Chapter 218: Avery's Night, Part 3

 A large spit of cum laid across the floor, not far from him. I could tell that Avery did not like that, and his cock was throbbing regardless after I showed him a mouthful of cum. I could tell that he wholly expected me to take his seed in me, and I shivered as I saw his boiling anger again.

Avery was fun to tease, and I was getting into it. I could tell that he was a man who was used to getting his way. The fact that I spat in the face of his expectations without regard for his feelings clearly bothered him. Personally, I didn't give a fuck as I would do whatever I wanted, and I took his cock in my hand once again, feeling it pulse in my hand. I could feel his need and desire. 

I brought my breasts against his chest, and I looked up at him and his angry expression. "You thought I would swallow your worthless Cum?" I giggled, "What makes you think that you could even enter my stomach, let alone womb, and deposit anything there?" I asked, "What makes you think I would ever listen to an order?"

I could see him soften in his expression, but that wasn't good, and I started to stroke his saliva-covered cock, allowing me to stroke easier. Avery started to grunt as his sensitive cock was being stroked once again, and the pleasure started to assault him as I questioned him. "Look at you, still so hard, ready to breed a tiger-kin woman of your dreams. Here I am in arms reach. Breasts pressed against your chest and my hand on your cock, Avery," I teased, looking into his eyes as I continued to stroke him, "We only just got started, Avery; tell me, What do you want to do to me," I said looking into his eyes.

Avery gazed down at me with burning passion as I purred below him. From the outside, I looked like the perfect fit for him. I could easily fit with his arms wrapped around me. But right now, I had him by the cock, literally watching him as I stroked his cock for another round, and I could see the pleasure and desire in his eyes. He was hopeless; I could see the pure desire for my body in his eyes. I was the perfect woman in his eyes, and I licked his nipple again and started to make out with it. "Come on, Avery, I will stop if you don't tell me," I put a threat at the end this time, and I could hear him grunt. 

Instead of looking up, I continued to tease his nipples as his cock started to throb in my hand, and I could feel where he was at. I started to slow down and tease his nipple even more while bringing my thumb up to tease his urethra instead of stroking his cock. I could feel him tense even more. "FUCK~!" Avery suddenly shouted, "I fucking want to bend you over that table over there," He grunted.

"Oh?" I purred, "What would you do to me once you have your hand on my head? My body and breasts pressed against the table with my quivering pussy open for you?" I asked, creating the scenario in his head.

"Fuck, I would bring my cock up to your quivering dripping pussy teasing it with the head of my massive cock just as your teasing me now," He grunted.

"Mmm," I purred out, "My quivering pussy's dripping all over your cock now. The heat of it was not even an inch away. My quivering flesh was just a single thrust away. What are you going to do to me while you have me pinned, Avery, Master," I purred.

I could feel his whole body tense, and I looked up into his eyes, seeing them glazed. He was already in the fantasy, and it was cute how easily he was falling for it. "Tell, Me," I purred, "Tell me what you want to do next," I said, jerking his cock hard as he moaned. His eyes glazed for a moment, and I could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing in my hand. I could feel the precum getting ready for breeding.

"I will SHOVE MY COCK IN SO HARD!" He cried out suddenly, "I would fuck you so hard," Avery cried out, and he started to buck his hips fucking my hand.

"Oh, Yeah, Fuck me, Avery," I moaned as his hips thrust into my hand, "Fuck my pussy hard, Avery; ah Fuck, I feel it so deep~!" I moaned as he was deeper and deeper into the fantasy, and It was cute as he was thrusting harder and harder. He was getting closer and closer, and I moaned louder and louder, egging him on. 

"TAKE IT~!" Avery suddenly cried out, and I let go of his cock and stepped back as he reached the edge. "FUCK!" He suddenly screamed as I ruthlessly pulled back, and he continued to thrust into nothing. His mind was stuck in the fantasy, not understanding what happened before I started to chuckle.

"Avery," I purred, "Avery, I am over here; you are not inside me."

