening a little at the thought of controlling such a man. 

This was what many women in my previous world would call an Alpha male, and his pecks themselves were restrained for ease of movement. I watched as those muscles moved as he took off his Jacket and shirt. He moved towards his pants, and I showed him my lazy smile as I took in his body, seeing the eight-pack that he had. Instead of it being the soft, flexible type of eight-pack I had, I could tell that those muscles would not be able to have the range of movement mine had.

Then again, I built my body for that. 

"Keep your underwear on; I want to see everything else first," I kept my voice lazy as I ordered him.

Avery stopped for a moment before taking off his pants, showing long muscled legs, and this guy easily was a head taller than me. His calves and thighs were built for that strength and I knew that this guy could toss me around. I didn't see his weapon on him, and now I grew curious. He was not a swordsman, at least. Not unless it was a great sword.

I liked the look of him, although he was not the typical man that I would go for. He was strong and he could take care of himself. I could even feel the deadly threat that he posed to me, and I loved that. Avery was no weak man; this was a trained warrior of some sort, and I was looking forward to dominating this man.

"Well," I said, my voice turning slightly serious, "You are packing a bit of meat under those clothes, Avery," I commented, making him blush slightly as I looked at the growing bulge in his pants and licked my lips. I could tell that I was going to be stretched a little if I allowed him to enter me.

But that would be fine; it was part of the fun.

"So, What do we do?" Avery asked, suddenly unsure of himself, "Not that I am a virgin, but I have never played with a slave trainer or with these types of devices before," Avery admitted, motioning to all the tools of the trade around me, and I could not help the smile on my face.

"Oh, that is nothing to worry about, Avery; many of these tools can bring pain and pleasure in equal measure. What do you think of that, Avery?" I asked, my voice coy, "Pain and pleasure together?"

Avery gulped at the word pleasure, and I could see that his bulge was growing in his underwear. It was much more enticing than watching it grow on its own, and I looked up at him after visibly looking at his cock, and I could see the growing desire on his face. "I have never been one to shy away from pain, 'Mistress,"' Avery emphasized my title as it was unfamiliar to him. "But I am not a particular fan of it too. I would rather not be in pain when I fight, but again," he almost growled, "I will not shy away either."

"So it seems that you would not be the type to enjoy it during play, it sounds like," I replied, my voice lazy. Avery looked a little surprised by my conjecture, and I chuckled, "Pain is something that every being, unless they are sick, feels, Avery," I began turning to him and beckoned him forward with my foot more. Then I put up a stop with my foot as he was only a couple of feet away from me now. "No, grab that over there for me, Avery," I said, pointing at something Stacy had prepared for me earlier. 

It was a tub of water with some cloth, and I smiled as Avery walked over and picked up the large basin of water and brought it over, "Put it down here," I said, pointing with my foot lazily before me, "You may also approach and clean my feet Avery," I told him, "Touch them and clean them with the cloth and the soap by it as much as you want." I ordered, "Meanwhile, I will continue to inform you about certain things, Avery."

My voice left no option for him to decline, and I watched him blush as he put down the basin before me and walked over to retrieve the soap. Avery did not take long to bring it over, and I could tell he was wondering what was happening. Then again, as he approached, I could see the happiness of finally being able to approach me. His hands reached up one with the cloth and took it in his hand.

It was charming how much his body reacted to just my dirty feet. His body shivered a little as he finally got to touch me, and his cock strained against the underwear that he wore. I could feel the slight tremor in his hand, and my foot looked dainty in his hand. I could only lazily smile at the look of it.

He brought the towel down and wet it as his other hand held my foot lightly, and I continued, "Ah, To continue my point as you worship my feet, Avery," I said as he was slightly distracted, "Unless a person is sick in the head or body they will feel pain. Pain and pleasure are almost the exact same things. Both are the same coin flipped to the other side. They are not even opposites as both can exist at the same time. One can even enhance the other," I told him as he started to softly clean my feet. "Do you wonder why I said that you would not be the type to enjoy pain during sex, Avery?" I asked him.

Avery looked up at me, pausing on his duty of washing what seemed to be a very dirty foot. I honestly wished that I could walk around with shoes on, but it was almost instinctual that I hated it. I couldn't control it, and I had no idea why I hated wearing shoes so much. It was something that all beast-kin shared together, and so we were always barefoot.

"No, I do not understand, but I am grateful as I prefer pleasure over pain," Avery said, and I could see his cock was straining against his underwear. I could even see the control on Avery's face while cleaning my feet, and I chuckled. 

"Because those who hate it the most are the ones who enjoy it more during sex, Avery," I told him, making him look up at me in surprise. "Those who fear it shy away from it and react to it. You do not do that, Avery, by your own words; you do not avoid it. You dislike pain, but you understand that pain is just the feeling of something your body is telling you not to do." I continued, "During Sex, though, that feeling of surprise while pleasure is running through you can be a good thing. It can enhance and make the pleasure better for the person receiving it."

