Dwayne and Kaiden went back to their room and went straight to their bedroom then lay down on the bed.

"Do you think it's my fault?" Dwayne said and hugged Kaiden.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Kaiden look at Dwayne confused.

"Because I told you to hire him again." He said and look at Kaiden's eyes.

"Of course not, baby." Kaiden replied and kiss the top of Dwayne's head, "It's not your fault, don't blame yourself, okay?" He added.

"But, Felix stole a money from your company." Dwayne stated in a guilty tone.

"I know, but it's nothing to do with you, okay?" Kaiden said and gently brush Dwayne's hair.

"We need to take a rest, we'll be going back home later." Kaiden stated and hugged Dwayne.

They both sleep with their arms are around on each others waist. Dwayne woke up at 9pm and he saw Kaiden is still sleeping, he climbed down to the bed and went to the bathroom to take a bathe when he was done washing his self he stepped out to the bathroom and seat at the edge of the bed. He is drying his hair with a towel when he received a text from an unknown number.

From: Unknown number

You'll regret this.

To: Dwayne

Dwayne stopped drying his hair and he felt fear when he read the message, the message gave him a chills down to his spine, he keeps on staring on his phone until someone speak.

"What are you staring at your phone?" Kaiden said and rub his eyes then seat up.

"S-someone s-ent me a m-essage." Dwayne said stuttering and give the phone to Kaiden.

Kaiden read the message.

"Who sent you this?" he asked.

"I-i d-don't k-know." Dwayne replied.

Kaiden went beside Dwayne and hugged him,

"Calm down, I'm here no one can hurt you." He said while gently combing Dwayne's hair.

Dwayne felt at ease and the fear went gone he hug Kaiden and thanked him.

"Okay, I will take a bath then we'll go at the dinning room, okay?" Kaiden stated and Dwayne nodded his head.

After a while Kaiden stepped out from the bathroom without a shirt on.

"Baby, Can you get me a shirt?' Kaiden announced and look at the mirror then rub his hair with the towel.

Dwayne went to the closet and grab a shirt and he give it to kaiden.

"Thank you." Kaiden uttered.

Dwayne give him a smile and grab their bags and put their clothes inside. When he finished packing their clothes he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Can I borrow your phone for a minute?" Kaiden questioned.

"Yeah, why?" Dwayne said and he hands over his phone to Kaiden.

After a few minutes Kaiden give Dwayne's phone back and seat beside him.

"Let's go?" Kaide uttered and stand up then he held Dwayne's hand.

Dwayne intertwined their hands and they both stepped out from their room, they saw their friends and Kaiden's parents with his sisters. When Kaiden's friends saw them, they yelled at them.


"Waynie!" They yelled in chorus.

"Tss, stop yelling we're just in one hallway." Kaiden said in annoyance and approached them without breaking their intertwined hands.

"Brother? Are we really going home after we finish our food?" Harleigh asked with disappointment on her face.

"Yeah, I need to fix the problem of the company and I need to know who the hell is doing that stuff." Kaiden verbalized.

They walked towards to the dinning room together and have their meal. When they finished eating they had a conversation.

"What's going on in your company, son?" Mr. Leonardo asked.

"Someone stole a money from my company again." Kaiden replied and shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you know a person who can be behind this stuff?" Mr. Leonardo questioned and look at Kaiden.

"Yeah, we have but we aren't sure if he is the real person who is behind this." Kaiden answered then sighed.

"Who is it?" His father asked.

"Felix Rome." He shortly replied.

"We're going to do an investigation to it, Uncle." Kyle stated in a serious tone.

"Let's get going now." Kaiden stated and they all stand up and they all went back to their own rooms.

When Kaiden and Dwayne reached their room they immediately step inside and pick up their baggage and bags.

"Do you want to leave our clothes and other things here?" Kaiden asked Dwayne and look at him.

"Huh? Why would we? someone might use this room." Dwayne answered.

Kaiden sighed and put their baggage and bags down, "No one can use this room or this floor." he replied.

"Why?" Dwayne asked confused.

"Because this is my own floor, I don't allow other people to be place in here." Kaiden explained.

"Oww, that's why we, your friends and your family are the only people here at this floor?" Dwayne asked to be more clearly.

"Yeah." Kaiden answered and place all their baggage on the bed.

Kaiden pulled his phone out into his pocket and dialed a number.

"It's me, Kaiden Meiresone, i want you to go here at my room and clean it and put all the clothes at the cabinet, understand?" Kaiden stated before hang up the phone call.

After the call Kaiden look at Dwayne and held his hand, then they both stepped out of the room then they went to the lobby. When they arrived to the lobby they saw others without their bags too. They went outside and march to their own cars and climbed in. When they hit the road Kaiden saw Dwayne yawning.

"You can sleep, I'll wake you up if we are there." Kaiden said still focus on the road.

"I feel like, it's my fault." Dwayne said ignoring what kaiden said.

"It is not, baby." Kaiden glance at Dwayne and glance back to the road, "Now sleep and don't worry okay? No one is blaming you." He added and touch Dwayne's hair.

"Okay." Dwayne close his eyes and after a few minutes he is already sleeping.

Kaiden sigh when he remember the face of Dwayne with guilt, he can't forget that because that made him feel bad and he won't forgive Felix if he is the real person behind this he will pay for it, he made his lover feel bad and sad.