Avery's cock was bobbing up and down, and he thrust a couple more times, groaning, and I could see him looking at me again. The fantasy was dead, and I smiled, "Avery, your back," I smiled at him as he snarled.

"You fucking bitch," He snapped, and I could see the lust and desire on his face for me mixed with the hatred. The hate for what I just did to him, and my pussy was dripping down my thighs. I could feel a feminine need to ride this man's cock with how he was looking at me at this moment. It was a base desire, and instincts were strong things I listened to normally. Right now there, I ruthlessly ignored it, taking my own pleasure as I also felt a euphoria that was even better than any sex.

"Avery, my title, you forgot my title," I said, my voice turning flat, and he snarled.

"You're a fucking bitch, Mistress," he snarled out a moment later, and I smiled with a giggle.

"Such a good boy," I said, coming close to him again, "You know what you want and know that you can only get it if I am willing because of my strength. You know the type of sex you want, and the only way you can get it is if the person is of similar strength and power. Otherwise, you would break them, Avery," I purred, watching his surprised expression. "You are a very naughty boy, but you have to be a very good boy with me to get what you want. Those restraints are barely holding you back, aren't they, Avery," I purred. 

I pressed myself against him again, but this time, I brought his cock to my pussy. I let him feel the fluids dripping onto his cock, "You feel that, Avery?" I asked. "That is my dripping wet cunt, against your cock," I told him, and I heard him snarl as I looked up into his eyes, "It's only inches away, Not even," I teased as his cock throbbed up against my pussy lips. I closed my thighs up, and I felt him strain as I started to rock back and forth, using my thighs to jerk his cock slowly in micro-movements.

"You, You," Avery snarled again.

"Yes," I said, looking up into his eyes. I twitched my ears, and I smiled my most innocent, charming smile, and I fucked his cock with my thighs some more. I could feel his pulsing cock and feel it throb hard up against my cunt. "Do you feel it, Avery?" I asked, "How much I want your cock in my tight cunt?" 

"Yes, Mistress," Avery snarled with less hatred and more desire in it now as I rocked back and forth. 

I was lubing his cock up with my dripping wet cunt, and I looked into his eyes, "that's right, Avery; forget about everything else and feel my cunt on your cock. Does it feel good?" I purred my hands on his chest, looking up into his eyes. I could feel his muscles relaxing a little as his cock pulsed more and more, and he was reaching the edge once again between my thighs.

"Yes, It feels good," Avery finally allowed himself to moan again, and I wanted to chuckle as he was inadvertently bringing his guard down again. 

"Yes, Avery, It feels food for me, too," I purred, and I looked into his eyes, "Give it to me, Deeper and harder, Avery, I want you," I moaned up at him, and I could feel him tense as he looked at my heated expression. I even started to feel my eyes start to water from keeping them open too long to catch every moment of his miserable edging.

His hips started to move for me, and I stilled as his cock started to fuck my thighs, and I moaned with each thrust, "There, Avery, Mmm," I purred and moaned, egging him on even more. "Ah, Please, Avery, Give it to me harder," I moaned loudly, looking into his eyes as he started to buck hard. I heard the cross start to rock, and I felt his pulse throb with my thighs and pussy. It felt great as his cock rubbed my clit, and I moaned as it sent an electrical chill up my spine. 

"There~!" I purred as I felt him reaching the edge, and I stepped back once more.

All of a sudden, once again, he was thrusting into the air fucking nothing as he tried to cum. I could see his cock get bigger and smaller in the classic tale of his cock just about to start jettisoning cum. I smiled as I edged his orgasm once again, and his grunt was loud and territorial, "FUCK! IT HURTS YOU BITCH MISTRESS," Avery shouted, his cock dancing in the air without relief as he was blue-balled once again. I could see his pain, and I shivered as I felt my cunt dripping even more. 

"Amazing, Look at it," I said, moving forward once again, looking at his cock and getting close, poking it with a finger to control it a little as it got bigger and smaller again, trying to shoot cum that wouldn't cum, "Did you enjoy my cunt, Avery?" I asked him, looking up.

