Sneaking into other's territory

In a room of labour hall yan chan, yu shu and old hao sit to discuss about the matter of yu shu.

Old hao :" you sure , you want to take him with you."

Yan chan :" yeah, he can be big help for me. "

Old hao :" ok , but you have to take responsibility for him as he is no more valuable for sect so sect will not take any care for him."

Yan chan :" i know . He is my brother now and i will not let anyone to harm him."

Old hao now close his eyes and after some minutes he tells:" take good care of him. I once thought to take care of him but i can't do that responsibility so if he is now in good care i will be more happy."

Yu shu then comes in front and greets him. He is like a grandfather figure to him that's why after hus dantanian broke this old hao still helps him to stay in sect in his labour hall. That's all he can do yu shu also understand that. This is the reason he is so much greatful towards him. Both of them respect to old hao and return in yan chan's room.

Yan chan :" brother take rest here . I will make some preparation for you to fix you. "

Yan chan is now all to him . Whatever he ask he will surely do. So he nooded his head.

Yan chan goes to yang li to report his work. Then he meets with yo han and discuss his future plan . He now needs blood pool's blood drop to recover yu shu's injury. Yo han suggest him to go jin sun's family as disguise as he is the one used blood corsp . So yan chan tell him to look after yu shu till the time he comes. Yo han nooded.

Yan chan wants to do this job as soon as possible before entering the realm and he also has to train himself.

Yan chan take a note about jin sun's family position and run towards that position.

After travelling whole two days yan chan reach jin sun's family. It's a huge area like small village.

When he wants to enter there some guards stop him and ask reason to come here.

He tells them he wants to enter in their family. All guards now look at him. They now starts to interrogate him as why he wants to come in their family. Yan chan take the bet as only jin sun knows him and he must still in coma. Then he tells :" he is an orphan and wants to live by earning some money and they are niw searching for soldier that's why he came here."

Then one of the guards then take him to stage and tell :" now take the test to pass ."

Yan chan goes there and first take weapon handelling test then he fight against a soldier to show them his power. But yan chan didn't use his full power he hide some of his power.

Then the first in charge come and tell him you pass the test now go quickly and report your name their. Yan chan goes to report there . He sees like many of him has registered there or in line to register their name.

He now starts to think what will jin sun's family do taking so many soldier ." He also registered there. They provide him a bunker to stay . There yan chan starts to think his next step what to do next ?

But he is in lucky this time as they are taking all the soldiers to devour them into the blood pool to make them blood corspe. So wasting no time the front line soldier comes and and take them one by one into a room .

It's yan chan's time. He is also taken into that room and after they block the room leaving yan chan alone there after some time some blood flow comes down there through the hole of wall. Yan chan understand all the man taken here was thrown in there. He curse them fort their evil method. They are doing this hiding all behind the secne that's why after registered all if their name they were thrown here. They did it as soon as possible so no one detect it and that's why their recruiting process is so much simple.

But yan chan has jinxu tample so he jump there to avoid this blood flow. He now connects his soul in jinxu tample and take some drop of blood inside jinxu tample.

Now he has to leave this place but before he leaves he must punish them for doing there evil works.

Yan chan wait in jinxu tample till the guards coming here to check on him. When the door open and the guards enter , yan chan jumps out of jinxu tample and attack them with his full power. Then he throw them into this room and lock the room. After some time he hears their fearful voice. Yan chan now thinking to blast this blood pool . He observe carefully where the source if this pool. He sense a under ground pool and they are chanelling it from there to here. So yan chan slowly walks to that cave he sees there security is in high alert. Yan chan doesn't has any option. He wants to make it quick. So he brings out his ming yu sword and attack all the guards and took them down using also his fire attribute power.

He nowmakes his fire come in front and makes a huge bird shape fire nad target towards inside that cave. After some second a huge blast can be heard and the blood pool totally blasted. A huge commotion appear and lots if soldier got injured by that. As the long alarm can heard from every corner of that family. Even tge higher authority comes there to see what happens.

Yan chan hears someone yelling who was that bastered find him i will roast him to death . For him we just lost our long hard working results.

Yan chan now starts to walk beside the guards like he is also finding someone with them. As he takes exam and everyone in guards sees him to go there they don't suspect him. Yan chan comes out of the gate with the guards to search outside. now he makes his move and run quickly as of he vanish from there. The all searching guards return back and sealed the gate none of them remind of yan chan in current situation as he was not in their squad.

Yan chan running quickly towards the sect. He wants to reach there as soon as possible.