I felt him washing my foot and cleaning it up thoroughly; the slight ticklish feeling was one that I liked, and I felt him between my toes. The muscular man kneeling before me took care of every inch of my foot. With that same lazy smile, I brought my other foot up for him to wash, and it was like he was in heaven. I wondered if Avery had a foot fetish, but something in me told me that it wasn't. It was pure attraction to me and every part of my body. It was an interesting case of a kink literally making someone fall into my lap.

What a fool, thinking with his cock.

I felt him lovingly worshiping my feet, and I continued to plan on what to do with him when he was done. "So you are not caring much for pain, but not avoiding it means that it will have little to do with what we do. Or what will I do?" I corrected myself and purposefully chuckled like there was an inside joke. It would make him think a certain way about me or make him think that my foot was slightly ticklish. They were sensitive, though, and I continued to enjoy the cleaning of my feet.

Usually, I had Freya or Stacy do it for me, and Stacy was about to do it after her little walk around the room in my chair as I was in thought. It was more for her than me, but I did enjoy that time. "Hmm, There are a couple of things that I am thinking about, and some of them are going to make you question reality. Yes, I think I know what I want to do with you now; it will be so good to see your reaction. Will it be fear? Pleasure? Trepidation? Will you look upon me with fear in your eyes? Ah, I cannot wait to find out, Avery; I do wonder what your response will be at the end of this play session."

I visibly shuddered, and he looked up at me with a twist of feelings. He liked that I was getting pleasure from him but didn't like the thought of bringing that pleasure. I could see the indecision of his own feelings as he continued to touch my already clean feet. Suddenly, he started to put pressure on and massage my feet, much to my surprise and earned a purr.

"Mmm, Keep going," I mewed without much thought as he brought genuine pleasure. 

His thumbs worked into my muscles and found the sore spots I didn't even know I had, earning another purr from me. "Oh, Good boy," Another purr came out of me, and I found that my pussy was actually getting very moist as he worshiped my feet. They were practically in heaven, making me purr before moving onto the other foot, and I was purring even more as he brought me back up, and I even started to get thoughts of keeping Avery around permanently.

But I was soon done and I tapped his hand with my other foot, "Enough, I enjoyed enough of your skill," I paused for a moment before putting out an enticing, "For now, Such a good boy," I told him no longer lazy, "You have my attention with skill like that," I told him as I pulled up my feet and smiled at him now, "Put that basin back and the soap, Avery, I think it is time that I reciprocate."

I could see the excitement in his expression as I watched him pick up the basin and return it to where he found it. Now, I found myself in a conundrum. I wanted to reward him for his worship at the moment, but I promised a punishment. My sadistic side wanted to torture him a different way after he got me so fucking wet and ready.

"Avery," I said as I brought my feet to the ground. My well-massaged feet felt much better, and the pain I had been ignoring or soreness that I had been ignoring seemed to be gone. It was such an odd feeling, and I had a genuinely happy expression, "You have made me happy, and you do not deserve to see my worst at the moment. So tomorrow night, I will not allow you to get me in this mood," I chided him lightly, but I could see the massive smile on his face. 

It was cute; the huge muscle man was happy that he brought me pleasure, and I wanted to reward that, "So, there was no choice after this play session. You will not see me at my worst tonight as you have made me genuinely happy and horny, So I will enjoy myself and please you as I want. Tonight will be a sign of what the good times can be; what carrot I bring to a relationship, tomorrow night will be the stick."

"As long as I always keep you happy, you will never have a want to give me the stick, Mistress," Avery reported innocently, and I smiled.

"Be a good boy, and don't talk about things you don't know," I replied, and he faltered a little.

I brought my hand up to his chest; he was much taller than me. It was a fun feeling that I knew I was about to destroy his world, and I purred as my pussy grew more moist thinking about it. I could even see the excitement on his face, and I said, "About time to get started stud; move over here," dragging my hand across his chest and walking past him. 

He followed me over to a Saint Andrew's cross, and I stood beside it, "I am going to bring you to the depths of hell, then to the clouds of heaven, Avery," I purred out, "You are going to go crazy on me," I finished.

I could see the trepidation and the nervous energy from him. He looked at me, and I could literally see his cock throb in his underwear. He took that step forward, and I could not help but smile, "Good Boy," I purred, and I could see the smile on his face, "Now turn around before I start restraining you." 



I have completed Week 6 of Life of a Dominant Futanari! Thank you all for the Support and reading to this point. I would never have reached this point without my fans and supporters. I hoped you enjoy the bonus Chapter.