Chapter 221: Midnight Smuggling Run

It was time, and I had been working without even stopping to sleep except one moment when I sent Avery away, telling him I was up to something. I had told him to go and think about that night and ensure that it was what he wanted going forward. I even made it look like I hated that side of myself a little. It would give him time to think that I was someone who felt guilty for treating him like that. Like I treated my toys, and it was all a fetish that I could not control, like his desperate want for a strong Tiger-kin woman. 

What a fool.

If Avery escaped my trap mentally, I would be more interested in him than if he started to confess his love. If he followed his current route, he would fall down a rabbit hole and slowly become mine mentally until he was a slave. The only thing that might change is if a new strong Tiger-kin woman showed up in the next few months. That was about the only thing that could also derail the train of him permanently becoming mine.

Humans, Demons, Beast-kin, or whatever race they were, all acted the same psychologically. 

Since I have been in this world, I have noticed something interesting. All the races except monsters tended to have the same brains. There were some subtle differences, but they were all the same as if they were hardwired the same way. I wondered if all these races had a common ancestor somewhere.

My mind raced to stupid places as I hoped everything would go perfectly. The people driving were the drivers on the docks that were coolies. They had no main work and the combination of different races. It didn't matter to me what race they were as long as they completed the job. 

My mind was racing off in random directions again, and I shook my head as I was on a cart riding toward the destination tonight. I hired some random collies from the port that were not working tonight, and I was offering more than average if they would come to work for the night. I had ten people now driving carts that I rented from a transportation company, and we would reach our destination just as the sun dipped behind the mountains.

It took an hour, but we arrived right when I wanted. We pulled up, and I noticed there were no guards in the area. Usually, when it came to the docks, there were a couple in the area to ensure no smuggling occurred. This is why we were here: a cutter was coming into a small little dock, followed by another ten more, with one already on the dock with large boxes on it, and we would have our work cut out for us. Luckily, the horses were rested and fresh despite the lateness of the pick-up, and I hopped off with the other collies. 

This is our work tonight, boys; I have no idea who these are for or why they are coming here, but we are each being paid a gold coin for it. Let's move," I told them, and they got to work. It was quiet with the waves hitting the shore, and in the distance, you could hear drinking and the general noise of a coastal city at night with men and women drinking. Suddenly I started to hear a woman loudly moan as she got fucked, and a couple of the Coolies chuckled as they worked. You could even hear the slapping of flesh together, and we all worked to the sound of this woman having the time of her life. It was funny in a way, and I wondered if the woman was a whore or if the man was just that good and she was not faking it with the screams she was giving out.

More cutters came from out of sight in the darkness, and the moon had not risen to light up the corner streets where the torches had not been lit. We worked quickly and hard putting boxes full of luxuries onto the carts, and I wondered how the hell they got all this shit. I wondered what they had stolen, but the Lich told me it was a payday and a significant investment for me to liquidate.

It took us hours to pack everything, and cutters kept coming and going, bringing things ashore. The last one showed up as we were filling up the last cart. I was happy that they brought just a bit less than ten full cart loads as if we were over, and it would have made things awkward.

We moved and finished filling up the carts. "Okay, We are almost done; a couple of hours of hard labor, and I am taking you all out to a tavern on my coin," I announced to the Coolies, and they were all smiling. I hopped onto the carts with them just as the moon started to fill the streets with just enough light. The horses labored, and we started to move through the dark city, quickly approaching the areas with light and the areas where carts were still moving around. We would blend into the crowd of late-night deliveries into a warehouse near the inns before I got in contact with Carl. 

The night was dark, and I was keeping an eye on all the collies driving the carts. I could not afford to lose these carts, and I could not afford to have them try and steal them. The things inside the cargo we were carrying were too hot. If anyone of them tried to run, then I was fucked. I watched as they all drove their carts, and I prepared the last things that I was prepared to do. 

Everything was planned, and it was now the last part as we reached the Warehouse. I was grateful as we reached the main streets and joined the other carts for a short distance. Then, we turned to a small warehouse I rented in the middle of the city. It would look like every other warehouse, and the carts started moving in and filed to the outside the warehouse. I showed the men the ten gold coins that were among my last. I was going to be spending all of them on these guys.

"Come on, unload, and you only have a short distance to go to return the carts, and you go home with a heavy purse," I told them, and they worked hard. In a couple of hours, we unloaded all the heavy boxes into the warehouse, and I had put an enchantment last night on the warehouse. I was a little low on energy because of it, and as we hopped into the carts, the warehouse became less worthy of notice. It was one of the enchantments from the book I got from the system not too long ago, although it felt like years.

I got them all to bring them back to the rental area, and I handed all of them their gold coins and shook their hands with my claw poking them. "Good work, your pay. Remember you just did a normal delivery tonight, and I will come to find you boys again with just as much of a payday as this time." I told each and every one of them. 

I poked each one a little with my claw and sent them off with a gold coin and a smile. As soon as they all left, I moved quickly. I jumped into the building and destroyed my rental record, but I paid for the service upfront. They would have no reason to look for me, and there was no damage done to the carts or the horses, as their stable accepted the horses.

No one was the wiser, and my smile turned sinister as I walked away and back toward the warehouse. All those men would slowly forget about tonight from a poison I got from an alchemist in the Demon lands. I tested it over the one day I had, and it would fog the person's thoughts and make them forget something that happened earlier in the day. I found out by pegging a young man and then poking him with this poison. After eight hours, he completely forgot the last two days with only a side effect of a terrible, terrible cough. The Alchemist told me they would recover after forty-eight hours.

That was good enough for me. Who cared if they died? I only cared that they would not rat me out.

It's too bad I had to have a small chat with Carl to learn about her. Now he knows I have the shipment, and we will have to talk again soon.