Prologue (1)

"Magnus!!! Watch out!"


A metallic bat collided with the head of a young man that seemed to be in his mid-twenties. Looking at him right now, you'd know that he had been fighting for a long time because of his poor state and the blood on his light skin. Still, he did not look tired at all! As soon as the bat hit him, he stumbled forward before stopping in his track and look at the culprit with something that looked like an evil grin.

The young man who was named Magnus extended his hands and grabbed the hand of another guy who was about to punch him. He brought the guy closer to himself and elbowed him on the jaw, making the man stumble backward before he knocked him out with a clean Axe Kick. After finishing the guy he ran towards the person who hit him with the bat, along the way he dealt with many people that was trying to stop him from getting there.

As soon as he arrived, the culprit swung the bat horizontally aiming for his face. Magnus saw that coming, so he ducked, grabbed the man's two legs to lift him and slam him down on the ground.


A slamming sound was heard and the man lost consciousness due to the sheer impact of his head hitting the concrete ground. Magnus picked the bat and looked in front of him and saw two groups of people facing each other in what seemed to be a battle royal. This is a battle royal between two of the most powerful gangs ever seen in this nation.

Magnus is the leader of one of these two gangs, the white stars! They are not known for committing crimes and the majority of their members have never been to jail. They usually just chill, play video games, and manage the different businesses that will help them gain money. Though, when it's time to fight against an enemy gang none of them have ever run away once, it's like they were born to fight. Some of them even lamented about why they were not born during the warring states!

"Isn't it a little too early to lose focus? Come on let's beat these people and go play some Smash Ultimate!" One of his best friends patted him on the back before advancing forward and Knocking someone out with a spectacular kick.

"He's the only guy I know who can use Taekwando on the streets and still kick some a*s! I guess it really depends on the person, not the art itself."

After fighting for a long time the number of people dwindled down until there were only the members of the White Star left standing. They all wanted to celebrate their victory but wasn't able to because they heard the police Sirene coming their way. Magnus gave them a meeting point and told them to run towards different directions. Unfortunately, they were already surrounded by the police, the biggest gang in the entire nation!

"Seems like they were here since the beginning of the fight!"

One of Magnus's friends said looking at the increasing number of police officers slowly approaching them while having the guns pointing at them. Magnus nodded his head and took his phone out before dialing a number.

*beep* *beep*

Beeping sounds were heard and it alerted the policemen, especially one of the newly recruited officers who immediately shot a bullet at Magnus.


The bullet ran at an amazing speed before impaling itself in Magnus's skull, killing him instantly. Seeing one of their colleague's open fire, a myriad of bullets was shot towards the members of the White Stars who were devastated by the sudden death of their leader.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*



