"Ok, i'll choose my new skill now"the mc said

[Sure is there any skill in ur mind now]

"yeah kind of, so how powerful is grade A skill…?"the mc asked

[in human world every Noble family have 1 skill and some family got 2 then they will be live at the same level as the king]

"oho… and i got 10, didn't that mean I'm like god in human world" the mc shoted excitedly

[kind of, put if u want to have the god tittle u have to get grade H skill and powerful bloodline, if u get this two things automatically the system will add god to ur race]

"so when can i get grade H skill…?"

the mc asked

[when the owner have system level 5 all of ur skills will upgrade to grade S and u'll have 2 chooses]

[the first one is to upgrade a skill to G.H and get new G.S skill]

[or get new skill with G.H]

"so it won't be soon, sigh … anyway if get seal breaker at grade A can i have my memory back…?"the mc


[u won't have all ur memory back but some of them, to get all ur memory back u should upgrade the skill to G.HG]

"it's good to, better than don't remember anything about myself" the mc with mocking smile


"use it on me" the mc said

[0.1%,2.4, ...26%]

[ this is the limit of G.A skill]

"it seem that i can't remember how i dead but at least remember my name and some random things from my past life"

'so i can remember my life from the age 14 till 18 , my name is Mado , and now i understand why i remember the animes, mangas and many novels and don't remember my family , the time that i spent watching animes and reading novels and mangas is much longer than want i spent with my family'

"haha, it seem that i was quite popular at school at least maybe not the smartest but the i was quite smart and have many friends, at least i know that i wasn't 100% weirdo"

"now now now my beautiful system i haven't ask u do u have a name…?" mado asked

[ no i don't have one, i have been only few hours since my born]

"so do u want me to give u a name" mado said with exited experience

[ sure if the owner want i'm happy with it]

"don't call me owner, call me mado,and about ur name how about john and i'll be roy (day and knight) or u can be sara and i'll be dr.who" mado said

[ if u want me to choose then i want sara i think it's quite cute]

"now with his new owner sara is the must beautiful name"mado said with smile

[ hmph…now u start flirting me after u said u don't want me in ur harem]

" how said I don't want u in my harem i just said i get tired of reading, no matter what sexy girl is a sexy girl , mind or body not the important thing right" mado said with shining smile

[hmph don't tease me] this time the white words mixed with red

" hohoho it seem u are blushing now"mado didn't want to stop teasing her he thought she quit cute even if it's only word

[ do u want any other skill] sara trying to change the topic

"hehe, ok the second skill is information gathering"


"ok i want to know about this world that I'm in" mado active his new skill

[ this place is the demon world it's a deserted world cuz the skill grade is low we can't get the information about the reason why but i can tell u that there is not other life being in this world other than u]

"that f*ckin' god" mado said while looking at the sky and raise the middle finger with his both hands


a lighting strike hit the ground few millimeter away from mado

'he didn't kill me it seem the power behind him have the upper hand it's thanks to it that i can get this system'

" now my dear sara don't give a sh*t to the brainless thing in the sky and let's talk about this place" mado said and still raising his middle finger to the sky

[ you you… sigh ok what do you want to know about this place]

"hmm, how to get out of this world"

[this information is G.S so i can't give it to u]

"ok then can u give me a tip or something that can help me"

[ yeah there's many Temples here u can search in them]

"then i'll do that, but can't i teleport from this place place if i get the skill…?" mado asked

[ G.A teleporting skill can help u teleport any place in this world but teleport u to another world]

"so what the grade that i need to do that"

[ from ur memory i saw a novel about MC got smartphone from a goddess but his teleporting From world to world can done once a year]

"yeah the name of this novel is (traveling thought his phone) i remember i read it at webnovel app …"mado realized something when he was talking

"u mean that i can go to anime high school dxd like the MC of that novel"mado said with shocked experience but exciting at the same time

[ yeah u can hack the universe it's esey to just teleport to anime or manga world]

"hell yeah i'll be the Pirates king or maybe the hokage haha i'll go yo high school dxd and take all the girl …" mado get excited and shots about what he want to do in the future

"sara quick get me that skill"


" the mc of that novel ger his own world inside him i want one" mado said with shining eye


" is that mean i can get skill with other skill and don't need the to level the system up or get point"

[ before i answer ur question i think u got something wrong when u level the system up u don't get new skill, but u can upgrade the skills]

" hmhm then when i level the system up to level 2 what will i get"

[i don't know my level is low yo look for this]

"sigh ok what about my question"

[ yeah u can great ur own skill and even learn skills from books or u can go to school to do that]

" that's good , so i get space controlling with the inner world it won't count as one of me 10 skill right"

[no it won't count as one]

"good then i still have 6 skills to think about"


u what's up guys if u found any wrong in my writing please tell me about it that'll help me at my study.