Chapter 260: Public Outing

For the first time in a while, I felt genuine excitement for something right around the corner. Did my tigers pick up on a couple of my tendencies or not? It would be something of a question since I never talked to them before. If anything, they were the first true children I had in both my lives. In my previous life, I never wanted kids either, but in this one, I stole them and trained them selfishly. However, now, I had to admit I was a little attached to them. They were my creeping Tigers. They came out of nowhere and ripped monsters' flesh out.

I watched as they ripped apart minotaur's for days now. Kitty and the tigers were getting more and more synced, and I was beginning to believe it was time for us to head down to the next safety floor, but I decided to take a break back on our current one before heading down. So we turned around and started back up, and it was not long before we had to kill our way back up till I met with another group. Then, together, we killed our way up. The group did not have much to look at, but they headed the same way. I was glad how mapped out this place was because I took the most direct route while others could take off the rare branching paths.

When we made it back, the perpetual day inside the floor continued, and I made my way into the walls and to an inn. I walked in and noticed that there was something going on. It was one of those things that made you think that being single was much better than being in a relationship. But I also wanted to eat, and the Inn did not allow meals to be taken upstairs, so I sat down and got the bar wench to bring me some mead and a nice meal before sitting down for the show.

"I cannot fucking believe it; you are such a fucking bitch!!" the man yelled, and I heard a couple of people gasp.

"I am a fucking bitch? You are a small dicked asshole who can't fucking cast a goddamn spell in the bedroom to save your life!" She yelled back at him, and she pointed at him. "I put up with your bullshit all the time. You were always so fucking grabby while we were going down into the dungeon, you fucking pervert," She snapped, and I watched as the woman poked the weaker-looking man, and I decided to inspect them. 

The woman was in leather armor of some kind. A thin blade was attached to her hip, and there was clearly blood on her leather armor. Her breasts were around C cup, I guess, but the armor looked pretty tight as well. On the other hand, the man was in a robe, which I always hated about being a wizard. But his was this blue that had intricate designs on it for some reason, and he lacked the rare staff that so many wizards coveted. He looked pissed, with his white skin turning a deep crimson from that anger and embarrassment. It was funny to see that he looked like a tomato, and the bar wench was looking annoyed as she walked around them.

She set a large plate out for me and put food for Kitty and my tigers on the floor, which I had ordered before I tossed her silver. Then she turned to leave. The two were not done, though.

"I am a pervert? I'M THE FUCKING PERVERT?" The man yelled, and I saw the woman's eyes widen. "Says the fucking woman who wants to be treated like a fucking slave whore in the bedroom. That's right, everyone, Hilda, The Blade Star, she wants to be treated like a whore, and punished like one!" He announced, and her face turned crimson, and I was now interested.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" She screeched, and she pulled out her blade, and I decided to act.

I snapped my fingers, putting energy into it, and the bar went silent as the energy dispersed and people felt the threat. "You two, you're in an INN, for fucks sake. Girl, Come here, NOW!" I snapped, and she was walking over to me with a blush on her face, "You will put your sword away, Boy," I snapped, pointing at the man, "If you want to sleep inside somewhere in town tonight, this is not the INN. You DO NOT yell out people's kinks. Would anyone else here like it if their fetish was announced to the world?" I shouted, being the 'nice woman.'

People all looked away, and he looked at me furious, "Now, take your wizard ass out of here, and I will not pursue this further." I said, my voice keeping everyone silent.

I might not be the only B ranker in this room, in fact, the Wizard I was shouting at and the woman I felt might be B rankers. I could also feel about three more B rankers in this Inn alone but I was the one dealing with the mess and no one else wanted to.

"Y- You're right; I should not have done that," The man said, regaining his composure to my shock. It took a smart man and a disciplined man to back out like that. I think she hit a sore point to bring about how pissed off he was. "I will depart and thank you at another time; I was stupid and almost started a fight." With that, the Wizard took a deep breath, went to the door, and stopped. He turned around, "Sorry for making a scene," He said apologetically and turned to depart, and people went back to their food.

"You, Sit," I snapped, and the girl found herself sitting in my booth as I started to eat. She watched with a blush, and when she moved to get up, I turned and glared at her. She then sat down as I continued to eat. She shifted in her seat a little.

