When the sun was set they both decided to get home. They both went to the car and Kaiden started the engine. When they arrived Kaiden's house they went inside, they both saw Kaiden's parents sitting on the living room watching TV.

"Mom, Papa, we're home" Kaiden announced.

"There some foods in the dinning room, you can eat it if you are hungry" Kaiden's mom said.

"Are you hungry?" Kaiden asked Dwayne.

"No, I'm not" Dwayne answered.

"Oh, yeah I better go now" Dwayne stated.

"I'll give you a ride" Kaiden suggested and Dwayne nod his head.

"Mom, I will be right back, I'm going send Dwayne to his condo" Kaiden announced and walk out without waiting for his parents reply.

They went back to his car and drive to Dwayne's condo.

"Thank you for sending me here again" Dwayne stated.

"I told you, you don't need to thank me for all the things that I am doing for you" Kaiden replied then sighed.

"Okay, you should go in Good night" Kaiden said and he was about to close the window of the passenger door when Dwayne talk.

"Good night, Have a safe trip back home" Dwayne replied and smile then wave his hand.

Dwayne went in and go to his condo, he opened the door and walk towards his bedroom then he then laid down and think about how beautiful his yesterday is. He get to meet Kaiden's parents he have a lot of fun with Harleigh, he had a lunch with the Meiresones and he had a time resting and be with kaiden.

Dwayne felt tired and he yawned, he get up and change to his pajamas, he closed his eyes and sleep. When the morning came the smile on Dwayne's face is still on his. He gets up and ready himself for a new day.

Dwayne take a shower and then cook for his breakfast he is not in the mood to cook lunch.

"I'll buy something in the cafeteria for my lunch" He said it to his self.

When he finished eating his meal, he pick up his things and went outside. He waited for the bus to come. The bus arrived and he immediately step inside to have a seat. The bus got filled and he saw a grandmother standing. He looked around and he doesn't see a vacant seat.

He stands, "Grandma, you can seat here and i will be the one who will stand" He said and switched spot with her.

"Thank you, you're so sweet" The Grand ma said and sat to the chair.

He arrived at the company he saw Chris talking to a guy, he guess that the guy is the same age as he. He saw the guy walked away from Chris and Dwayne walks towards Chris.

"Who were you talking with?" He curiously asked.

"Nothing, just a friend" Chris said coldly and tightening jaw.

He begin to get worried because of Chris behavior he is not like this he used to be jolly and always teasing Kaiden and him.

"Okay if you said so" Dwayne said and was about to go to the company when Chris talk.

"What if I like someone who has a same gender as me? Are they gonna hate me?" Chris asked and laughed sarcastically.

"Others won't but others might do, their mind isn't on our hand and we can't control them, we just need to open our mind" He replied and fondled his shoulders.

"If you truly love him then go for it, don't mind them, follow your happiness because that is more important than anything else" He added and try to comfort him.

"Thank you now I know why does kaiden lo---" He paused half way through.

"Kaiden does what?" He questioned.

"Kaiden doesn't fired you, that's what I mean" He said, "You should go in the company kaiden might scold you" He added and wave his hand, Dwayne wave his hand and smile.

Dwayne went in to the company and he saw one of his employee packing up all his things and has a sad face.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Our boss fired me because I arrived late yesterday" He explained, "I'm the only one who have a work in our family" He added and cry.

"Stop right there okay? I'll talk to him" He comforted him and quickly run to the kaiden's private elevator, kaiden allowed him to use it.

When he reached the floor of their office he abruptly opened the door he saw kaiden working on his laptop he went to his desk and put his hands on top of kaiden's desk.

Kaiden looked at him confuse, "Why are you late?" Kaiden asked and face his laptop again.

"I had a little conversation with Chris before I went in" Dwayne explained and kaiden nod his head.

"Okay, go to your work now, we have a meeting after lunch" Kaiden announced but he doesn't moved, kaiden looked up to him again.

"What do you want?" Kaiden questioned.

"Why did you fire Felix?" He asked back.

"Because he arrived late yesterday and he didn't able to finish his work on time." Kaiden explained without an expression on hin face.

"But he is the only one in their family that has an occupation" He stated.

"Then? What do you want me to do?" Kaiden sighed, he doesn't want Dwayne to be upset.

"Give him another chance, please? I'm feeling bad for him" Dwayne pleased, kaiden sighed but nodded his head, he really don't want agree to this but kaiden doesn't want Dwayne to feel bad.

"Okay, okay I'm not firing him anymore" Kaiden stated then he reached the telephone on his desk.

"Felix Rome, come to my office" He said and put the telephone down.

After a minute someone knocked at the door. "You can come in" Kaiden announced.

"Yes, Sir" Felix said when he stepped in.

"Are you done packing?" Kaiden asked and Dwayne bump his arm.

"Almost, Sir" Felix answered.

"Pack all your things out, I'm not firing you anymore, I'll give you another chance don't be late again, Understood?" Kaiden announced and looked at Dwayne who is now smiling.

"Really? Thank you, Sir" Felix walk towards his desk and about to touch his hands.

"Don't touch me or else I will kick you out in here for real" kaiden announced with authority.

"And you don't have to thank me, thank this person he's the one who annoyed me" Kaiden added and points Dwayne.

"Thank you waynie" Felix said, kaiden furrowed his brows when he heard the nickname.

"Waynie?" He asked confused.

"Yes Sir we all calling Dwayne, waynie" Felix explained and smile.

"Okay, go back to your work" He command.

When Felix was gone, kaiden turned his attention to Dwayne.

"So they have a nickname for you, huh" Kaiden said sarcastic.

"Yeah, they have, they said Dwayne isn't suit for me but Ari is the one who initiated that nickname" He explained, he doesn't want him to misunderstand it.

"Thank you for giving him a chance" Dwayne happily said.

"Yeah, welcome go back to your work the clock will be hitting 12NN" Kaiden announced and Dwaynwe marched to his desk and do all his works.