Chapter 256: A Stroll through Weak People Village

The Tenth floor was nothing sensational.

No, Worse, it was boring as fuck because it was like the first floors of the dungeon. 

Killed to extinction.

People were ahead of me, slaying everything as I went from room to room. I walked down the slanted rooms with my pets in tow and eyes watching me as I passed. I stood out like a sore thumb, but that did not matter to me. I continued to travel and arrived on the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, and then fourteenth floor, all without being able to kill a monster. They were being killed by Adventurers already in the depths of the dungeon, so I continued.

The Fifteenth floor allowed me to kill another boss, which was two dog-like monsters with curved weapons and snarls in their throats. They attacked as soon as I entered after bypassing a group of Adventurers talking. They were stunned as I just walked in without caring, and Kitty immediately lashed out and tore out the throat of one of the beasts almost instantly. Her agility, being her focus, was still evident, and my Tiger Zara took second blood, killing another. I just continued to walk through the room, and my pets killed them all.

Clearly, the upper floors were of no use to me, and I frowned. It is going to take me days to get back up after traveling downwards, isn't it?

I continued to the Eighteenth, where I decided that I should at least get some damn information on what was happening deeper in the dungeon or if there were faster ways up and down. When I felt the tunnel even out, I appeared in yet another beautiful forest. It was bright and shiny, but you could not tell where the source of light was coming from. It was there, but you could not look straight at it, and it seemed to shift when you looked away from it.

The path was dirt, and I walked along it and ended up in a small town bustling with activity. Stalls were out, and people were bartering with serious expressions. I walked into town with my pets following me and saw someone walk up to me. "How much for the Cat-girl?" the man asked, and I turned to the man, actually looking at him. He was in leather with two short swords and a pack full of supplies.

"No, it's not for sale. This little Kitty is my toy, and I like playing with her," I replied bluntly, seeing the man blush. 

"I have-:"

"I don't care if you have coins," I told him as I walked past him, and Kitty did, too, making him angry. Now, tell me where the Inn is or somewhere I can get information, or I will kill you right here and now for bothering me," I finished, and the man opened his mouth and shut it, his eyes widening.

"W- What?!" he exclaimed, and I snapped my fingers. Kitty had her claws at his neck the next second, knowing my intent, and the man gulped, "It is the largest building in the village once you go through the walls." He told me, and I grinned. I walked past him, where Kitty kept her claws against his neck for a second before I clicked my tongue. She was quickly back down on her knees and following up behind me. 

What I found a moment later through the little village was a much larger town surrounded by walls, and I wondered what that Village was about. I could see a large building in the center and heard someone cursing behind me. I knew the man would probably follow me because of the bruise ego but if he was smart he was just coming into this town.

Not long later, after walking past the guards at the door of the wall who were surprisingly vigilant, I walked straight to the largest building. Once I entered that, I instantly knew I was in the equivalent of the Adventurers Guild, and I walked up to the busy Reception. I decided that I did not care to wait, and I grabbed the young man in metal armor before my shoulder and tossed him to the side. The man flew a bit, and he coughed. The receptionist looked surprised.

"What~!?" The boy yelled. I looked at the young woman with brown hair and nice, clean clothes before me. Her breasts were no more than B cups, and I glared at her.

"Excuse me, I have a couple of quick questions. I am wondering if there is a faster way into the depths of the dungeon and a faster way back up than walking my perfect ass down to the bottom floor." I stated, and the girl looked toward the boy, and I sighed. "I am talking, not the boy now," I said, and the girl looked at me surprised.

"S—Sorry, um, no, you have to walk down. That is why the rest of the floors are so important, " the girl said, stuttering, and I cursed and turned to walk out.

"Wait up!" The boy yelled, and I turned to him.

The boy had brown hair, and I could see the anger on his face, and I shook my head. "No, Fuck off, you can resume your business," I told him, and I heard him pulling out his sword from the sheath.

"I told you to wait, woman. You assaulted me," He snapped, and I heard his sword come out of the sheath. I turned back around, and I looked at the receptionist.

"What are the rules pertaining to murdering another person who drew their sword on me in the guild?" I asked loudly, and the once loud guild went silent. everyone was now staring at me and the boy, and his face turned red, and he got into a defensive stance like he was some hero.

"It is against the rules, with a large fine and potentially slave time," The Receptionist replied, and I turned around.

"That rule just saved your life, boy. Make sure you do not see me in the dungeon, or you might not be so lucky," I told him and walked out.

This time, no one stopped me, and the man I threatened before looked scared as he entered the guild as I walked toward the next floor of the Dungeon. I would need to sleep at the next rest floor. It was going to be a pain in the ass if this was going to be a pain in the ass if I had to do the same thing coming back out.

Then again, that was what I was here for. It is just that I now regret getting those slaves I need to train. I would have to fix them up before selling them and being done slave training until I complete my goal here in the dungeon. 

As I walked deeper into the mythical dungeon, my thoughts were on what to do with the slaves on the surface. So far, it had been a deep letdown.


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