Kaiden and his friends stay in the second floor.

"We all aware that someone is stealing a money from my company, right?" Kaiden stated in a calm voice.

"Yes, Sir!" All of his employees said in chorus except Felix.

Kaiden's friend notice that.

"Did you saw someone went in at your boss's office?" Chris asked calmly.

"We didn't notice someone went in and Sir's office is a private place especially the floor where his office located." Cassandra stated one of Dwayne's friend here at the company.

"Is that so? and do you know who is the owner of this eyeglass?" Kyle asked too and let them see the thing.

They all notice felix looks away and they all smirk in their minds and look at each others like they are having a conversation.

"That's eyeglass is kinda familiar" Cameron stated.

William snatched the eyeglass on Kyle's hand, "Oh, really? who do you think the owner of this?" He asked and slightly narrowed his eyes.

"I-i don't really know but it looks familiar" She uttered while stuttering.

"Okay, that's enough" Kaiden announced, "Go back to your works" he added and walk towards his friends.

"We should keep eye on him" Jaypee stated.

"Yeah we should" Paul agreed.

They all went out to the floor and went to the cafeteria and order some foods.

"Who will going to buy our food?" Chris asked.

"What do you mean by WHO?" Kyle asked confused.

"Well, last time i treated you all, so now who's going to treat us?" Chris explained in a "matter-of-fact" tone.

" Paul? " Kaiden stated.

" Why me? " Paul pointed his self, " Jaypee should be the one "

" Why me? " Jaypee stated, "Kyle, you should treat us" he added.

" I already treat all of you earlier before we went in the company" Kyle uttered, "Maybe this guy here should be" Kyle added and points Sean.

Sean looks surprise, "Why me? William should treat us" He added and point William.

"Kaiden should be the one, he is the owner of this company and cafeteria after all " William stated and smirk at Kaiden.

Kaiden looks at his friends astonished "Seriously? you all are millionaires but you act like not." he stated, " Chris treat us again " he added that made his friends including his cousin laughs.

" Says by you huh? " Sean stated sarcastically.

"Tss, okay it's my treat today" Kaiden announced and his friends cheer.

When they already bought what they like to eat, they seat at the vacant table in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Did you saw how pale was he when he saw the necklace?" Kaiden started the conversation.

"Yeah, we were" William replied.

"I think he really is the person behind this stealing thing" Darsh uttered.

"What do you mean?" Jaypee asked.

"Remember when Kai, put the necklace out? If you saw his face you'll see how pale he was" Darsh answered.

"We all notice that idiot" William replied.

"Yeah, but Darsh point is when you look at his eyes, you can see how frightened he was back there" Chris continue and look at Darsh to know if his conclusion was true.

"Yeah, you are right and when Kyle put the eyeglass out..." Darsh stated again.

"He can't look at Kaiden or any of us in our eyes or in our direction he just like looking at our way but the truth is, he was looking on the other way" Sean cutted Drash words off.

"Yeah, you're right Mr. Detective" Darsh stated and smirk.

They continue eating until they saw a shadow sprinting infront of the cafeteria, they all stands up and follow the person. They saw him stop at the back of a car and dialing someone.

"I think they already know" The man murmured when the other line pick the phone up but enough for them to hear.

"Yeah, i will" The man stated before hunging the call.

The man turned his face on their direction but they reassured that they not caught by him, all of their accusations went cleared when they saw the man's face.

"It's Felix Rome" Paul murmured but enough for the others to hear it.

"So our accusations are true" Kaiden stated.

"But who is he talking to?" he asked.

Sean snapped his fingers, "That's the thing that we need to know" Seas stated.

They all both nodded their heads and went back to the to the cafeteria to continue their food, after eating their food they went back to the company and went straight to Kaiden's office.

"What are we going to do next?" Jaypee asked as he sat on the couch.

"We need to keep on eyeing him, we need to know who is the person behind the line" Chris stated.

"But we can't follow him all the time" Darsh stated.

"Yeah Darsh is right, we can't tail him around" Jaypee verbalized.

"We can tail him around all the time" Sean announced and the other men turned their faces on him.

"What do you mean?" Kaiden asked confused.

"I already put a tracking device and a small camera on his car" Sean explained.

"Great job dre" Chris stated and bump Sean's fist.

"Anyways, aren't we going to buy some foods?" Chris stated and his friends look at him with a sharp eyes.

"I thought we eat ALREADY" Darsh stated.

"I know but dre I'm feeling hungry" Chris replied and touch his tummy.

"Whatever, let's go, I'm kinda hungry too" Kaiden stated and stands up.

They all went out from the office and went to a shop near at the company and go in. They're all busy searching around at the shop when Kaiden saw Felix at the shop talking to someone but he can't see it clear because the person is hiding behind the shelves. But he can clearly see Felix.

He came back to all of his senses when someone patred his shoulder.

"What are you staring at?" William asked when Kaiden turned his face to them.

"I saw Felix talking to someone there" Kaiden stated and pointed the direction where he saw Felix but the guy is already gone.

"Are you sure you saw him?" Darsh questioned.

"Of course I saw him talking to someone" Kaiden answered.

"Okay that's enough let's go to the counter we need to pay this" Jaypee stated and pointed the cart half full by their snacks.