"C- Can you say something?" Hilda asked, her voice unsure. I raised an eyebrow, looked at her, and continued to eat. She bristled in her seat and made to get up, and with my glare, she sat back down. I made her wait for over twenty minutes where she tried to get up and leave multiple times. I made her wait and held her down with sheer expressions. Then I saw her break a little, "Why am I still here?" She asked, her voice getting annoyed.

I turned to look at her and replied, "You can leave if you want."

Those words seemed to shock her, and so she went to get up. Then I turned my gaze cold, and I snapped, "Sit."

She sat right back down, turned to me, and blushed harder. "You are making fun of me," she complained.

"Nothing but you is making you sit; who said you have to listen to me?" 

She blushed harder, and she could tell that I was making use of her own mentality. I was almost finished with my dinner, and she was there looking like I hurt her, and I finished and sighed. "So, You want to be a slave?" I asked bluntly, and she blushed harder.

"T-that asshole," Hilda cursed, "I- It is just a fantasy," She admitted.

"Ah, A dark fantasy," I said slowly, and I let the silence between us fill with tension, then I turned. "Kitty, Up," I ordered and tapped the booth seat beside me. Kitty instantly got up on the seat and crawled over to me. And I started to scratch behind her ear, and she purred, moving into my hand. "So you would not like something like this being done to you?" I asked bluntly, even as I saw Hilda's face fill with envy. She blushed and turned away.

"Absolutely not," Hilda replied after regaining a bit of her composure.

"You know, Hilda, I am a real Slave trainer," I told her slowly, and she looked at me shocked. "See Kitty here?"

"Nyah~!" Kitty cried out, and I started to stroke her black hair back, and she purred more.

"I trained her to be like this. Do you want to know who she was before this?" I asked, and Hilda nodded without thinking.

"She was an assassin that tried to kill me," I told her, and I smiled as she looked shocked, and I turned to Kitty. "You used to be such a naughty kitty," I said, chiding Kitty, and she looked sad.

"Nyah~~~." Kitty sadly replied.

"See, I know how to play with a slave; the question is, do you want to feel your fantasy or not?" I asked bluntly. "To feel the pleasure of Masochistic submission to a Dominant woman?" 

Hilda looked at me, shocked, and I continued petting her, making her purr more. Hilda looked at her, then me, then back to Kitty, and she shivered. "How do you do this to one of your kind?" Hilda asked, and I chuckled.

"I grew up with humans owning me, Slave," I said, my voice dark, and I saw Hilda Visibly shiver, "You humans do it to each other; why should I feel shame when I do it to someone who tries to kill me?" The questions made her hang her head, and I got up, "Kitty down," I ordered, and she turned around and crawled out of the booth. As I walked behind her, I turned to her as I got out. "I will offer this once, Slave," I told Hilda, who shivered under my gaze as I pinned her to the booth with just my eyes, and I leaned down to ensure only she could hear.

"If you want to be treated like the masochistic slave slut you are and that Wizard outed you as then you sit here, you will do nothing till you decide. But you must remain seated because the moment you get up to come to the last room on the right, you will have to follow three orders before you are allowed in." Hilda looked at me, shocked. "What, you thought I would treat you like a bitch just because you want me to?" I sneered, and she trembled, "You fucking Slave sluts and your presumptuous thoughts. Why should I do something just because you have submitted?" I asked, and I leaned up to her ear, "You are nothing fucking special. You are a whore slave, now," I paused, "If you want to be allowed into my room, you will sit here, and you will do NOTHING, no matter who talks to you, you will wait one hour, then you will prop, one leg up on the booth, and put your hands in your pants and start to flick your bean thinking about being dominated. Then once you cum, three times, you may come upstairs; if you do not follow these orders, you will NEVER feel my touch." I stood, and I grinned, "Good luck slut; see if you can earn this Mistress's favor or back out like a pussy bitch." I turned, and I whistled orders to my tigers.

Zara stayed behind with orders to watch and see if she did anything out of the ordinary. I could not get a full description, but Zara was not stupid. So I headed upstairs and headed to my room and started to laugh. What a fucking find, a Wizard yelling out a B rankers fetish was like a gold bar landing in my lap. I would be stupid not to take it with me.

But first, she needs to learn the pleasure of true submission. I wonder if she could escape the cloud of horny feelings and keep composure to find a more trustworthy mate.

I guess I will find out in an hour.


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