He looked at me with a growing mixture of hate and desire, and I could see the determination to fuck me in his eyes. Tonight I was going to be pinned down by him and filled with his cum. I didn't even mind that thought, but it would be on my terms, and I would forever be in control. 

I smiled, looking back at his cock as it slowed its throbbing. "You know," I commented, looking at his cock, "That this is not even as hard as I want to go?" I told him, "You know what? Maybe I will show you something even more fun, survive it, and you can fuck me. I promise," I purred the last words and could see the indecision if he even wanted me 'going hard.'

Not that he had a choice in the matter.

This was my room, and I was playing with his body. What right did he have to stop me?

I chuckled as I went to my sounding set. I loved the look men gave when I pulled these rods out and their look of fear as they never thought to be the ones penetrated and have their prostate assaulted from the inside. It was delicious agony from them, and I could see his cock throbbing from here. 

I found the three things I needed, and I smiled, and my mouth started to water. "I can't wait to see your reaction to what is next, my good little boy," I purred as I pulled out the sinister devices. I walked back over after retrieving the enchanted rods, and I could see his confusion.

"What are you doing with those?" Avery demanded, "I can see that they are even enchanted; why are you smiling at me like that? What are you going to do with those enchanted rods?" I could see the genuine concern, and I bet his instincts told him I was dangerous with these rods.

"Are you feeling that I am dangerous with these rods, Avery," I purred, and my tongue lashed out at a long beaded rod that was over thirteen inches long. The rod was no more than three millimeters wide, but I could see his concern.

"Yes, I feel that those are dangerous in your hands; you are going to do something to me with those," Avery said, and I shivered.

"You're right, I AM~!" I loudly purred. I couldn't help it, I was having so much fun, and I was so horny, "You have to earn the right to push me down and pound my cunt, Avery," I purred as I got closer to him and I saw him back up in his restraints, and I could see more indecision from him. "I am going to love it when you fill me with all that cock juice once I free you, but first," I giggled as I could see the trepidation as I brought the rod to his cock, measuring it against the length of his cock. "It should make it, Avery," I smiled up at him, brought the bottle of lube out, and started to cover the rod with just the right amount of lube. 

"What are those?" Avery demanded.

"Avery," I said my voice flat, "I am who?" I asked.

I saw him shiver at my expression.

"Mistress, what are those," Avery said, and I smiled again.

I leaned forward and kissed his cock, and I felt it shiver under my touch as it just came down from a harsh edging. "These are sounding rods, Avery," I said, looking at his cock, "Did you know that there is a body part that is the equivalent to the G spot for women in the man's body. All men have it, and it brings pleasure like no other for men," I told him and looked up at him as I pressed my finger with the rods in my hand against the urethra of his cock. I could see the confusion on his face.

"No, Mistress, I haven't," Avery said slowly.

I smiled brightly, "That is fun," I replied, looking back to his cock, "Because there are two ways to play with it and reach it. One way is through the back door," I said.

"Through me ass?" Avery guessed.

"Yup, but that is only outside stimulation; I like to give it internally, at least for manly men," I said with a sinister smile on my face, and I brought the straight, lubed-up rod to his cock. "This is how I reached it~!" I purred, and I saw his expression of fear as I pushed the rod into his massive Devilish cock. 

"EEERRRMMM~!" He grunted, and I pushed down slowly, gliding easily on the lube, and I felt his cock shiver by itself. I pushed deep, and the rod dove deep and I could feel his discontent and anguish.

"Oh, Does it hurt?" I said, asking seriously but still in that purr as I didn't want him to think I was worried.

"N- No, it feels fucking weird; I don't like it," Avery groaned, "Mistress."

I smiled at him, "That's normal," I told him and pushed it the rest of the way, and I grinned at him, "because you are not supposed to feel pleasure until about now~!" I said, and I pushed it that last quarter inch and his cock throbbed hard in my hand, suddenly getting a little bigger and smaller as I pushed into his prostate. 

