Building a house 1

mado asked mira which one of those bastards had slapped her, mira told that it's not really important.

mado asked her after yhat if she was ok with seeing a blood, but she told him that she was an adventure before so it's not really matter.

mado looked at nina and told her to hug him, she did what he told her to do, after that mado cut the 5 bastards arms they start screaming but mado made a sound barrier around them so the scream sound wouldn't come to nina's ears.

after 10 minutes there face turned pale mado made a basic healing for them but didn't give there arms back.


mado slapped the face of the bastards to make them back to there sense, there bodys was really weak cuz of blood losing.

mado asked them about the how much the debit was and who's the one who own this debit.

they answered him that the debit is 170 G.c and the owner of this debit is gemupurei husai he's the head of a family managing the underground in this country.

mado used his information gathering skill to know husai place wnd teleported the 5 bastards with a bag have inside it 170 G.c and letter.

mado patted nina's head and said " nina-chan you can look now" but after whe didn't get any response he looked at hear he saw that shw was sleeping so he lift her up in his hand and told mira to come with him.


in underground casino was a fat man sitting with two beautiful girl, when he was about to kiss them a 5 figure appeared in front of him and that mad the girls scream in surpris, he looked at them, and saw a bag and letter, he opened the letter and read it.

[there's 170 G.c, it's the debit that tinyoi yatu owed you, and don't come near his wife or daughter otherwise I won't show any forgiveness and kill you with all your family]

husai wasn't angry after he read the last words, but rather than that he was afraid because he felt killing intent that he have never felt like before.

now he was really happy that mado showed him his forgiveness and didn't kill him.


mado took mira and nina to the inn that he staying at and booked a room for them, and told mira that he will wake them up tomorrow morning to go to someplace.

mira took nina who was sleeping in his hand and said her good bye ,she went to the room that mado booked for her, and she was really happy that she had met mado today, and when she remember how she felt when he hugged her she blushed hard.

mado walked to his room and changed his clothes to the one he slept with the last day ,after that he slept immediately even though he know that he don't need to sleep but it was really comfortable, he thought it's easy for him to teleport in time to the time when the sun's raising but he didn't want to.


mado woke up and looked at the hour he saw it's 7 o'clock, he took his phone and sent the location of the land to his students and told them that they need to be there at 8:15 AM.

he didn't move from the bed, he just laid on it and talked with Sara, he thought it was really fun talk with her and heard her beautiful voice,

at least it's better than reading a words.

after talking to about half an hour after that he stood from his bed and changed to tracksuit, Mado walked out of the room and knocked shira and norame's door.


"mado-sensei, good morning why did you woke up this early." norame opened the door lazily and asked mado.

"early do you know what the hour now, didn't I told you to make an alarm to wake you up." mado said and added "sigh, anyway wake the sleepy head there and come let's have breakfast an go to the land that I bought".

norame nodded her head and close the door.

mado moved to mira and nina's door and knocked it, mira opned the door and greeted him she said that she was awake for about half an hour, mado asked her about nina she said that nina still sleeping she was really tired after a whole week being tracked by the debit men.

mado told her that this problem had done and this will never happened again.

she smiled to him and told him that she will come after 5 minutes.

mado walked to the first floor he saw the little girl that he saw at the first night in the inn, she was give the customers there breakfast.

mado greeted her and told her to bring a break fast to 5 persons, she went to the kitchen to tell her mother the request.

mado waited for a bit after that he saw mira who was holding nina in her hands walking to him, she sat near him.

directly after her shira who was still half sleep and norame came to when they saw a beautiful woman with him they was surprised but didn't say anything.

"good morning shira,did you stay awake for late time" mado asked shira who have black circle under her eyes.

"we was chatting with the phones that you give as so we forgot about the time" she answered him.

mado took his laptop and controlled the phones connect and made all his students ring without stop till they wake up.

after 4 minutes all his students had stopped the ring sound so he was sure that all of them had woken up.

"here the breakfast that you ordered" the little girl had come with the breakfast.

"thanks for your hard work Kota-chan" shira said

"thank you shira-nee-chan , are they your friends" Kota asked shira.

"this man is my sensei at school, and I'm sure the miss is his friend"

"hello Kota-chan how have you been??" norame greeted Kota.

"it's the same working till the night and after that sleeping." Kato said with tired tone.

"anyway I'll leave you now, I still have many work to do" Kota left to the other customers to take there requests.

"mado you told me that you'll take me somewhere today…??" mira said to Mado.

"yeah I want to ask you will you work as a chef in my new house" Mado offered her a work in the house.

she was surprised but she accepted his offer she now she don't have place to stay at and she can't work as adventure and leave her daughter, she was really grateful to Mado, he didn't only saved her but even gave her a new live.

after that mado introduce them to each other, mado poked nina's face and said " nina-chan wake up, the breakfast has come" mado woke nina up.

"mado-nii, mama is …sob" nina woke up and she was still afraid of what happened yesterday she start crying.

mado hugged her and said " shhh it's ok, your mama is safe now look" Nina looked at her mother and start calming herself.

"Nina it's ok mado saved as yesterday, it's ok now, let's eat the breakfast after that made will take as to new house that we will stay at.