Winning the compition

Both of them takes all the ingredients and start their process. Yan chan throws one by one all the ingredients into the furnace and Pour fire energy into the furnace as fire soul is most important part for concoting phill . Next he circulates all his energy into that furnace. A burst of energy coming out both of their furnnace. The process is going on till two or three hours gone. Still both of them engage on their process. Yan chan now understand his opponents is not a simple desciple as he also keeps his process untill the end. So he takes bet and change his phill concoting method he now pour his thunder attribute power in the furnace when a fire and thunder power mix up a massive energy comes out from the furnace and goes towards the sky.

Everyone stupidly sees this action and starts to joke on him but two phill lord understand that yan chan making a force tribulation which usually seen after one comes into spirit realm but yan chan doing this by forcing and it's on concoting phill . It's a high level phill concoting process even they have to think before doing it because success rate is below 1% as total furnace can be break by it's power. Both if them looking now looking at yan chan. Hidden sect's phill lord thinking if this boy can do this then we must take a measure step. We can't allow this boy to grow in nine devour sect.

Back at the stage yan chan's tribulation begins to start and the furnace flown into that tribulation and a fierce thunder running through the furnace . When everyone sees this they become surprise. After some time tribulation stop and the furnace comes in front of yan chan.

Now yan chan looks at the furnace and smile at that time ru li also open his eyes and stand then tell :" it's done let the judge come and see our result. "

Yan chan :" sure. My process also done lets come and see."

When both of them tell their process is done the judge come down and tell :" open your furnace and show me your result. "

At that time ru li arrogantly comes in front and say:" i am taking out my phill and after that you will not have to embarrassed yourself by taking out your damn phil."

Every one in hidden sect's side again start to laugh.

Ru li open his furnace and brings out his phill and hand over to the judge. The judge takes it. It's a yellow colour decorate phill with beautifull outline. It's fragrance is also sweet. The judge test it clearly and declare :" it's a very good middle grade casting phill."

Everyone starts to make commotion as making a middle grade casting phill is very rare in this land and aftrr couple of years he can rule here. This time ru li say to yan chan :" now kowtow me."

Yan chan :" it's not over yet. " hearing yan chan's word everyone starts to laugh again , with middle grade casting phill yan chan still dreaming to win. Even the phill lord of nine devour sect also thinking that kind of thing. He sees in corner of his eyes that phill lord of hidden sect laughing and enjoying the show. He feels very helpless that there is no one in his sect that can match this phill.

At that time yan chan open his furnace and smoke comes out from his phill. Seeing this ru li say :" looks like your phill is burned down." And start to laugh. But yan chan doesn't see him and waiy for the smoke run out. Then he brings out his phill. It's a colourless phill and outline is not as good as ru li's phill. Seeing this ru li again start to mock him even the judge start to declare the winner will be ru li. That time yan chan tell:" i think you don't deserve to be a judge who doesn't look after the all compititor's result. "

Hearing mockery from yan cham the judge become angry and tell :" you think you can complete with this ru li's phill , you are stupid and even dare to insult a judge you have lost face to our nine devour sect. I will surely ban you in this sect. "

Hearing this yan chan tell :" i don't know why sect is guiding like this stupid." And completely ignore him and look at the phill lord of the nine devour sect and ask :" senior can you please observe this and announce the result."

Hearing this the judge become more furious and tell :" you dare to involve our lord in this."

Ru li also tells :" i think he becomes a mad man now."

But the phill lord suddenly tell :" ok, i am coming. " he stand up from his sit and comes in front if yan chan. Then tell :" give me your phill."

All of the people now thinking nine devour sect is making excuses that's why the phill lord involve himself. The judge also becoe silent this time and angrily looks at yan chan.

Yan chan hand over his phill . Phill lord takes it in his hand and observe it carefully after some time he becomes excuted and ask :" how did you do it ?"

Yan chan smile and tell :" can you crack it a little bit ?"

Phill lord do same as yan chan tell and a sweet fragnance comes out of it and all the people can smell it. Then the phill lord anniunce :" the winner in this compition is yan chan ."

Hearing thus everyone become puzzle and ru li directly ask :" what are saying ? How this ugly thing become first ?"

The phill lord of hidden sect also become angry and shout :" how dare you do this? "

The phill lord of nine devour sect tell :" my friend come here and see it with yourself."

He also comes down and takes the phill in his hand after some time he shout :" how can you make a high grade phill at such young age ?"

When everyone hears high grade phill they become silent, the judge also stupidly looking at the phill now.

Yan chan :" it's my luck." And don't narrate anything.

This time the hidden sect's phill lord tell ru li :" pack your thing we lost today here." Ru li thinks to start a fuse but when he heard his master's word he nooded and start to walk.

At that time yan chan tell :" do you forget anything you can't go from here wuthout giving me my prize. "

Every one now remember their bet . The phill lord of hidden sect tell :" you should let it go. Young age like you shouldn't make any fuse after we declare our loss."

Yan chan :" you know i am selfish when my bottom heat is hit by some dog and for that kind of dog i don't show any sympathy so i want my bet's prize right now and if you meddled in this matter i think i know how to destroy your reputation by declaring your so called false proud took a young boy's prize from his hand and everyone here is witnessed all this. "

Hearing this the phill lord tell :" don't overstepp yourself. You are young now and don't know the vast world ." Ask phill lord of nine devour sect :" brother you should tell him what is best for him ?"

Nine devour sect's phill lord tell :" i think it's youngster's matter and it's he who will decide what he wants ?"

Hearing this yan chan cleary understand his intention and tell :" when this bet is on you didn't tell anything , when i had been mocked by you guys did you tell anything? So get the ass out here and give me my prize right now. "

The hidden sect's phill lord looking angrily at yan chan and tell :" you will regret for this. " and walks off from there leaving ru li there. Yan chan comes in front of him . Ru li now get scare and tell :" brother let me go i will give you money, power anything you want ." Yan chan :" i don't need anything from you. " and throw fire towards him and shout :" brings out the cowdung here."

At that time everyone sees surprisingly a pile of cowdung comes from somewhere . And sees ru li standing almost fully naked as his cloth burned down. Yan chan now takes some of cowdung and pour into ru li's mouth and tell :" kowtow to me and call me master."

Ru li does as yan chan tell as he understands he can't do nothing now his all reputation now tornished even his master left him.

Yan chan now tell :" get the hell out of here now ."

All of the hidden sect's member looking at the scene and their prestige is totally tornished yan chan. They bring down their head and walks off from there.