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my mouth, "Oh, Avery, Get ready; the ride is going to get bumpy~!" I purred and didn't give Avery time to think about his life decisions. I looked up, and I pushed my energy into the rod, and the enchantments started to buzz hard inside his cock all over. I could see his eyes, and I dove down to his balls and started to suck on them. 

Seconds into it, I could almost hear his balls producing the cum to shoot out as Avery started to grunt above me. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS~!" He groaned and moaned. I could see the look of pleasured horror on his face as his mana started to rage once again, and I could see the restraints start to groan a little as he pushed against them lightly but not enough to break the reinforcement, and he grunted as the rod buzzed against his prostate hard and I grinned.

I grabbed the rod as I sucked his balls in my mouth and pulled it out slowly as it glided back out easily on the lube. I could hear his audible sound of relief as he didn't quite cum again, but his cock was throbbing hard. I could see that I edged him again in a very different way, looked up at him, and readied the more sinister beaded sounding rod. "You know, Avery," I purred, "I love that you think it was over; didnt you see the second rod?"

Avery's muscles tensed, "Oh, Fuck-" Avery started to exclaim, only to be cut off by the feeling of the beads moving down his urethra, quickly gliding on more lube and diving deep in one push. I could feel his cock throbbing more, "FUCK~!" he groaned.

"Oh, Avery, You may cum as many times as you want, and if you can stop yourself from breaking those restraints," I purred as the rod reached his prostate, "Then you can fuck me as hard as you want the rest of the night," I promised with a purr, "I am hoping you make it for me, Avery, Do it for me," I purred and the rod shot to life.

Avery started to strain, and his cock started to throb, and I could see him close his mouth and thrust his head back. The pleasure and the pain were something that he never experienced before, and I could see him rocking his head back and forth, and I started to lick the length of his cock while using a finger to hold the sounding rod in place. My other hand massaged his girthy balls to produce more and more cum.

I could see his eyes glaze and felt his mana burning as I listened to him groan and moan. I could see that he was fighting the pleasure hard. He was so hard, and his cock was pulsing on the rod, and I mercilessly held it in place as his cock got bigger and smaller on it, getting ready to release, and I chuckled as he looked at me and snarled.

"FFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK~! YOU~!" Avery snapped as he stared at me with determination, and I loved it. I loved this and wanted him to succeed at this point in the face of my enjoyment. It was interesting, and he would make such a good toy. How long would it take me to break him and mold him into the perfect boy toy?

I felt it more than I knew it happened as he orgasmed and his head shot back, and I grinned as nothing was able to leave his cock, and his hips started to thrust back and forth. Giggling, I brought his cock between my breasts and started to sandwich his cock as he thrust into it, and he snarled hard as he realized he was fucking my tits amid his orgasm. 

Not a single thing left his cock, and I purred, "Cum again for me, Avery~! Cum Again~!"

I showed no mercy to his cock and started to push the rod a little deeper and gave him a boob job. I could see he was in the midst of the most painful pleasure of his life, and he was in the throes of that painful pleasure. I could see his cock shiver and orgasm again on it, and I could feel Avery's rage through his mana. I loved it. 

This was what I strived for when I played, and I looked up into that pure pleasure-induced hatred in his eyes. He was going to hate fuck my lights out. My pussy was damp thinking about it, and I smiled up at him, and my mouth went down as his hips continued to thrust into my breast pussy. I made it, and my teeth grabbed onto the rod. His mournful cry of pleasure sounded in the room as each thrust moved the rod inside him, and when he pushed out, it hit his prostate hard, and he quickly was back up to the brink of orgasming those prostate-induced orgasms again, and he roared in the room shaking the building.

I couldn't help but wonder if other customers heard that in this sound-protected room. But I didn't care as I watched Avery orgasm a third time without being able to ejaculate even a drop of semen. 

Now, I couldn't take it myself. I wanted my release as well, and this beast needed a reward. I pulled back, and he roared, "FUCK~!" Again as I reached down and undid the first restraint and I could see his eyes flash as I reached up to his cock while my other hand went to the restraints. I pulled out the sounding rod as I unlocked the second restraint, and his cock shot up against his stomach, looking angry and veiny. I could see the lust and desire for revenge in his eyes.

