Buying a land 2

mado and aurora didn't stay with nina and mira for too long, they said good bye and continued walking.

mado used his x-ray vision and looked at the sexy girl, he want to try if this will work or not, and while using the X-ray vision he put and illusion on his eyes since he didn't want the girl know that he looked at their bodys.

after he tried it on a black haired woman who was walking beside them, the woman felt a cold chill on her back as if someone was looking at her nacked body so she turned her head to look for the pervert who was looking at her, but she couldn't see anyone near her was looking.

'the woman sense is really something' mado thought and opned the EXP point bar.

[EXP system level]


'hahaha, my system will update soon' mado was really happy that he can level his system up soon.

while looking at the women's bodys he asked sara about something that he couldn't ask yesterday.

'sara can i remove the owner level'

[why…??!, if u remove it the class faction will get remove too]

'i was thinking my status is limited by the level so if i can remove it i can remove the limits' mado told her about his idea.

[i think it make since but i'm not sure there's no information about this]

mado thought while looking at the nacked women in front of him and told sara to do it and she did.


[now u can make yourself stonger by training and first magic power]

mado after he heard that he focused on looking at women, and continued like this all the way till they reach the office of aurora's father.

"we are here" aurora said, and hold mado's hand and entered the office.

"baba i'm here" aurora said to mid-age man who was sitting behind the table looking surprisingly at them, certainly at their hands.

"aurora, who is he…??!"ರ_ರ the father asked.

aurora just noticed that she was holding mado's hand, her face turned red as tomato and tried to fix the misunderstanding on her father.

"he- he's my sensei, he came he withe to buy a land" mado chuckled at her blushing face.

"hi, nice to meet you" mado greeted him.

"hi nice to meet you too, what kind of land do you want to buy" aurora's father greeted him back and asked.

"i want to build a house so i want ot to be big" mado said

"how big…?" aurora's father asked curiously.

"about 7500 quarter foot, since tge house that i'm going to build is quite big." mado answered him.

(7500 foot² is about 700 m²)

aurora and her father looked at him surprisingly because they know how cost a land with that big , her father thought mado is really rich man and came from some big noble family.

"may i know which family this sir came from"

"i have no family in this world" mado said with sad face cause he remembered that his father and mother in his original world have been killed by that bitch witch who married his uncle and killed him and used a cheep track to show like he had died by heart cut.

aurora's father felt like he had done something wrong by asking that question, and in the same time thought that mado is really amazing to made all that money by himself, if he know about mado's first magic he will never think of this for a second.

"any way I didn't ask you what's your name…?" mado asked aurora's father.

"oh sorry for my rudeness, my name's kirere hudou" hudou introduce himself.

mado and hudou shaked hand and mado introduce himself " mado bel a new teacher at magic school".

"i know a land correspond of what you want, there's a noble family have been in problem and have been kicked out and stripped of there position as a noble" hudou told them the story of this family, this family name's amino, mado when he heard this name thought of sakura who have the same family name, and after that he continued hearing the story, he heard that the head of this family had been killed by an unknown assassin, and he's son who was sakura's father had run away when he made a maid pregnant, mado thought why would he run away isn't this normal for the noble , hudou told mado that the family head who was sakura grandfather is a righteous man so if he saw his san after he did what he done he would kill him immediately.

mado told hudou that he want to see the land.

mado was ready to go with hudou to the land but aurora ce and told them that she want to go with them but mado didn't agree and told her to put a water in a cup and put her finger while trying to get the oxygen out of it, even though she didn't want to but she didn't complain and just went to do what he told her.

hudou was surprised that his spoilt daughter who always didn't do what she don't want have been tamed by this man.

he looked at mado but mado didn't care about him because he was shocked right now after he heard unfamiliar voice in his head, that voice was really soft that made him fell really comfortable after hearing it and the owner of this voice wasn't other that sara.

mado opned his system and looked at the bar of EXP

[System level EXP]

Level: 2


'holy shit it's 10 times the last one if it continued like this it will be 10 trillion to level up from level 9 to 10 that mean i need to see about 83333333330 nacked woman and all that for one level, sara how much will i get if i have sex with a girl'

[500 but cuz you have harem king title you'll get 5000 that if you cum inside the girl, and if you didn't it will count as seeing a nacked girl, and if you get a handjob, blowjob and so you will get 500 with the effect of your title.] Sara said with her beautiful voice.

'ahh it really blissing for me to have you saying such a perv conversation for me'

[shut your mouth] she said and the window of the system have been turned red.

mado just smiled and asked what did he got with the leveling up.

[i didn't show you the notice cuz i wanted to surprise you with my beautiful voice]



'sara, who's the one who will give me the mission'

[The Heaven]

mado didn't have problem with that he asked cuz he thought the one who will give him the mission is that baster god.


'use them but i want you to change something in the lottery faction, i don't want a skills nor items i can made them myself so right now the only thing that i want is proficiency raising'

[ok i will change this for you]