I reached up and whispered in his ears as I unlocked one hand, "You're mine to do with as I please; you will wait for my order before touching me."

The order was there, and I wondered if he could even hear it. I was looking forward to what was next either way. No matter what, in the end, I got what I wanted. 

I reached up and unlocked the last restraint, and I stepped back and saw him looking at me. I could see the mixture of emotions. I could visibly see him looking me over, and I stepped back, "Ah, Such a good boy, Like a dog waiting for their master to give them permission to eat," I mocked, "Come get it, boy, Come get Mistress!" I finally said, and just like a dog, he was on me in a second. 

Avery's large hand grabbed me by the neck, lifting and tossing me onto the table. I could feel his mana swirling, and I brought my energy up to boost my body as he rammed me against the table, which would have bruised me without my energy. My pussy was dripping as the beast grabbed one leg and spread my legs. I could see his desperate need to fill me at this moment. 

It was cute, and the beast suddenly couldn't even find the entrance to my cunt in his impatience. But he got it after a couple of seconds, and the lights in my head flashed as my unused cunt suddenly had ten inches of massive Devil cock pressing up against my cervix. I could feel him shiver inside me and throb. I could feel that he was near the edge, and I wondered when he would realize things were not going to be easy for him.

He started thrusting and I moaned with the brutal thrusts deep into my cunt. "Ah~ AH~," I moaned, feeling the pleasure through my spine as his mana-fueled hips slapped hard against my cunt in the hardest fuck I ever had in my lifetime. I could feel it in my bones, and I moaned as my body easily took the strain, and I cried out.

Avery was lost in his lust as he reached forward and grabbed my breast and pulled me off the table just by my breast and grabbed my ass a second later as I wrapped my arms around his neck, following what he wanted into a standing fuck with him using his arms to fuck me as fast as possible. I could feel his need to orgasm inside me. I moaned, and my pussy erupted as I easily orgasmed with sadistic glee as Avery tried to cum. He was thrusting harder and faster without restraint on using his mana.

I rode him so hard and fast that I would need a speed radar to know how fast we were going, and I cried out, squirting all over the floor and his legs. I was right; this was amazing; I never had sex like this as I sadistically wrapped my cunt tightly around his quivering desperate cock that was trying to reach orgasm. It was trying, and I could see him dry orgasm as he ruthlessly and mindlessly fucked me, and I could feel it. 

The blockage of cum was about to break inside of his cock, and I felt it as suddenly Avery roared as I moaned. It was amazing as I felt his cock widen inside me. I felt it get longer and bulge at certain points and suddenly jettison a thick, soupy semen deep into my womb. It blasted my cervix, giving me an odd pleasure that fueled yet another amazing orgasm through my body that made me shiver and blank as he continued to fuck me hard and fast.

His mana-fueled body slapped against my energy-filled ass with a resounding noise, and I cried out as he filled me.

Avery shuddered, and his mind seemed to blank. I watched him literally start to fall forward, and I pushed him back so that he would be on the ground and I would be atop him. He fell almost like a statue as he was in his post-orgasm bliss from finally being able to release all of that cum inside me.

"Avery," I purred feeling my full cunt and womb with his massive hard cock still inside me, "Is that it?" I asked, my voice coy.

I could see that in his post-orgasmic bliss from that massive orgasm, he was trying to reinstate reality. His eyes narrowed, and he snarled, "Mistress, You promised an entire night for me to do what I want."

Smiling, I looked into his eyes, "Then be a good boy and make your Mistress cum."

Avery started to follow every order I gave him.



Thank you for Reading. Just a heads up, I have released two new short stories on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. If you are interested, you can look up the stories:


Stories of a Futanari S ranked Adventurer: Meeting a Pair

The Rich Girls Futanari Maid is a Masochist: Discovery


Check them out if you're interested. Thank you all again for enjoying my story. Please Comment, Rate, and Review the Story if you are interested in doing so


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Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6: